Chapter 228

Chernenko is more and more unable to listen to it. He is here to canvass for votes. He is totally fighting with President Bo. What is Andropov doing? Doesn't he know the consequences? But on second thought, isn't that just right? If Andropov is not afraid to offend others, let him. Who here doesn't enjoy these privileges? What Andropov did just makes people abandon him completely.

"Comrades, last year, a big food safety scandal broke out in Gorky University. A senior city official and her lover actually took money from our students. Is this just a case? Some of our cadres are morally corrupt to the point of insanity! "

"Not long ago, my deputy, comrade tswigon, unfortunately left us. His death was so sudden that I still can't believe that he would commit suicide. I think it's unimaginable that a person who talked about house decoration with his wife before going out would commit suicide."

Andropov's speech seems to be arbitrary, and he can say whatever he thinks. However, zweigong's affairs are so sensitive, and he is also the brother-in-law of general manager. Although people think Andropov's words are not pleasant to hear, they don't admire his courage. It's just strange that what medicine he sells in gourd.

"I have the honor to work with all of you here for many years. I believe you will not let our team gradually deviate from the real Bolshevik style of life advocated by comrade Lenin. Although not everyone of us can be a socialist Puritan like Comrade Suslov, we can not tolerate the corruption and degeneration of the cadres, and lose the ideal and the confidence to move forward!"

"Some of our cadres go to work every day with gold watches that bribe their subordinates, but this watch actually comes out of our national treasury. I want to know if he has any sense of shame. What kind of justice can such a person lead?"

Although Andropov didn't give his name, we have heard a little bit recently that what Andropov said is related to the smuggling of jewelry and diamonds. And a few guys who know the inside story can't help but get a chill behind their back, because it's not only a xiaoluokov who has collected the gold watch, but almost all the people of Dnieper petrovsk's gang have received this kind of gift, and they don't know who Andropov is talking about. He's the head of KGB. What else does he know?

Just because Andropov didn't name the person by name, it seemed that he meant something. Maybe he was talking about something, maybe he had mastered something.

"I heard that the safe in some cadres' offices is full of cash. I really want to see it when I have a chance..."

Kihonov could not help wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. He did not understand why Andropov would say such things. Kihonov could not help thinking of the rubles in his safe. Did Andropov know these things?

"I've also heard that some cadres use the money that the state has spent on building public facilities for their own use and decorate their own luxurious villas. What's more, they even use the army to build their own private houses..."

The first Secretary of Ukraine, shelbitsky, was also trembling in his heart. He was caught by Andropov. What should he do? He couldn't help but sneak a look at Mr. Bo. Mr. Bo didn't say anything, but he didn't look good, which made Mr. shelbitsky a little uncertain.

Andropov's speech lasted for more than half an hour, and no one dared to interrupt him. As long as Andropov said one thing, some people consciously took their seats on the spot. No one thought Andropov was complaining. Everyone could not help reminding himself that this man was the head of KGB, not the old factory worker who complained. Every sentence he said is meaningful, conveying the meaning beyond the literal for others.

"Over the years, my job has been to collect intelligence, but I've seen too many things that make me angry. Maybe it's time for me to change places. I'm sorry to tell you so many sweet things..."

Andropov's speech was finally over. Everyone clapped their hands as usual. Some people, such as Gorbachev, worked hard. Others, such as Chernenko and gihonov, were just perfunctory. But everyone understood Andropov's last two words, that is, I know all about you. If I'm not promoted, I'll check you out.

No one does not care about their reputation, especially those high-ranking people. Everyone is very old. If they are really entangled by the KGB, no one is sure that they will be able to avoid the investigation of the KGB. It seems that old man an is here to play Yin today. He has known for a long time that he has some black materials from everyone. I didn't expect that the investigation was so detailed that even how much money you have in your safe is clear.

"There have been two rounds of secret ballot, but there is still no result. I think we should adopt the way of secret ballot." Andropov finally suggested that he had said all he had to say. If someone gets in his way, don't blame him for being ruthless.





Today, for the first time, members of the committee reached a consensus on one issue, which is undoubtedly a good start. Under the organization of the Minister of supervision, Mr. perche, the voting started again.

"Members in favor of Comrade Andropov, please raise your hands!"

At the end of his speech, six members of the Committee immediately raised their hands in support of Andropov. They are Gorbachev, grishen, gromiko, Romanov, Kirilenko, and pelcher himself.

Bo always saw here, secretly relieved, fortunately, or six to six, Chernenko still have a chance.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, anyone else?" He asked after counting the number“ If not, go ahead! "

"Then, members who support Comrade Chernenko, please raise your hands!" Host pelcher announced again.

"Brush! Someone raised his hand quickly After a while, the number of people seemed to be no longer moving, and perchet began to count again.

"One, two, three, four, eh? How come there are only four people? " Pelcher couldn't believe his eyes.

Those who did not raise their hands were the chairman of the joint meeting of the Supreme Soviet ministers, Mikhail jihonov, and the first Secretary of the Kazakh Party committee, kursayev. Shouldn't they be the iron allies of Chernenko? What's going on?

"You two committee members who have not published one! What do you mean Pelcher asked, puzzled.

"I... I think they are equal, so I decided to abstain!"

"Me... Me too!"

The two men's submissive response, pelcher turned his eyes to Mr. Bo, asked him to decide. President Bo hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded to admit the result. Andropov got what he wanted with a smile on his face, while Chernenko congratulated old man an for the first time, even though he had scolded kusayev and gihonov in his heart.