Chapter 106

Recently, grachov has been very unhappy. Hafizola kassim Wardak, who was thought to have died, is still alive, which makes him bear great pressure and censure from his superiors. Originally, after this well planned anti ambush war, grachov would be promoted, but now it's all gone. The teacher has talked to him for more than once, and asked him to solve the problem as soon as possible. Maybe the reward will fall on him, but how could hafizola kassim Wardak, who escaped from the net, be cheated again?

Grachov decadent drag tired body back to his office, in the past strict with himself, he now languidly lean on the chair, holding a glass of wine, feet on the desk. He held up his glass of wine and drank it down. He kept remembering the situation on the day of the anti ambush war. Xie liaosha followed the enemy all the way to the top of the mountain. He saw it clearly on the plane. Then Xie liaosha reported that there was no sign of the enemy on the top of the mountain. He also confirmed that there was no place for Tibetans on the top of the mountain, At that time, everyone thought that the enemy had jumped off the cliff.

Is it the problem of shagliaosha? No, there is an irreconcilable contradiction between shaaliosha and the guerrillas. The guerrillas killed shaaliosha's benefactor Vasili, and shaaliosha is related to the death of Abdel. Shaaliosha can't let that guy go. When grachov thought of seryosha, he suddenly had an idea that although his hope was slim, he would try, wouldn't he?

Grachev immediately got up from his chair and washed his face to sober himself up. Grachev has a lot to drink. Although he had drunk a lot just now, he didn't delay his business. He went to his office door, locked it from the inside, and pulled down the curtains. In the dark, grachov picked up the phone and made a call.


Chernenko, the KGB branch in Leningrad, is dealing with a mountain of documents in his office. Chernenko was just transferred back from Gorky six months ago. Because of his outstanding performance in the anti-corruption work of Gorky, Chernenko has been affirmed by the senior management. He was not only transferred back to Leningrad, but also promoted. Now Chernenko is really high spirited. Among his colleagues who joined the KGB at the same time, he is the most senior and the best. Chernenko finally lived the life he wanted. He not only bought a holiday villa in the suburbs, but also bought an imported car. He usually works in the city and goes to the suburbs on weekends. He has a bright future waiting for him. Who doesn't want such a life.

"Ding Lingling ~ ~!"

"Ding Lingling ~ ~!"

Chernenko, who is working at his desk, is startled by the sudden telephone ring. He sighs impatiently and picks up the phone to find out who is not liked.

"Hello Chernenko said impatiently.

"Is it convenient for you?" The voice across the phone was full of vigilance. Chernenko was a little stunned, and immediately understood what was going on. It was one of the basic skills of intelligence workers to distinguish the voices of different people. Chernenko didn't rush to answer. He quickly put down the microphone and left his seat. He locked the door of his office and turned the blinds to the darkest. Then he ran back to his seat, picked up the phone, lowered his voice and said, "how can you call me at will?"

"Why don't you know your old friends when you get promoted?" On the other end of the line, grachov said with disdain.

"No, I mean it's not safe. It's a KGB phone." Chernenko didn't want to offend Grachev, because he had a handle in Grachev's hands.

"Listen, I gave you a hand when you needed it most. Now is the time for you to repay me, do you understand? " Grachev implicitly reminds Chernenko that you owe me a big favor.

"What do you want me to do?" Under the threat of Grachev, Chernenko had to correct his attitude.

"Do you know about the recent video incident in Afghanistan? I want you to kill the man in the video! " Grachev pointed out his purpose.

"How can it be? I'm just an ordinary agent investigating domestic intelligence? I can't help you at all What Chernenko said is the truth. He is only responsible for the investigation and collation of domestic intelligence, and can't get involved in matters far away in Afghanistan.

"Then use your head! Listen, if you can't do this, I don't care about the five guys. I can give them to the KGB or the Ministry of defense. I haven't moved a cent of the 20000 rubles you gave me. You'll see it then! " Granchov threatened again.

"You still keep them alive! Didn't you promise to get rid of them? How can you do that? " The dishonesty of Grachev's words angered Chernenko. Although Chernenko's voice was not loud, he still couldn't help questioning Grachev on the phone.

"They are not only alive, but also meritorious. One of them was promoted to an officer by me. At the beginning, you told me that they were your relatives, so I agreed to take them in. You cheated me first." Not to be outdone, Grachev returned to the past.

"You've got the money. How can you be dishonest?" Chernenko was forced to despair.

"Listen! The trade between us is still valid. This is Afghanistan. It's not difficult to kill a few people on the battlefield. I've thrown them to the enemy several times. Unfortunately, they are very lucky and can survive every time. But it doesn't matter, as long as I continue to let them carry out the most dangerous task, sooner or later they will all die here. If you do me a favor first, find an assassin to kill hafizola Qasim Wardak, which is the strength of KGB. " There is still room for negotiation in Grachev's words. He has not planned to tear his face with Chernenko.

Chernenko has an impulse to throw the phone out of the window. He suppresses his anger and fear and keeps silent. On the other side of the line, grachov waited patiently. He also said nothing.

Half a minute later, Chernenko, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke. He said on the phone, "OK! I can help you. Find an assassin! But I can't guarantee that I will kill hafizola. This is the only thing I can't guarantee. OK, no matter what. You can do as you like! "

"Well, that's enough! I guarantee that the deal between us is still valid, and I don't think grachov is a man who can't keep his word With that, Grachev hung up.

Chernenko stood up, put down the receiver, and slumped down in his chair with a dull expression. He was lying on the table with his head in his arms, clutching his hair with both hands, groaning in pain.