Chapter 233

Chuerbanov did not dare to delay what Andropov told him. Almost all the senior officials in Moscow now know that old man an has a lot of people's tricks in his hand. As long as he doesn't like anyone, he can use these tricks against anyone at any time. In the Politburo, old man an is almost walking horizontally now.

Before chuerbanov introduced some of the secrets of the Kremlin to seliosha, as a local official at the middle and lower levels, seliosha didn't know the details. Of course, he would never think that Andropov, who only met with him, would look at him differently and promote himself to the Moscow Youth League Committee.

But to be honest, shariosha didn't want to leave Golgi. Naturally, the reason is that he has too many secrets that he can't tell. He can't let an irrelevant person sit on the throne of the first Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Gorky City, but Moscow's position is unlikely to be rejected. So without any choice, he let Boris take his place.

However, Boris is just the person in charge of a small auto repair branch of Gorky automobile factory, far from the position of senior official of the Youth League in xieliaosha. This makes xieliaosha very upset, and he regrets why he didn't let Boris come to the Youth League Committee earlier.

"Damn it, this KGB leader has disrupted all my plans. Now I have to stop all my business in Gorky and go to Moscow to become a worthless regiment cadre. Why are KGB people against me every time?" Xie liaosha poured vodka and complained with Boris regretfully. No matter who takes over the position of senior official of Gorky regiment, for the sake of safety, the business of using the head account to help customers transfer assets can not be done. This simply cuts off Xie liaosha's biggest financial path. How can Xie liaosha not be in a hurry.

"You should be glad that you have foresight and let Mikhail go to Uzbekistan to be a senior official of the Uzbek Communist Youth League, otherwise our business will really be impossible!" Boris comforted seryosha, then raised his glass and drank it.

Boris and sherio drank like this one after another for almost a night. When Boris went back to bed the next morning, they still didn't think of a good way. After all, for things you can't control, no matter how hard you try, it's useless. Therefore, xieliaosha had to prepare ahead of time. With the help of Boris, the money laundering business in Gorky city began to transition to Uzbekistan one by one. Xie liaosha now only hopes to thoroughly clean up all traces of capital flow in Gorky Youth League Committee before he leaves.

Half a month later, the transfer order of the Organization Department of the Moscow Youth League Committee was finally sent to the Gorky Youth League Committee. The news that Xie liaosha was going to work in Moscow spread all over the cadre circle of the State Youth League Committee and the Municipal Youth League Committee. An endless stream of people came to congratulate and get involved, followed by the handover of work between the Golgi Prefecture Youth League Committee and the Golgi City Youth League Committee. Therefore, the first Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Gorky Prefecture consulted Xie liaosha about his successor. Xie liaosha is not very satisfied with his several deputies of Gorky Youth League Committee, because in the initial Bogdanov incident, these guys have stood on their own opposite side and become enemies. How could Xie liaosha give up his position to these people? So after repeated choices, Xie liaosha proposed to the Golgi Youth League Committee the intention of parachuting a senior official of the Youth League. He wanted to completely cut off the promotion path of these people.

"Oh? Do you want the State Party committee to send a suitable comrade to the Golgi Youth League Committee as secretary? This is unexpected in the organization. Do you have any suggestions? " The first Secretary of the League Committee of Gorky Prefecture said with some surprise.

"Originally, I was inclined to my former colleague Boris in Gorky automobile factory, but his current level is still too low to be promoted to the position of senior official of Gorky League. Therefore, I hope that a comrade can be appointed as secretary of Gorky League Committee. At the same time, I would also like to suggest to the organization that Comrade Boris should be transferred to the Municipal Youth League Committee. " Xie liaosha elaborated his suggestion carefully. In fact, he was afraid that the new secretary would find any clues from the Youth League Committee, so for the sake of safety, Xie liaosha had to put Boris in the Municipal Youth League Committee to work. Only in this way can he keep an eye on the new secretary's every move, and take measures in advance once there is any trouble.

"That's right! All right! Let's go back and study the selection of senior officials of the regiment. As for the transfer of Comrade Boris? It's up to you! " The senior officials of the Gorky regiment readily agreed to Xie liaosha's request. After all, Xie liaosha was a cadre promoted to Moscow, and the senior officials of the regiment would not deny his face.

"Oh, by the way, Comrade Xie liaosha! You don't seem to be a party member! I suggest that you'd better settle your party membership before you go to Moscow. After all, joining the party will be more helpful to your official career in the future. Moscow is the capital, so the inspection of Party members may be more strict. Unlike us, we are all our own people. Everything is easy to say! " Senior officials of the state regiment suggested to Xie liaosha.

Xie liaosha remembered that it was really a big problem that he did not have the status of a party member. Although he took office in the Youth League Committee instead of the Party committee, there was no rigid rule that cadres of the Youth League Committee must have party members. However, the Youth League Committee is, after all, a subordinate organ of the Party committee, and there is no contradiction between joining the party and the league. League membership and Party membership can coexist. Anyway, joining the party is a matter of time. Xieliaosha didn't expect that people from Moscow would come back to Gorky to investigate his background. So xieliaosha decided to accept the suggestion of senior officials of the State Youth League and settle the problem of his party membership before he took office.

"Thank you. If you don't say I really forgot, I will submit the application to the Party committee as soon as possible!" Xie liaosha replied gratefully.

After seeing off the senior officials of the state regiment, Xie liaosha immediately asked nasjia to prepare an application for joining the party for him. He was busy with the transfer of Boris and the Mutual Aid Association, and had no time to care about these little things. In addition, there are some business matters that need to be explained. After all, he is no longer in Gorky city. Boris has to deal with many things by himself. Seliosha has to hand over these matters to Boris.

So Xie liaosha was very busy in the last days of Golgi League Committee. He had to worry about both the League Committee and business. Nasjia, Secretary of Xie liaosha, has made it clear that he hopes to go to Moscow with Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha readily agrees. Just when Xie liaosha was almost busy with everything, Xie liaosha's application for approval of joining the party and the decision of his successor, the first Secretary of Gorky Youth League Committee, were sent to Xie liaosha at the same time. Xie liaosha opened the document and looked at the name of his successor. He couldn't help laughing.