Chapter 208

In an upscale apartment building in downtown Moscow, Andre, a cleaner, is cleaning the corridor as usual. Andre is a retired worker in Moscow. He can't spend his old age safely in Moscow with his meager pension, so Andre has to take advantage of his strong body to find a part-time job to earn some pocket money.

Andre was lucky to find a job as a janitor and cleaner. In the daytime, Andre just needs to clean the elevator entrance of each floor and clean up the garbage in the corridor. In the evening, Andre lives in the doorman's duty room downstairs and is responsible for guarding the door of the apartment building to prevent those malicious guys from coming in.

There were several young men on duty with Andre in the apartment building, but they had asked for leave to go home and said they would not come back until after the new year. Andre is an old bachelor. There is no problem of going home. However, a bad old man like him can't beat bad people, but at least Andre can rest assured that the public security around here is the best in Moscow. After all, the apartment is full of the most beautiful people in the Soviet Union.

you 're right! This is the apartment building of Moscow film studio. Most of the residents here are actors of Moscow film studio. Andre has loved movies since he was young. His favorite movie star is Zoya Fedorova who lives in this building. Andre as long as he sees Fedorova, he will feel infinite happiness from the bottom of his heart. Fedorova is so charming and charming. Even though she is old now, she can only play some roles of mother in the movie, Andre still likes her and every role she creates.

From "the girl from Leningrad" to "Moscow doesn't believe in tears", Andre has seen every role played by Fedorova. Whether it is the image of a field nurse in his youth or a kind and kind mother in his middle age, Andre is deeply impressed in his mind.

At the beginning, Andre chose to be the gatekeeper here, that is, his idol lived here. As long as the thought of guarding the gate for his idol, Andre has endless energy. Andre's happiest thing every day is to deliver newspapers and letters to Fedorova's house. Andre always keeps Fedorova's letters and newspapers separately, and then delivers them in person. When Fedorova received the newspaper and letters, she always said "thank you" with a smile on her face That looks as like as two peas in the movie.

Andre, as usual, took the elevator floor by floor to collect the garbage in the corridor. In his hand, he held a plastic bag containing newspapers and letters for Fedorova. Andre is full of expectations. He is thinking about whether he can talk to Fedorova today. If he can talk more, Andre will definitely faint with excitement.

Andre came to the eighth floor, the elevator door slowly opened, Andre pushed the garbage truck out of the elevator, and then picked up a bag of garbage to block the door of the elevator, so that the elevator will not leave this floor soon.

Because Fedorova is a meritorious artist, the whole floor belongs to her. Andre first put the garbage in the corridor into the garbage truck. Then he tidied his clothes in front of the shiny metal door of the elevator. Then he took off his dirty gloves, picked up newspapers and letters, and walked nervously and expectantly to the door of Zoya Fedorova's house.

"Are you at home, Ms. Fedorova?" Asked Andre, reaching out to knock on the door. But Andre's finger just touched the door of Fedorova's house, and the door opened slowly.

"Yi?" Andre felt a little strange. Did Zhuoya Fedorova forget to close the door? That's not good. I have to remind her.

"Ms. Fedorova, are you at home? You didn't close the door, it's very dangerous! I... "Andre said as he walked into the room. It was his first time to enter Fedorova's house. It was exciting for him for several years. However, when he was not sure whether he should go inside again, he suddenly saw Fedorova lying on the ground from the reflection of the window glass.

"What's the matter with you, Ms. Fedorova! Are you sick? Fee... Ah Andre anxiously went in, but when he came to Fedorova, he was frightened by the sight. He immediately fell to the ground.

The actress Fedorova was staring at the ceiling with her eyes wide open. There was no blood on her face. Her neck was severely strangled by a ribbon. Fedorova's tongue was sticking out. She looked terrible.

"Ah, ah, ah! It's dead. Come on Andre rushed out of Fedorova's house with a howl of panic. He didn't care about any work. He ran downstairs along the stairs of the safe passage and dialed the Home Affairs Bureau with shaking hands.

"Hello! Hello! This is the Bureau of the interior. What can I do for you? " The operator on the other side of the line asked gently.

"Kill, kill! Come on Come on Andre said incoherently on the phone.

"Murder? Who killed? Sir, please calm down and speak slowly! Otherwise, it will be very difficult for me to solve the problem for you! " As soon as the female operator heard it, she knew that something terrible had happened. While he turned on the phone recording, he had the experience to stabilize Andre who reported the case.

Andre took half a bottle of vodka on his desk and took a sip. Then he calmed down and began to describe to the police what had happened!

"Your address, sir, your address first!" The operator is also guiding Andre to describe the case in order.

"Kutuzov street, apartment of Moscow film studio!" Andre replied.

"Well, now tell me! Who was the victim? " The operator continued to guide.

"Zoya Fedorova is the actress who plays the nurse in the movie girls from Leningrad. Come on! She's strangled to death and she's putting out her long tongue. It scares me to death! " Said Andre with a lingering fear.

"All right, Mr. Andre, please stay where you are and don't move. Our police officers will arrive as soon as possible." Finally the operator said.