Chapter 210

The case of Zhuoya Fedorova's murder got stuck. Kirilenko tried his best, but there was nothing he could do. At the scene of Zoya Fedorova's murder, Kirilenko repeatedly looked at the location of various evidences, hoping to find more clues. Unfortunately, Kirilenko has never achieved anything.

Because the deceased was a famous film performing artist in the Soviet Union, his films have influenced the growth of generations, so many people spontaneously mourn the death of Zhuoya Fedorova. Since the news of Zhuoya's death appeared in the newspaper on December 11, countless flowers and posters have been displayed on the downstairs of the apartment building of Moscow film studio every day, which are left by Zhuoya's fans. Kirilenko feels an invisible pressure every time he sees such a scene.

When Kirilenko was at a loss, on December 30, just one day before the new year of 1982, another jewelry burglary case brought new clues to Kirilenko. The reporter is also not an ordinary person, but a domestic celebrity - the famous circus actress of the whole Soviet Union, Irina bugrimova, the tiger taming girl.

Although Irina bugrimova was not hurt, but because this case is also lost jewelry, which caused Kirilenko's concern. Since the murder of Zoya Fedorova, Kirilenko, who has no clue, began to read the files of jewelry related cases in Moscow in recent years. That's why Kirilenko became interested in the theft of Irina bugrimova's family.

Kirilenko came to the scene of the theft at Irina bugrimova's house, although he was not in charge of the case. However, as an old policeman who has worked for the police station for many years, Kirilenko still has some face to look at the scene.

Kirilenko was listening as the forensics reported the case. According to the forensics, the perpetrator did not break the door lock of Irina bugrimova's house and entered the room, on the contrary. The robber seems to have a key in his hand, which is a good clue. But according to Irina bugrimova, she has just lost her key and hasn't had time to change the lock, so the clue is broken.

"What are the stolen jewels like? Can you show me the photos?" Kirilenko suddenly interrupted the discussion. Although he knew it was not good, it was the only thing Kirilenko cared about, that is, whether the two cases were related.

"Well! All right Forensics personnel extracted a few photos from the folder and gave them to Kirilenko. The photos were not others, but the tiger taming girl Irina. These are evening dress photos, which should have been left when she attended some formal activities. In the photos, Elena was wearing different styles of jewelry and jewelry, but because it was not specially taken for jewelry, she didn't see it very clearly.

"Can you copy me a picture, too? I always feel that your case has something to do with mine!" Kirilenko said, frowning and smoking for everyone.

"No problem, if I can deal with your case together, I will be much easier!" The boss here answers while smoking. After Kirilenko got the answer he wanted, he left here. After all, there was no good discovery here, and there was no progress in the case. However, the new year still has to be celebrated, because there is Christmas after the new year, so these days are almost the time for everyone to buy all kinds of holiday food and drinks. It's a pity that the supply of state-owned shops can't meet everyone's demand at all. Kirilenko has to start early.

Compared with those areas where there are no mutual aid associations, the people in the areas where there are mutual aid associations have obviously had a better new year. In the mutual aid market, you can choose all kinds of food, whether domestic or foreign. The sufficient supply and low price make the members very satisfied, and even Moscow people go to Gorky to buy new year's food.

With the approaching of the festival, several key members of Gorky Gang gradually put down their own things and returned to Gorky city.

Yuri came back with a few small businesses from the United States. Although it's only a few businesses with several million dollars, Xie liaosha is still happy for Yuri. After all, it only took less than a month, and it's hard to do it when he is not familiar with the land.

Yakov has come back. Although Xie liaosha hasn't seen him for only a month, Yakov's actions are beginning to be like a boss. Yakov did a good job in Qiuming. He successfully organized the scattered oil dealers in Qiuming and gave them a new identity. In Qiuming, Yakov set up an oil export company affiliated with the Communist Youth League Committee of Gorky Prefecture. The former oil smugglers have become members of the fraternity market. Yakov used the legal identity and financial resources of the mutual aid association to exchange for the oil channel in everyone's hands, and then put this channel under the name of the oil export company. It makes everyone's business legal.

Mikhail has come back. As the new Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mikhail has been able to sit on a level with seryosha, or even a little higher. Mikhail has helped countless customers move their assets abroad in the brand new market of Uzbekistan, and has done a lot of work. He is not good at this kind of hard work. On the contrary, Mikhail is more suitable for this kind of work.

As for Boris, he is busy enjoying the sweet love with Lilia during this period of time, only occasionally in charge of Gorky's business. Since the fall of Bogdanov, Lilia has been recalled by her father to be an ordinary assistant. With her father's indulgence, Lilia has more time to enjoy life with Boris. Sometimes Xie liaosha envies them.

Dounia and gergina are back, but gergina has to see his mother, so she can only stay for a few days, which makes Yuri feel a little sorry. However, jieerjinna seems to see that Yuri is a little interested in her, so there is always something wrong with their relationship. Xie liaosha can't tell. Anyway, it feels strange, probably because the two people haven't reached the heat yet!

Xie liaosha also has his own troubles, because there is one thing he has never mentioned to Donia, that is the existence of EVA and Karim. This makes Xie liaosha feel guilty. He feels sorry for any one of the three. That's why he didn't get married, so he decided to find a chance to confess it.