Chapter 166

When the four returned from the mass grave, they still smelled from time to time. As soon as he arrived at his place of residence, Xie liaosha rushed into the bathroom, took off all his clothes and washed them. Yuri gave the innkeeper's daughter a sum of money and asked her to help clean up her body. For the sake of money, the owner's daughter reluctantly agreed.

The kind-hearted guide finds some lime to do a simple antiseptic treatment for the body, and finds experienced funeral personnel to put Anton's body and head together. Everyone burned all the clothes they wore when they went to the mass grave, from the inside out.

Two days later, the executioner in the video finally called. The place where they met was not elsewhere, but the hotel where they stayed. After all, this is the most upscale place in Randy goto.

Xie liaosha coaxed him into the room with his sweet words. Yuri, who was hiding behind the door, strangled him and put a tranquilizer into his neck. Then the two quickly tied the guy up. Xie liaosha immediately called Downey and said that Mr. Nikolay had something urgent to ask them to go back. Xie liaosha apologized and regretted to Downey and promised to lend him a million dollars of working capital without interest.

Xie liaosha asks Yuri to get rid of the murderer. Yuri puts a rope around the guy's neck and is about to start, but is stopped by jieerjinna.

"Let me take revenge for Anton myself!" Said gergina viciously.

Yuri takes a look at Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha thinks for a moment and nods his head. Yuri took out his gun and put on the muffler. Then he handed the pistol to gergina, who took the cold pistol and slowly raised it to the murderer's forehead.

At this time, the murderer has gradually become aware. He slowly opens his eyes and sees a beautiful Russian woman pointing a gun at him. Then he understands what's going on.

"You are the relative of the pilot. It's a pity that he could have survived. As long as I take off the thing on his neck, I will save his life!" Although the murderer is dying, he doesn't show panic. Instead, he tells Anton the details before his death like chatting.

Gergina didn't reply. Her hands were shaking and she couldn't pull the trigger. Xie liaosha and Yuri stood by and waited quietly. Although it was very dangerous here, the earlier they left, the safer they would be. But shagliaosha and Yuri are willing to take the risk.

The murderer looked at jieerjinna with a smile and said in a caring tone: "it seems that you have never killed a person. Everyone has such a process. As long as the hand is stained with blood, it will be much easier in the future, just like the metamorphosis of an insect. Do you want to hear how I did it the first time?"

Before jelgina could answer, the killer continued, "it was a year ago. I just graduated from school. I have a sister who is very beautiful. One day a Soviet followed her and broke into my home. He drove us all out with a gun. There were cries from my sister in the room. Every cry hurt my heart. I rushed in and stabbed him on the back with a sharp knife. Unfortunately, just like you, I was soft handed and didn't stab the beast to death. He picked up the gun and tried to kill me. My sister rushed up to grab the gun, and I also rushed up to help. Three people wrestled together, two shots, only I survived The guy had tears in his eyes.

Xie liaosha looks at jieerjinna. She seems to be wavering. The gun in her hand is slowly lowered involuntarily. So shagliaosha made a color for Yuri. Yuri holds her shaking hand and wants to take the gun and do it for her.

"Go away! Let me do it myself, I can do it Gergina ran into Yuri excitedly. She held up her gun again. She was in tears, biting her teeth and shaking all over. Unfortunately, she couldn't pull the trigger.

"Ah, I really shouldn't be greedy for money. If I had the money, I could send my family abroad..." the murderer continued with a relieved face.

Gergina retreated, but she still couldn't shoot. The killer looked at gergina with a smile, looked at Yuri, and then said, "it seems that she really can't do it. Come on, I hope you can do it quickly!"

Xie liaosha gives his gun to Yuri. Yuri habitually pulls out the cartridge clip, checks it, then installs the muffler and pulls the bolt to load the bullet. Then he slowly pointed the gun at the guy.


"Bang! Bang

"Bang! Bang! Bang


It wasn't Yuri who shot, it was gergina. Gergina closed her eyes and suddenly knocked the trigger. The bullets were shot out, some missed, some into the guy's body. The more backward she went, the more accurate she was. After all the bullets were gone, the guy was no longer breathing.

Yuri carefully close to jerkina, carefully took down the gun in her hand. Gergina wanted to collapse and fell into Yuri's arms, panting and trying to calm her emotions.

Xie liaosha left Randy gauto that night, and they fled the country as fast as they could. In order to show his gratitude, Xie liaosha gave the guide a large sum of money.


In Golgi City, a car with a government license plate slowly drove into a hidden villa area. The lights swept by, and Yakov quickly lowered himself to hide. When the car passed, Yakov took the camera from the co driver's seat and aimed at the car. When the car stopped and the people inside came out of the car, Yakov pressed the shutter continuously to record everything.

Almost at the same time, in the municipal Party committee's guest house, Boris, who had just enjoyed himself, turned over from the woman and held his partner in his arms. "You are so beautiful, my dear," he said with a smile. "I didn't expect that Secretary Bogdanov could let you go. I don't want to be his secretary. I don't want you to follow him every day." The woman around him touched Boris's chest shyly and said with a gentle smile, "he dares. My father is the Deputy Secretary of the Golgi State Party committee and his immediate superior..."

On the other hand, in a high-ranking villa in Gorky automobile factory, the nanny is taking care of the food purchased from the black market. Although the family is not short of money, many foreign high-end goods can be bought on the black market. When it was almost finished, the nanny suddenly found a letter with the name of the hostess at the bottom of the packing bag. The nanny did not dare to neglect, but quickly gave the letter to the hostess. After the hostess opened the letter, she looked happy.

Yakov, Boris, Mikhail, all of them try their best to complete the task that seryosha told them in their own way.