Chapter 133

On the plane from Leningrad to Washington, a group of teenagers wearing custom-made suits embroidered with the national emblem of the Soviet Union sat in the front row of the plane. They were the team members who passed the selection and were sent to Washington to participate in the 22nd International Mathematical Olympiad science competition. Xie liaosha also went as a member of the delegation.

Xie liaosha was arranged to come in three days before his departure. When the head of the delegation introduced him to these children, they could hardly believe their eyes. It's time for children of this age to worship heroes, and Xie liaosha is always mentioned as a hero on TV recently, and soon these children became a part of him. However, there are exceptions. A thin teenager seems to be not very interested in him. As soon as he gets on the plane, he is busy with his own affairs and has been writing on the paper. Next to him sat Xie liaosha, who had not spoken for so long.

Bored Xie liaosha pressed the pager on his seat, and soon a sweet stewardess came over. When she saw Xie liaosha, she was immediately surprised and asked, "are you the fighting hero who came back from Afghanistan?"

"Yes, it's me. It's my honor to be remembered by a beautiful lady like you!" Xie liaosha said with a smile.

"Ah! It's incredible. You must take a picture with me when you get off the plane. What do you need now? " Stewardess face with a sweet smile, gently asked.

"A vodka and a yogurt for the man next to me!" Xie liaosha replied. After confirming all the needs of Xie liaosha, the stewardess brought up two drinks in a short time. Xie liaosha put the yoghurt in the hands of the teenagers around him, then picked up the glass and sipped the wine.

The boy was startled by the yogurt in front of him. He looked up at Xie liaosha, said thank you, and then continued to concentrate on what he was doing. Xie liaosha glanced sideways at the manuscript on his desk. There are some areas on it, which are distinguished by grid lines and diagonal lines. There are letters and formulas on it. Xie liaosha was stunned for a long time, but he couldn't help asking, "are you doing geometry?"

The boy raised his head again, first drank a mouthful of yoghurt, and then replied, "it's true, it's not true!"

"Can you tell me something?" Xie liaosha pretends to be interested and asks. As if the boy had been pressed the switch, he began to become cheerful. He put the manuscript on the desk in front of Xie liaosha and began to explain to him what he was doing. At first Xie liaosha could understand it, but later he began to feel that he was listening to the book of heaven. He can only rely on his knowledge in the university to roughly distinguish the things on hand belong to the category of topology and graph theory.

After the young man excitedly finished his research, he asked Xie liaosha a few questions. Unfortunately, Xie liaosha couldn't answer any of them. The boy finally understood that Xie liaosha was pretending to know nothing, so he angrily asked, "are you a mathematician?"

"To be exact, I once dreamed of becoming an engineer. I only know some knowledge about engineering mathematics. If you are willing to discuss and analyze (Application of Engineering Mathematics) with me, I can say something about it." Xie liaosha is a bit ashamed to say that although he was once a student bully of Moscow University, in front of such a real genius, Xie liaosha was instantly turned into a slag.

"What are you going to do with us?" The young man asked sincerely. Xie liaosha carefully observed his eyes. There was no element of looking down on people in his eyes. It seems that he simply doesn't know himself, so Xie liaosha replied, "I'm here to serve you and make sure you have a good time in America!"

The young man drank up the yogurt and wanted to concentrate on the topic, but he was held by Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha doesn't want to have no one to talk to along the way. Even a nerd is better than none. He took a deck of cards out of his pocket and asked the boy, "are you interested in playing with me?"

Xie liaosha thought that he would be rejected, but he agreed unexpectedly. He warned Xie liaosha: "you can't win me in any game!"

"At 21:00, can we make a bet on something? If you win in America, how about I treat you to hamburgers and ice cream?" In fact, Xie liaosha likes to fight landlords best, but they obviously can't play. So I thought of 21 points, if I do it myself, I will win more.

"Can you tell me the rules of the game?" The youth one face doubts of ask a way.

So Xie liaosha briefly described the rule of 21 points, a can be one point or 11 points, 2-10 points for the card, J, Q, K for 10 points. You can add one card at a time until you're free or don't want any more. After that, you need to show all the cards. If the dealer is less than 17 points, he will continue to ask for the cards. Finally, if the dealer is more than 21 points, he will lose. Otherwise, he will lose. In order to increase some fun, Xie liaosha also increases the rules of double bet, five dragons, flush and blackjack.

The young man only listened once and remembered what Xie liaosha said. Xie liaosha opened the poker and began to shuffle the cards skillfully. After the first dark card was issued, Xie liaosha began to wait for the young man to bet.

"No!" The boy threw the card on the table without looking at it. When Xie liaosha saw that it was actually a, he said in a hurry, "don't you think about what if it was black jack?" The young man replied slowly: "the probability is too small, let's continue?"

So Xie liaosha continued to deal cards. In the first few games, he didn't want any cards at all. Xie liaosha's chips gradually increased, but he could only earn a little every time. With the deepening of the card game, the young man no longer abandoned the card in the first round, but slowly began to bet, one after another opened a flush and a five dragons, Xie liaosha chips down more than half, and after two games, Xie liaosha has begun to owe young chips.

"I lost!" After a few games, Xie liaosha had to admit defeat because he didn't know when he had won. The contest on the gambling table has become the teenager's mathematical game. Every teenager can tell how much he has won. Even those sitting in front and behind can't help but pay attention to Xie liaosha's card game. It's really a shame that an adult is killed by a middle school student.

"God of gamblers! What do you call it? " Xie liaosha reached out to the boy and asked awkwardly.

"What do you call Gregory Yakovlev Perelman?" The young man held out his hand to hold Xie liaosha's hand and then asked.

"Sergei Ivanovic ulyanov, nice to meet you. You can call me seryosa!" Xie liaosha introduced himself.