Chapter 172

Bozarski wore sunglasses and walked into the building of the Youth League Committee of Gorky city. Since he was beaten by the workers who came to make trouble that day, bozarski has not come to the unit for several days. It's not that he has suffered so many injuries that he can't come to work, mainly because he can't afford to lose this person.

After making a scene at the gate of the Youth League Committee that day, bozarsky got several punches in the face. Two eyes were beaten black black black like a panda, clothes were torn out of shape. When he was rescued by the staff of the Youth League security section, he was like a ragged beggar.

Those reluctant workers have been gathering at the door, unwilling to leave, forced to let pozharski out to explain how he came to Constantine. How dare pozharsky go out? He locked himself tightly in the office and sulked alone. When did pozharsky, who had been in good weather since childhood, suffer such a big insult.

When it was time to leave work, the staff of the Youth League Committee suddenly found that they could not go home. Because more and more workers gathered at the gate, no one dared to step out of the gate of the Youth League Committee. It was ulyanov, the senior official of the regiment who was criticized by the senior officials of the city and was about to leave, who came forward to persuade these troublemakers to leave.

After passing this incident, the staff of the Youth League Committee finally saw a problem clearly, that is, when something goes wrong, we still have to rely on Secretary ulyanov. Pozalski is a man who can't be relied on.

After that day, after Yakov's deliberate arrangement, Jiang shidanton's affairs gradually became stormy. The Communist Youth League branches of Gorky automobile factory, tractor factory, textile factory and other units have called the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee of Gorky to inquire about the cause of the matter. How dare the staff of the Municipal Youth League Committee answer such a question? In fact, they are calling Secretary bozarsky in the face. Therefore, everyone hesitated on the phone and said that they didn't know about it, but Secretary bozarsky didn't come to work. Finally, they had to ask Xie liaosha.

In the end, Xie liaosha took the board“ Since everyone is so concerned about this matter, it's better to hold a meeting together to discuss it! " So at the request of Xie liaosha, there was such a temporary meeting of representatives of the Communist Youth League of Gorky city.

"Secretary bozarski, why are you here today?" Asked one of his subordinates, who usually had a good relationship with bozarsky, when he saw him in surprise.

"What! Can't I come to work! " Pozarsky said in a bad mood.

"That's not what I mean, Secretary bozarsky!" The subordinate pulled bozarsky aside, lowered his voice and said carefully, "don't you know? Your business has spread all over the League branches below. Secretary ulyanov proposed to hold a special meeting to talk about your problem. I don't think he meant well. You can't help but guard against it! "

"What! Why don't I know? Where are they? " Pozarsky asked angrily after hearing this.

"In the small auditorium of the Youth League Committee, don't say that it's me, Secretary bozarski - ah - Secretary bozarski?" Before his subordinates finished, bozarsky turned and left.

"A few days ago, at the city's Soviet Congress, Secretary Bogdanov of the municipal Party committee made an important speech. He said that some of our comrades have forgotten the virtues of diligence, thrift and plain living advocated by comrade Lenin. At that time, I thought he was talking about other departments. But I didn't expect that such a thing happened just under my eyes and under our Youth League Committee. One of our comrades, wearing a watch that he could not afford for several years' wages, swaggered through the market and told young workers what to do. After being discovered by the workers, they dare to fight with the workers! "

"Bang!" Xie liaosha slapped the table hard, and then roared, "is there any royal law?"

More than 30 delegates sitting below fell into silence, while the two deputy secretaries of the Youth League Committee sitting next to Xie liaosha shrunk their necks and dropped their pens on the ground.

Just then, the people in the small hall were suddenly pushed away. Bozarsky rushed in, and he was followed by a few staff members who couldn't stop him.

"Secretary! You can't go in. There's still a meeting in there! " The staff whispered to dissuade.

"Why can't I come in? I'm still not the Secretary of the Youth League Committee. I can't be informed when the Youth League Committee will hold a meeting! " Bozarsky roared.

The staff had to persuade him again, but he was stopped by Xie liaosha“ Go out first So the staff left the auditorium.

Bozars base station at the door, angrily pointed to Xie liaosha's nose, said: "you have a meeting, why don't you inform me, I'm one of the Standing Committee members of the Communist Youth League."

"I know, but what we are discussing today is your problem. You are not suitable to express your opinion!" Xie liaosha lightly pushed bozarsky back.

"I ~" Bozarski really can't refute this sentence of seliosha. He thought for a while, and then said, "since it's about my problem, I can sit in and listen." Xie liaosha nodded and agreed. Pozarsky sat helplessly in the corner.

"All right! Now let me talk about my opinion. In view of the serious consequences caused by Comrade pozharski, I suggest that we immediately stop all duties of Comrade pozharski and wait for the matter to be investigated before dealing with it. What are the other comrades' opinions? " Xie liaosha asked as he scanned the situation below. Except for pozarsky, no one spoke.

"I object!" Bozarsky raised his hand and said in a loud voice.

"You are here to listen in. You have no right to express your opinions. Now let's raise our hands to vote. Those comrades who agree please raise their hands." As soon as Xie liaosha's voice fell, the representatives below raised their hands in unison. They are all paid. Why don't they raise their hands. Xie liaosha also slowly raised his hand. He glared at the two deputies sitting beside him. The two guys were so scared that they had no choice but to raise their hands. They barely raised their hands.

"All right, all right! From now on, I declare that the meeting is on a confidential agenda and not open to irrelevant people! Staff, please get Comrade pozharski out! " As soon as Xie liaosha finished, without waiting for bozarski to speak, several cadres of the security section at the door surrounded bozarski.

"Secretary, please cooperate. Don't make us embarrassed!" The head of the security section said with a bitter face.

"Yes! All right! I remember you, you wait for me! " Bozarsky fiercely threatened, angrily turned and walked out of the auditorium.