Chapter 124

Jalal finally tore his hypocritical face. He ordered the reporters on the scene to hand over all the videos and recordings before they could leave. But with such good news materials, how could the Western journalists who risked their lives and traveled all the way to this country so easily give in. They tried their best to spread what happened here through video. You know, these Soviet prisoners of war will be executed tomorrow. Therefore, in order to ensure the timeliness of the news, what happened here that night was spread on several small-scale television networks in Europe and North America, The heroic and unyielding image of these Soviets left a deep impression on the audience. More and more TV stations were interested in it. Soon, the news appeared on the national TV stations in North America and Europe that night.

In the villa on the outskirts of Moscow, the Soviet Communist Party, Leonid Brezhnev, sat by the TV on time after dinner as usual. As he grew older, Leonid Brezhnev was just like many old people who were addicted to movies and TV dramas. However, as the general secretary, Leonid Brezhnev could see any TV programs he wanted to watch, including those of American TV stations. Just when he wanted to switch the TV channel to the film and television channel as usual, a news on the TV screen made him stop.

The headline of the news was "Soviet prisoners of war refused to plead guilty in a court in Afghanistan. They may be collectively executed tomorrow.". Brezhnev watched the news carefully. His nurse and lover Anna also sat aside and watched the news quietly. There were a lot of reporters on the scene at that time, and the video materials broadcast on the TV station were edited, which was actually more inflammatory and set off the atmosphere at that time.

"My God! He's really something? " The tears in Anna's eyes flowed down. Standing on the stage, Xie liaosha made her feel a kind of respect. Then he said to Brezhnev: "can't you save them?"

Brezhnev didn't speak, but his eyes began to blur. After the news, Brezhnev picked up his handkerchief and dipped his wet eyes. At this moment, he thought of his comrades in arms who lived and died together during the patriotic war. Brezhnev was deeply impressed by the Soviet officer who would rather die than surrender in front of the enemy on TV. His real name was not shown on the news, but his comrades in arms were known as seryosa.

"Xie liaosha!"

"Xie liaosha!"

Brezhnev recited the name in his heart. At this moment, he no longer has the heart to watch TV. He thinks he should do something for them, otherwise there will always be a sense of guilt in his heart. He went to the phone, picked up the receiver and asked to connect Andropov. As the boss of KGB, Andropov has always been the most trusted person of Brezhnev. After a while, Andropov's voice came from the other side of the phone. Brezhnev couldn't wait to say: "Yuri (Andropov's name is Yuri), I just finished reading the news. Do we have a group of young men in the hands of those damned guerrillas, and it's true that they will be executed tomorrow?"

Andropov had known the news not long ago. He had expected that Brezhnev would pay close attention to it personally. So he checked the information of these prisoners in advance, understood the cause and effect of the incident, and called Afghan directly to consult the local officials. On that night, through the report on Soviet state television, Xie liaosha's name has spread to thousands of families, including Vladimir PJ, who lives in Leningrad. At that time, he was having dinner. When he watched the sudden appearance of Xie liaosha's face on TV, he was stunned. At that time, he laid a net in Gorky City, but he just couldn't find the escaped criminals, I didn't expect that they went to Afghanistan unconsciously and joined the Soviet army to fight with those s-fighters. Vladimir thought they had been killed by some other gang, and their bodies had been thrown into the Volga River. Vladimir didn't want to have dinner any more. He quickly dialed his superior. As soon as he got through, Vladimir said excitedly, "I see him. He's in Afghanistan. I'm going to Afghanistan. Get him back!"

"Don't waste your time, Vladimir. He will be killed by the guerrillas soon!" The superior said on the phone.

"No, I still want to go. I must find out who helped them escape, these damned corrupt officials..." Vladimir fought desperately for the chance to go to Afghanistan on the phone. He would not let these corrupt elements who helped criminals escape, if they were allowed to continue to do so, How can the Ministry of the interior and the KGB maintain national security in the future.

Different from everyone else, Chernenko was sitting at home with his glass in his hand, watching TV with pride. A big stone in his heart could finally fall to the ground. Chernenko raised his glass to greet Xie liaosha on the TV, and then drank up the wine in one mouthful and said with great satisfaction: "goodbye, my friend!"