Chapter 214

Petrov's estimation is good. This is indeed the territory of little Japan. Those boys are not sure what Petrov is, so they can only pass his original words. Dad didn't wait long, these boys got instructions from little Japan, he would like to meet Petrov.

So Petrov and Yuri are respectfully brought to a luxurious house. The outside of the house is dilapidated. It looks like a typical building in a slum, but there are other holes in it. Petrov didn't pay much attention to these things. They didn't stay here long before they were taken to the living room. A man was sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigar leisurely. Behind him stood two bodyguards.

"Old guy, I didn't expect that you could come out. I thought you could only stay in rupiyanka all your life," the man called little Japan said impolitely.

"I'm not the same. Seeing that you can live a free life, I'm very happy for you, little Japan!" As soon as father Petrov's words came out, the man behind little Japan would start, but little Japan reached out to stop him.

The real name of little Japan mentioned by Petrov's father is Vyacheslav Ivankov. Little Japan is just his nickname. Mrs. viachesla, as her name suggests, has an Asian face and is as short as an Asian. However, if someone dares to call him little Japan in front of him, he is definitely playing with his life. Vyacheslav has no Japanese blood. He was born in Georgia to Russian parents. Vyacheslav lived in Moscow when he was a child. His parents and relatives used to be senior cadres of the country. However, because of Stalin, many of Vyacheslav's relatives were sent to gulag. He had to roam in the street because he was lack of family restraint since childhood. He blamed Stalin for his unfortunate childhood. He hated Stalin and everything in the Soviet Union.

When he was very young, he had a little reputation in the society. At that time, vicheslav was only a teenager, and he was wandering in the streets all day. He tore up Stalin's posters one by one. It took a lot of courage to do so at that time. When Viacheslav was a little older, he was able to take his little brother to dominate the party. At that time, he was no longer struggling for a living. At that time, he liked Sambo wrestling and was still a strong wrestler. During the day, Vyacheslav took his younger brothers to extort money and collect protection money to spend. In the evening, I take my brothers to the bar and drink with my sister.

Viacheslav's good life didn't last long. Once in a bar, Viacheslav had a conflict with others for a woman, and he beat people seriously. So he was sent to prison for the first time in his life, and Stalin was still alive that year.

After a few years in prison, Viacheslav, who was released from prison, started a black market business and made a lot of money. He became famous in the world and became a big brother again. This time, the KGB did not give in and sent him to the famous butelska prison, This place is famous because it also held Nobel Prize winner Solzhenitsyn and famous poet Mayakovsky. And father Petrov also met Viacheslav here.

However, Viacheslav and his father were not friends at all, but natural enemies. If you want to make it clear, you have to talk about Dad's past. Dad once told Xie liaosha that he was sent to prison because he killed a senior official of the regiment who had sex with his wife. In fact, this is only the reason why he was sent to prison for the second time. Before that, Dad had another prison story.

When he was young, he once participated in the patriotic war, but he didn't go voluntarily. At that time, he was sent to the Gulag of Siberia by Stalin because of political problems, and lived a miserable life. However, the invasion of Germany saved his father. Because the Soviet front was tight, Stalin had to beat the additional soldiers to the prisoners in the prison. At that time, the government assured the prisoners that they would get a commutation if they took part in the war. At that time, my father thought that if he went on like this, he would die in gulage sooner or later. It's better to lose his life in the battlefield. At that time, many prisoners in Gulag chose to go to war, while others refused to cooperate with the government and never worked for Stalin. As a result, the prisoners in the prison gradually divided into two groups. People like father were called "suka.". As a result, the prison was gradually emptied, leaving behind diehard elements who would never oppose the government. They gradually mastered the privileges of the prison.

However, things changed after the war. As a large number of sukars returned to the prison again to serve the rest of the sentence, the lawbreakers in the prison (the highest honor of the Soviet Mafia, equivalent to the godfather, have the highest rights and status and are widely respected, so the lawbreakers can not cooperate with the officials in any form, They have their own rules.) the bosses can't tolerate these traitors. So a war broke out between the lawbreakers and suka.

Due to the baptism of the war and the deliberate partiality of the prison management, the law thieves suffered a great loss in this war. At that time, almost every day there were people in prison who died without knowing it. Dad is a member of suka, so naturally he won't stay out. In fact, dad did well at that time. When he finally got out of prison, he was already a great suka elder brother.

After he got out of prison, he got a job and married a wife. He really had a happy life. It's a pity that everything comes to an end with dad's imprisonment again. Due to the felony of manslaughter, dad was sent to butelska prison and lost his freedom again.

When he was in prison for the second time, because he had already left the prison, suka's father had a hard time in prison. All the time, the lawbreakers in prison don't want to kill their father. Dad also developed a group of his own forces in prison to fight against them. A new war started, and it was here that little Japan finally won the respect of all the lawbreakers in the prison, crowned king, and became the godfather of the new generation of lawbreakers.