Chapter 236

As the top leader of the Moscow Youth League Committee, the Moscow Party committee has always firmly grasped the power of personnel appointment of the Youth League Committee. As a result, the Moscow Youth League Committee has become a backyard for city leaders to settle their children. Many cadres of the municipal Party committee will send their children who have already participated in work to the Youth League Committee for gilding, As a result, the main leading posts of the Youth League Committee are full of people who muddle along. As the capital of Moscow, there are just a lot of cadres here. Therefore, the positions of the deputy secretaries of the Youth League Committee are very popular, and many people have made a lot of money for it. At the moment, a foreign youth league cadre is placed in this position, It really makes many people who have been staring at this position feel very unconvinced.

As a result, the news that he was transferred to Moscow was spread to grishen, the first Secretary of the Moscow municipal Party committee, soon after the deliberate operation of some people in Moscow officialdom. Grishen was shocked and suddenly felt a little angry. He didn't understand why Andropov did this, and even didn't say hello, Does he no longer need his own support?

Normally speaking, as the head of Moscow City, grishen has direct jurisdiction over the appointment of cadres of the Youth League Committee, but he has too many things to pay attention to. It was impossible for Andropov to arrange a person to come in without saying hello, but now president an, who has taken over Suslov's work, does have this right, but he can appoint people to other people's land without saying hello, which is not to treat himself as an outsider! What's more, as we all know, this seryosha had a free time with himself. Doesn't Andropov know?

Though full of discontent and doubts, grishen did not dare to question Andropov about this matter in person. He did not intend to fight Andropov and directly dismissed seryosha. He decided to let the matter go first and see what attitude Xie liaosha had. If the other side released his goodwill, grishen thought he could be more generous and might as well uncover this page.

In fact, grishen didn't personally instruct Xie liaosha to be sent to the KGB prison. When his nephew was wounded and sent to the hospital, grishen was out of town. He just asked the people below to do it in an angry tone on the phone? When he came back, he knew that the murderer had been sent to prison. As for which prison it was and why his nephew was beaten, grishen didn't ask much. It was not until later that seryosha became a hero of the Soviet Union that grishen was turned over by Andropov, which caused him a lot of trouble. Since then, grishen has remembered this annoying guy named Xie liaosha.

However, Andropov did not do it properly. Grishen didn't intend to hold it down quietly. After thinking about it, he decided to give a little warning to Chairman an, who recently walked sideways in the ZZ Bureau, and told him not to take other members of the ZZ Bureau seriously just because he became the second leader of the party, You know, in principle, this country implements the collective leadership system. He grishen is also one of the leaders of the country!

Thinking of this, grishen plans to say hello to his teacher and ally, foreign minister gromico. Grishen quickly connected gromico's phone, told gromico the story of Xie liaosha, and then expected gromico to support his idea.

"What, you want to give Andropov a warning? Don't you realize that? This whole thing is not a warning given to you by Andropov. You put your hand into the KGB prison first. Have you not thought about other people's opinions? " Gromico unexpectedly refused grishen's request.

"Then I'll just swallow my anger as if it's nothing?" Grishen, who was rejected, said angrily.

"Listen to grishen, if you don't want to disappear from the ZZ Bureau, you'd better be honest and wait for the result before Dnieper petrovsk and Andropov decide the victory or defeat!" Gromico impolitely hung up grishen.


Although grishen had just heard of the news of shariosha, he had thought of grishen's problem long before he came to Moscow. However, as he thought at the beginning, he could not refuse the favor of president an, even if he had a hundred people in his heart who did not want to come to Moscow.

Now, however, he is doing something shameful but reasonable, which he has to do. That is to go with his father to thank his "little Japan" Vyacheslav Ivankov. To thank others for their help.

Before going out, Petrov's father had a few words with seryoxati. He told seryoxati that Vyacheslav Ivankov was an extreme anti-government. He hated all official organizations, even neighborhood committees. Therefore, in order to make the visit smoothly, seryoxati had better dress up to be a bit of a quack.

Therefore, out of politeness and respect for each other, he agreed with father Petrov's suggestion. He took off the suit that he had been used to all day and put on the adidas sportswear, black trousers and black coat that he hadn't seen for a long time. You know, this is the favorite outfit of the big brothers in the river and lake. After all, Adidas sportswear is not affordable for the ordinary Soviet hundred.

With both hands full of gifts, seryosa followed Petrov's father to Viacheslav's territory. However, they did not come by chance. Viacheslav went to other places and was not at home. It's just too bad for father Petrov to decide.

"Hey, old Petrov, I told my men to treat you instead of me. You're welcome. Stay and have a good time for a few days. I'll have a drink with you when I come back!" Viacheslav said enthusiastically on the phone.

Petrov's father wanted to refuse, but he was stopped by Vyacheslav's brothers. Under the circumstances, Petrov's father and shariosha had to stay.

"The boss told us to take you to our electric appliance market to have a look. If you have anything you like, you can take it directly. You're welcome!" A little leader said respectfully to Petrov.

"Thank you, but we'll still give you money!" Petrov replied humbly.

Xie liaosha was a little strange when he heard this. He didn't expect that this Viacheslav was also a smuggler. In this way, everyone was in the same trade. Xie liaosha really planned to have a good look at how the smugglers in Moscow operated. After all, Xie liaosha would open the mutual aid market here sooner or later.

With a study and investigation mentality, he entered the territory of the smuggling kingdom of Moscow for the first time.