Chapter 141

"Well, you can take my car to the airport, and these gentlemen, I'm sorry you can't turn around here. You can only drive straight ahead and leave here!" At Grigory's request, the police finally agreed to take them to the airport. While watching the two guys with guns, they opened the door carefully, and the two guys were also watching them. Everyone seems to have reached a tacit understanding in front of the police. Among the six people present, only this police officer does not know the real situation.

"Our luggage is still in the trunk!" Gregory's words, the driver, and the two guys with guns, all changed. Grigori didn't realize that if he didn't mention the money and obediently followed the police, these people might let him and shagliaosha go. But once anyone wants to take the money, there's no way to go back alive. If they can't get the money back, Mr. buyano won't give up. If they don't work hard, they can't make it.

The three people in the car looked at Gregory coldly, and the two Gunners quietly touched the weapons in their pockets. It's a big crime to kill the police. It's equal to being the enemy of the powerful judicial organs in the United States. Even the Mafia don't want to do it, but I'm afraid it must be done tonight. The driver of the car looked at the two people behind through the rearview mirror and nodded in secret. The two shooters also nodded in response.

"Is their luggage in the trunk?" The policeman asked the driver. The driver then opened the trunk of the limousine. Xie liaosha took out the big boxes one by one. There were four big boxes, each containing 2.5 million US dollars. With a heavy suitcase in one hand, seliosha and Gregory follow the police and start to walk towards the police car. At this time, Xie liaosha put all his thoughts behind him. Although he didn't look back, he was listening all the time, and his eyes were on the waist of the policeman walking in front of him, where there was a police revolver.

The two shooters in the concierge car gently opened the door. At this time, the police just turned their back to them. Their feet reached out of the car and stepped on the solid ground. They hold the door with one hand, and then the whole person comes out of the car. The other hand slowly takes out the pistol from his pocket, raises it and aims at the back of the police and Xie liaosha.

There was a slight sound of stones rubbing against the ground. When Xie liaosha knew that it was this time, he threw down his suitcase and rushed forward, pressing the police and Gregory to the ground.

"Bang! Bang Two shots came from behind. Xie liaosha's quick decision and quick reaction saved everyone's life. Xie liaosha rolled in place and lay on his back. He used the strength of his abdominal muscles to pull up his upper body, and then raised his police gun, which was a shot in the backhand. This gun belongs to the policeman just now. Xie liaosha pulled out the gun when he knocked him down.

The sudden gunfire surprised the police, but the usual training was not in vain. He protected Gregory and arched to the police car. Several bullets were shot behind him. Xie liaosha also ran to the slope after firing his gun. The shot just now didn't hit anyone. The police took out another shotgun from the police car, and he began to fight back, "Dong!" As soon as the shotgun rang, the glass of the luxurious Lincoln car was suddenly broken, and the driver in the car also picked up the gun to join the war. For a moment, there was a loud gunfire. Grigory held his head and shrank into a ball, curling up and hiding in the position of the left front wheel of the car.

With the powerful firepower of the police, the pressure on Xie liaosha's side suddenly reduced a lot. He still had five rounds of revolver in his hand. After the training in the Afghan battlefield, Xie liaosha's shooting skills have improved a lot, but he is still not a sharpshooter. He seriously aimed at the head of a sharpshooter and pulled off the plane steadily.

"Bang!" Xie liaosha hit the shooter's neck with this shot, and the blood spattered out instantly. The guy covered the wound and fell helplessly, his legs twitching. Xie liaosha just got here, and the remaining two killers immediately aimed their guns at him. The powerful firepower forced him to retreat into the ditch on the side of the road. On the police side, because of the lack of a shooter, the pressure was greatly reduced immediately. In addition, the shotgun had a large killing area at close range, and "Dong ~ Dong" shot two times in succession. The driver was hit in the knee, and he was lying on the ground with his broken knee howling in pain.

The rest of the shooter saw that the general situation was not good, so he quickly shot back the attack of the police. He got into the cab and started the car to run. How could Xie liaosha let him go? He rushed out of the ditch on the side of the road and rushed up. He stood at the car without giving up. He raised his gun!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang Five shots in a row finally killed the shooter, but at this time, he couldn't escape the car. Xie liaosha protected his head, jumped up, hit the car with his back, and his body began to roll involuntarily. The car rushed under him and hit the side of the road. Xie liaosha is injured all over, but the danger has not been relieved. He can't stop. He crawls and limps to the first bandit who is killed. The driver sits on the ground in horror and chases Xie liaosha with a gun. Xie liaosha takes up the dead shooter's weapon and pulls the trigger continuously at the driver. They were so close that they started shooting each other before they could think about it. Xie liaosha felt a shock on his shoulder, followed by a huge pain. He clenched his teeth, howled and shot out all the bullets. The driver was finally shot in the head and fell to the ground.

The scene finally quieted down again. The policeman just now hid in front of the car and aimed his gun at Xie liaosha. He said, "put down your arms, or I will shoot. Put down your arms quickly."

Xie liaosha had a sharp pain in his shoulder. He was shot, but fortunately, he was shot only in this place. He swung his arm and threw the pistol to the other side of the road. He raised his uninjured hand, and the policeman approached him step by step with a shotgun. He first kicked the two bodies with his feet, and then said to Xie liaosha, "who are you? Who you are? "

"I'm a member of the Soviet delegation of the 22nd International Olympiad in mathematics. Calm down, man. Those people wanted to rob me just now. I can explain..." Xie liaosha quickly defended himself.

"Shut up! Put your hands on your head. Don't play tricks The police put the barrel of the gun on Xie liaosha's head and threatened to say. Xie liaosha can only do so. He holds the injured arm on his head with one hand, and the cold handcuffs are tightly tied to his hands.

"Follow me back to the police station, where I have a lot of ways to make you tell the truth, the staff of the Soviet delegation." the police scornfully arrested seryosha and Gregory into the police car.