Chapter 158

After leaving William's hunting villa, Xie liaosha didn't want to stay in this place for a day, and his good impression of William was almost gone. Xie liaosha has long thought that she must find an opportunity to send Karim to West Germany. It's still too dangerous here. Although William has principles in business, his means are too cruel. Xie liaosha has to take precautions early.

Xie liaosha takes William's death certificate to check in the body for the plane. Sitting on the plane that is about to take off, Xie liaosha can't help feeling bouts of headache. At the thought of going back and having to take out the money again, Xie liaosha feels bouts of nausea.

Mikhail kept writing and calculating with paper and pen, estimating how long the money would be able to flow into Italy safely and legally. When Xie liaosha saw that Mikhail's face was almost on the paper, he asked, "what's the matter? Is there not enough head accounts?"

"There is still a long way to go, and we are not allowed to open new accounts in Minsk, Almaty, Kiev and other places at all." Mikhail said with a sad face.

"Don't worry, Swiss bank still has a lot of money. If time doesn't allow, we can use it first. But there's another thing that worries me more! Our business is too high-profile. If it goes on like this, the internal affairs bureau and the KGB will find out about us sooner or later. " Xie liaosha said, looking at the clouds outside the window.

"Do you have any ideas, seryosa?" Asked Mikhail.

"We can't stand in the front, and we can't take over all businesses. We have to control them. I'm going to have a membership system. I'm qualified to be our client only after being introduced by acquaintances. In the future, if anyone comes to you and asks to do business, we must refuse. We need an invisible person to do this for us. Our freedom is hard won. Don't lose it easily. " Xie liaosha said with emotion.

When the plane finally landed in Moscow, father Petrov, who was driving a hearse, had been waiting here for a long time

At the end of the day, the cargo men at the airport put the coffin in the hearse and left. Father Petrov carefully drove his car out of Moscow until he got on the road leading to Gorky city. Then he met them by the side of the road.

"You boys, why did you bring back a dead man all the way? What a bad luck!" Father Petrov complained.

"Daddy, it's not a dead man, it's money. It's just in the body of the dead man!" Boris quipped.

"The money is disgusting. Can't you think of some other way to get it back?" Said father Petrov.

"Don't talk about it. Let's drive! We have to get rid of it or it will stink! " Xie liaosha said.

The car went straight to Gorky in the dark, and everyone took turns driving along the way. After arriving at the destination, Yuri and Boris wear protective clothing to retrieve the money, and ram's body is buried in a cemetery on the outskirts of Gorky.

Piles of banknotes were placed on the table of Xie liaosha's living room. No one had seen so much money, but no one wanted to touch it. Everyone sat around in silence, and finally Xie liaosha spoke first.

"You'd better buy it and bury it in the backyard first!"


A week later, azelio, who was waiting anxiously in Milan, finally received his long-awaited call.

"Are you Mr. azelio, please?" The other end of the phone asked cautiously.

"Hello, who are you?" Azelio asked cautiously. He knew that the phone was likely to be tapped. He wanted to remind the other party to pay attention to what he said. Unexpectedly, the other party said on the phone: "Mr. azelio, you can call me Nikolay. I just want to tell you that I have donated a sum of money to your family charity fund, The number is about 16 million dollars... "Azelio was stunned on the spot. He didn't expect to be so fast. At the same time, the Italian police who had been monitoring azelio also noticed the call, but they had nothing to do.

Because this charitable fund is not only registered in Luxembourg, but also completely legal. As a result, Italy could not provide relevant evidence for the Luxembourg police to seize him. And the Italian police were unable to investigate the fund's accounts.

The drained Genovese family immediately regained its vitality, and soon some members of Parliament publicly accused the Italian police of lacking legitimacy in detaining Donnie Genovese, and even suspected of abusing his power. The Italian police resisted the pressure and ignored the outside interference because they still had the key witness.

In prison, Downey quickly hired a luxurious team of lawyers, including even former Justice Department officials. In secret, Downey was not idle. About 10 million dollars went directly to the Gambino family. Soon, in the vote of the Mafia National Committee, a resolution in favor of Downey was passed. Betrayed

The Genovese traitors are on the Mafia National Hunt. For a time, the police strengthened the protection of witnesses, and everyone was waiting for the day when the Court opened.

On the day of the court session, the outskirts of Milan's high court were packed with reporters and ordinary people holding signs to support Downey. Donny was carried to the court by the prison car. When he was taken out of the prison car, the reporter at the door immediately raised his camera to record the critical moment. You know, Downey was the first mafia boss to go to court. The crowd outside yelled:




Who knows how much it cost to make such a big noise.

The police are much more low-key. Their bulletproof car drove directly into the special passage of the court. No one saw how the mysterious witness got into the court.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the court finally opened, and the auditorium was full. People are waiting for things to develop further. Is Downey convicted and jailed or acquitted.

The prosecution and Downey's lawyers first expounded their own views, and soon came to the stage of court debate, when the witness of what finally appeared. The door of the court was opened, and a middle-aged man in a suit entered the court step by step and sat on the witness stand. All eyes of the audience were focused on him. At the moment, Downey's eyes seemed to be bursting with fire.

At the prompt of the judge, the witness put his hand on the Bible and began to swear.

"I swear to the court in the name of God that I will provide the truth that I know. If we provide false facts, we are willing to accept them. "

In full view of the public, the witness who had been coughing was bleeding from the corners of his mouth and fell to the ground with convulsions. Soon the scene was in a panic, and the anxious prosecutors rushed forward to check.

"Ah! Call the doctor. The witness is not breathing

"Come on
