Chapter 264

Zyuganov's estimation is good. As soon as the news of the indefinite shutdown of the workers' new village was reported, the workers in Moscow were immediately angry. Worry, anxiety, all kinds of emotions stimulate those workers who are full of expectations for their new home. They immediately gathered in the downstairs of the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee in Moscow, and surrounded it. Everyone angrily cursed the Communist Youth League in Moscow, and they wanted to rush in and find out the people inside.

Standing at the window, looking at the chaos downstairs, Zyuganov contentedly lit a cigarette. The following people couldn't rush in at all. Zyuganov said hello to the Moscow internal affairs bureau early. The police downstairs lined up into a wall to keep everyone out.

"Secretary Zyuganov, you'd better go on! The crowd outside is very angry. If they don't go out, something will really happen! " In the room, a senior cadre of the Youth League Committee asked to yuganov.

"Well, it's all because some people, in order to achieve the ulterior goal, have caused such a big mess! Finally, I have to deal with the aftermath! Forget it... "Yuganov replied discontentedly.

A cigarette soon burned out, and Zyuganov walked slowly towards the gate, surrounded by people behind him. At the moment, Zyuganov has an unspeakable sense of satisfaction. With a smile on his face, he straightened his coat and tie. On the way to the gate, almost everyone consciously stepped aside and saluted him respectfully.


"Shameless liar!"

"Give us back our hard-earned money!"


Zyuganov went to the outside of the building, his ears immediately filled with heartless curses. However, these sounds were not pleasant to Zyuganov. He knew who these people were aiming at. After a while, he just had to get rid of the relationship between other departments of the Communist Youth League and put all the blame on ulyanov and the Ministry of youth workers.

A driver came to a car of the Youth League Committee and stopped in the middle of the yard. Zyuganov stepped on the hood and jumped on the top of the car. He took the loudspeaker from his hand, raised it to his mouth and said in the biggest voice, "comrades, calm down and listen to me!"

The crowd gradually quieted down, and everyone came here early in the morning just to discuss a point of view. Now someone has finally come out to talk with them. Naturally, we need to listen to what this person says.

"I'm the Communist Youth League in Moscow. In the end, he didn't care if he didn't show up. He just wanted to have a seat in the Ministry of youth work available. If Xie liaosha appears, he must explain how his bank funds came from. If he does not appear, he will blame Xie liaosha for all the crimes. In either case, it will be Zyuganov Deli in the end.

Yuganov's eloquent speech has stirred up many people. Although there are still voices cursing the Youth League Committee in the crowd from time to time, everyone's mood has begun to tend to reason. The crowd who had to rush into the Youth League building just now gradually relaxed, and the pressure on the police at the door suddenly decreased a lot.

"Secretary Zyuganov, please tell us whether we can live in a new house or not." Asked a voice in the crowd.

Jiuganov thought for a while, holding up the loudspeaker, said: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid your house is going to be a bubble for the time being, but it's all due to ulyanov. He greedily took away all the funds of your workers' new village, but please rest assured that our government will make efforts to let you live in the new house as soon as possible!"

Zyuganov kept talking about these nonsense, but there are still many people pinning their hopes on him! Support for Zyuganov began to appear in the crowd.

"Stop talking nonsense. The new workers' village will go on. We can resume construction as soon as next week!" A loud voice came from the crowd. All the people present heard this sentence and immediately quieted down. We kept looking around to see who said that.

"Who is it? Who was speaking just now!" Zyuganov asked strangely, but he habitually put the loudspeaker in his mouth, so what he said to the people around him was broadcast.

"It's me!" Xie liaosha replied in a loud voice. He squeezed into the crowd and began to move to the front door of the Youth League Committee. All the people around him were staring at him.

"Ah, he's ulyanov, he's ulyanov, he's not gone, he's back!" Someone in the crowd recognized Xie liaosha.