Chapter 178

On September 4, 1981, along the Baltic coast of the Soviet Union, the largest military exercise in human history finally began. Poland's turbulent situation gives the western countries the opportunity to weaken the Soviet Union's strength. For their own security, the Soviet government must give a warning to these evil guys. Therefore, the code name of this military exercise is "west-81".

Early in the morning of September 4, Xie liaosha was taken to a nearby military airport by a special car. Xie liaosha felt very honored to witness this spectacular military exercise. The reason why you came to the airport is that the scale of this exercise is too large. Therefore, the Ministry of defense specially arranged special helicopters for you, so that you can enjoy this spectacular military exercise from the air.

Over the past few days, Xie liaosha has been getting along well with chuerbanov. Moreover, with the introduction of chuerbanov, he has had more opportunities to get along with President Bo. Before coming here, Xie liaosha had never thought of such an adventure.

As soon as he got out of the car, Xie liaosha was picked up by chuerbanov's secretary who had been waiting here for a long time. Because chuerbanov didn't need to accompany president Bo today, he arranged Xie liaosha on his special plane. When shariosha boarded the plane, chuerbanov had been waiting in it for a long time.

Xie liaosha got into the cabin and sat beside chuerbanov. His secretary closed the cabin door for everyone. At the command of chuerbanov, the pilot began to take off. The plane began to climb up slowly and then fly west. With the sun shining, Xie liaosha's plane finally arrived at the battlefield. Looking down from the engine room, the endless tank group was slowly advancing forward.

"Well, are you interested in helping me with the Ministry of the interior?" Chuerbanov asked, seemingly unintentionally.

"Thank you for your kindness, chuerbanov! I'm still interested in the work of the Youth League Committee! " Xie liaosha looked at the steel torrent below and replied.

"Although I am now the first deputy minister of the interior, Minister xiaolokov will soon retire. If you come, I promise I will not treat you badly!" Chuerbanov tried to persuade.

"In fact, Gorky is not far from Moscow. You can come to me anytime you want to relax!" He looked back at chuerbanov and said.

"Isn't Moscow attractive to you, seryosa?" Chuerbanov asked, puzzled.

"I just feel more free in Gorky. I'm not ready for a bigger stage yet!" Xie liaosha replied. However, there is also a part of the reason that Xie liaosha didn't say, that is, he can't manage his business without Gorky. Unexpectedly, this reason seems to have convinced chuerbanov, but he did not persuade Xie liaosha. The two began to focus on the exercise itself.

Like all military exercises, "xixi-81" is also divided into red and blue sides for confrontation exercises, in which the red side is the offensive side and the blue side is the defensive side. The troops participating in the exercise included mechanized infantry, armored forces, artillery, pontoon and Bridge forces, chemical defense forces, surface to surface long-range tactical missile forces, medium and long-range strategic missile forces, airborne troops, Marine Corps, naval ship forces, air force front-line aviation forces, almost involving all arms of the Red Army. The whole exercise is divided into eight days, the first day of the exercise subjects for long-range guided missile precision strike, as well as large-scale armored group assault. Today, tens of thousands of tanks have been sent out, and even the latest T-80 main station tanks and T-72 main battle tanks, which are pressing the bottom of the tank, have been sent out. It is really unprecedented. Moreover, the director department of this exercise did not set the assumption of whether the red side won or the blue side won. In order to be as close to the actual combat as possible, the red and blue forces used real weapons and weapons, and the commanders of both sides were also instructed to respond randomly according to the form of the battlefield until the victory was decided.

Throughout the afternoon, seryosa and chuerbanov followed the armored forces closely, watching the invincible steel torrent attack the city and pull out the stronghold. In this process, the blue side's air forces sent out fighter planes to harass several times, but the red side's air defense forces forced them to retreat. On the Baltic Sea not far from here, the Red Navy of the Soviet Union is also engaged in intensive exercises and confrontation, and even dispatched Kiev class aircraft carriers.

It is the so-called "layman watching" and "expert watching". Although both seliosha and chuerbanov were dressed in military uniform, and their ranks were not low, seliosha had never been to a military academy, and he had not been in the army for a long time, so he could not see the way. Although chuerbanov is a lieutenant general, he is only a lieutenant general of the interior army, and he is a police chief. So two people can only watch the excitement.

At noon, the helicopter took seryosa and chuerbanov back to the camp for lunch and a short rest. General manager Bo listened to the report of the war situation of the exercise by the defense minister Marshal Dmitry Ustinov all morning, but he was still waiting for chuerbanov to come back and have lunch with him. It seems that he really likes chuerbanov's son-in-law.

At lunch time, President Bo asked Xie liaosha what he thought of the results of the exercise. Xie liaosha frankly admitted that he was a layman. He couldn't see anything at all, which made president Bo laugh. Mr. Bo doesn't like drinking, but he is a smoker. Unfortunately, due to his health, the doctor has forbidden him to smoke any more. At first, he didn't dare to make a mistake, but chuerbanov asked him for a good cigar, and then he began to puff in front of President Bo. He also encouraged him to come together. Xie liaosha was very surprised. Mr. Bo seemed to see his mind and said to him, "if you want to smoke, young man! Otherwise, when I'm my age, I can only smell other people's cigarettes and enjoy myself! " After that, he began to laugh. Xie liaosha also accompanied him with a few laughs and said that he had smoked too much today. In fact, he did not dare to tell Mr. Bo that second-hand smoke is more harmful.

Through these days of contact with Xie Liao sofa, now Mr. Bo is actually a family man. It is said that Mr. Bo once had a lover when he was young, but for the sake of his family, Mr. Bo finally chose to return to his wife. He was full of doting on his children, and also concerned about chuerbanov. However, Mr. Bo was not an ordinary old man of the Soviet Union. He was the leader of a country. He loved his family at the expense of the interests of the country. Xie liaosha also disagrees.