Chapter 185

On Sunday morning, chairman Andropov spent another sleepless night in No. 11 building of rubiyanka square, KGB headquarters. When the light of dawn came into the room, chairman Andropov finally finished his work. He stretched out, picked up a cup of water for himself, got a cup of strong coffee and went to the window, Looking down through the window of his office, the bronze statue of dzerzhinsky stands in the middle of the square, as if looking at the country.

As the founder of Cheka, the predecessor of the KGB, the square was also named the dzerzhinsky square, but the people of Moscow still like the old name of ruyanka. Maybe it's too early. There are not many people in the square. A cup of warm coffee makes Andropov feel comfortable. However, he knew that he was no longer young. If he drank too much, he would not be able to sleep again.

Andropov put the cup back on the table, picked up the microphone and told his secretary to bring in the newspaper of the day. He had been busy for a week, and he didn't know if there was any big event in China. There is a small bedroom in Andropov's office. Every time he works too late, he will have a rest here. His love is good. Reading newspapers before going to bed is just a good time.

After a while, the secretary sent the newspaper arranged according to the date to Chairman Andropov's bedside. Relying on the bedside, chairman Andropov picked up a copy of the Communist Youth League Pravda and began to read it.

Ten minutes later, there was a sound of something being smashed in President Andropov's bedroom. The Secretary quickly went in to check it. He saw President Andropov walking back and forth in his nightgown. The water cup at the head of his bed fell to the ground and smashed.

"These animals, these damned animals, actually give our children something that dogs don't eat. Are they still human?" Andropov was really angry. His secretary had never seen Chairman Andropov so angry. The Secretary glanced at the newspaper that Chairman Andropov had thrown on the floor and understood what was going on.

"Get ready immediately. I'm going to see Mr. Bo!" Andropov saw the secretary who came immediately.

"But, chairman! Don't you need a rest! You haven't closed your eyes all night The Secretary advised.

"I rest? How do I rest? This country is going to die when nobody cares! Sooner or later, these embezzlers will poison all the people... "Andropov fell into a rage. The Secretary knew that it was useless to persuade him, so he went out to prepare.

Anger made Andropov sleepless, and he immediately changed into his uniform. I went downstairs as fast as I could. It's not far from rubiyanka square to the Kremlin. Andropov arrived outside the Kremlin in less than five minutes.

Andropov's secretary, who stayed in ruyanka, had already said hello to the Kremlin. They arranged Andropov to wait for a moment in a reception room. After a while, with the help of the service staff, general manager Bo entered the room.

"Yuri! Is there anything urgent to come to me so early? " Brezhnev said vaguely that he might not have enough rest. As soon as he finished, Brezhnev yawned a lot.

"Leonid, don't you read the newspaper? Those corrupt guys have reached the level of insanity. They actually extract grease from the sewer and sell it to college students. Are they still human? " Andropov excitedly photographed the newspaper in front of Brezhnev.

Brezhnev picked up the newspaper in doubt and read it carefully. The staff around him immediately put on his glasses. Brezhnev is old and has some difficulties in reading. This article is very long. It will take him a lot of time to finish it. But Brezhnev couldn't read any more. He picked up an object at hand and threw it out. He cursed: "asshole! These damn bastards! How can I do such a thing? I'll kill them

Brezhnev scolded a few words, and immediately felt chest pain. He covered his chest and forced himself to calm down. Brezhnev breathed heavily, and a nurse comforted his back. It took about five minutes for Brezhnev to recover.

Andropov was surprised to see Brezhnev in pain. Last time he saw Brezhnev, his health was not so bad! Brezhnev suddenly looked up at Andropov coldly, which made Andropov feel bad. He was the head of the KGB, and it was easy to get into trouble to do such a thing. So Andropov quickly apologized to Brezhnev and said, "I'm sorry, Leonid, I disturb you with such disgusting things in the early morning. "

"It's all right, Yuri, go ahead! What do you want to do? I absolutely support you this time. I didn't expect these bastards would dare to do anything. Aren't they afraid to go to hell? " Brezhnev covered his forehead and replied painfully.

"Leonid, I need you to support me. I want to rectify the ethos of this country and beat these corrupt moths to death one by one. When I mentioned this in the past, you always said that none of us is easy, and none of us can live on wages. However, we are too tolerant of these corrupt elements. They have long forgotten the existence of Party discipline and state law. If we do not rectify them properly, more people will follow their example. If this goes on, our country will be over. " Andropov said painstakingly. He held Brezhnev's hand and looked at him sincerely. His eyes were full of expectation, expecting Brezhnev's support.

Brezhnev looked at Andropov. From the bottom of his heart, Brezhnev trusted Andropov, or he would not be allowed to become the chairman of the KGB. However, power is an unpredictable magic potion. Even if Brezhnev trusted the KGB president, he still put in his brother-in-law, Sheikh kuzmie tsvigun, to serve as the first vice chairman of the KGB as the supreme leader, Brezhnev had long been used to thinking twice before acting. He thought for a while, made repeated weighing in his heart, and then replied: "Yuri, the national atmosphere has really become bad. Some guys are really arrogant. I promise you this time, let go!"

Andropov thought he had heard wrong. He looked up at Brezhnev, who nodded firmly.

After the spy, Brezhnev, with the help of others, took Andropov to the door. Until Andropov left by car, Brezhnev returned to the room. As soon as he entered the room, he motioned the staff to help him to the desk, and then drove everyone away. He picked up the phone and dialed tswigon's number.

As soon as the phone was put through, Brezhnev said in a low voice, "Andropov came to see me just now. Look at him for me and see what he is going to do!"