Chapter 231

Xie liaosha is a man who does what he says. The 200000 dollars he promised to the Voronezh Institute of communication science soon arrived. The Institute immediately placed an order with the factory. After all the products were finished production and testing, Xie liaosha pained his own channel and delivered the goods to Italy as soon as possible, Then it was consigned to the United States through legal channels.

It was two weeks before EVA received the products. In order to promote the Yota system, EVA donated the products to her alma mater as an alumnus. With the approval of the school board, the world's first mobile communication base station of Yota communications was set up in an open space in the central area of the school.

As the first batch of pagers was only about 100, EVA gave all the equipment to the students in her medical school. After a period of training, the staff in charge of maintaining the system began to take up their posts one after another, and the first step of Yota communication system stumbled out.

Harvard University is the most expensive private school in the United States. The tuition fee for each student is almost $60000 a year, and few of them go to the whole university stage by scholarship. Otherwise, EVA would not venture to earn tuition for herself on the battlefield. So many of the students in the world's most famous university are actually from the rich class of the United States.

A pager worth less than $100 is not a luxury for many students here. In addition, there are more female students, especially beautiful ones, in medical school, so gradually, the pager of Yota communication has become popular on campus. So during this period of time, some people in the school began to try their best to get Yota pagers, and some even paid high prices for them. But few people are willing to sell their own pagers. For nothing else, in addition to the convenience brought by the pager itself, the built-in Tetris also played a certain role. This game is fast and simple, and almost all people who play this game for the first time like it.

Half a month later, a freighter from Taiwan finally docked at the port of Boston. The first batch of 20000 Yota pagers produced by Taiwan were transported to Cambridge by truck from the port. The first Yota Experience Hall and flagship store on the campus of Harvard University have also been built. Harvard alumni who have been informed for a long time have been waiting at the door of Yota flagship store almost since midnight, waiting for the sale of pagers, which EVA never thought of.

The cost of this batch of products from Taiwan has been reduced by almost half, that is, about US $45. While the pricing remains unchanged, the profit of a single product has been greatly improved. Although so far still in school, but the development of EVA and his colleagues are very satisfied.

When the door of Yota flagship store was opened, customers who had been waiting for a long time rushed into the store. The hot scene in the store was like Black Friday every year. But what these customers didn't expect was that there were two new gadgets in the store, a wireless communication device called yotaphone. However, the price is a little expensive, even as high as $800 per unit, which keeps many people out of the door.

However, at present, yotaphone can not communicate with the fixed telephone in the school, only with other yotaphone users, which undoubtedly greatly reduces the practicability of yotaphone. But it's not a technical problem, it's a commercial problem. At present, most of the fixed line telephone users are connected to at & T services. If they want to get through the communication between yotaphone and these fixed lines, EVA must cooperate with these rich operators. It is difficult to impress giants like at & T with the scale of Yota system in Harvard University. Therefore, EVA's current strategy is still to focus on Yota pagers, After all, this kind of mobile instant text messaging function is not available in the current phone.

It's hard to digest the 20000 pagers only relying on the students of Harvard University, but it doesn't matter. EVA's eyes have long been on another world-class university in the same city, the MIT, which is the famous Institute of technology with numerous black technologies.

So, following the example of Harvard University, Yota communication's base station soon covered MIT's campus. In order to develop users as soon as possible, EVA opened the installment payment business. With a down payment of only $10, you can take home a brand-new Yota pager. The launch of these policies directly led to the explosion of Yota pagers. Soon, Yota communications placed the next order with the OEM suppliers in Taiwan.

The popularity of Yota pagers in Harvard University and MIT soon spread to Boston University, which is just a river away from the two universities. Many students did not wait for the base station of Yota system to cover Boston University, so they ordered a Yota pager early. Although the signal only covers the other side of the river, it does not affect the use of some Boston University students living on the North Bank of the Charles River. So many urgent users even call to ask Yota communication signal to cover more areas as soon as possible.

At this time, the operation Department of Yota communications began to contribute part of the company's revenue. Under the guidance of Xie liaosha, the operation Department of Yota communications opened a series of paid value-added services, such as weather forecast, news, party and real estate information, and even lost and found, second-hand goods trading and a series of information services close to students' life. Even teachers' notices about schoolwork began to be released on the Yota system. In this way, the first semi commercial operation network of Yota communication began to take root in little Cambridge and gradually developed. But at this time, Xie liaosha let EVA stop in the pace of expansion.

"Why stop? Our business is developing very well now, and I am confident that we will set up the Yota system covering the whole Massachusetts in a few months!" EVA asked, puzzled.

"Don't be carried away by our current achievements. We can't connect to fixed line telephone directly now. We can't get around these telephone operators. Moreover, the capital required to set up Yota system covering the United States is astronomical. The best way is to find a strong company, such as at & T." Xie liaosha said calmly.