Chapter 100

"How did you get out?" Xie liaosha looks at Eva who bandages him and says in doubt.

"I ran into a shop when they didn't pay attention and ran away when there were too many people!" EVA looked into the eyes of shariosha and said with a smile.

"You are so lucky, otherwise I don't know what to do! I'll never take you out again. It's too dangerous! " Xie liaosha said with emotion.

"Take the anti-inflammatory drugs first! "It's the infection of the province." Karim came over with a glass of water and said to shagliaosha.

EVA worked hard for a long time and finally got rid of Xie liaosha's injured hand. As she collected the potion, scissors and gauze, she asked, "do you want to stay?"

"No... No Xie liaosha said with some embarrassment.

"What do you think? The bed belongs to Karim and me, and the sofa belongs to you! " EVA stood with Karim in her arms, and they said with a smile.

"Oh Xie liaosha is really wrong.


After a long transportation line through a long cave, it finally saw the border monument of Kabul province. Andre, sitting in the car at the front of the team, took a long breath. It was not easy. We will enter the city of Kabul in less than 50 kilometers, and it will be safe in the city.

It's not for no reason that Andre was frightened along the way. This time, he transported supplies for the front-line troops, mainly food and clothing, as well as some weapons and ammunition. Starting from the Soviet border city of taizmir, all the way through the mountainous areas of northern Afghanistan, where most of the guerrilla territory is also the only way for the Soviet transport team. It's good to arrive at the destination safely five times out of ten transports. There is no railway in Afghanistan. All transportation depends on airplanes and roads. However, the cost of air transportation is much higher than that of road transportation. The cost of a bullet flying from the Soviet Union to Kabul is amazing. The Soviet Union can't afford it even if it has more money.

But Andre was too happy. On the hills on both sides of the road, hafizola Qasim Wardak and Gamal Abdel Jalal were watching the long convoy closely through binoculars. Since the time when hafizola was saved by Jalal from a hand grenade that was about to explode, hafizola has more confidence in Jalal. The guerrillas live under the threat of the enemy every day. Hafizola must cultivate a successor for himself, so that if he encounters an accident, his team will not be leaderless. However, hafizola had no children, and his younger brother, who had been trained as a successor, went ahead of him. At this time, the appearance of Jalal made hafizola see a new candidate.

"General, can we really win this war only by guerrilla tactics?" Jalal asked suspiciously.

Hafizola is not surprised that Jalal can ask such questions. Jalal is always suspicious of guerrilla warfare, even though there are many successful examples in the world. Jalal grew up in the United States and went to an American military academy. Guerrilla warfare is the patent of the weak. As the first powerful country in the world, Americans will not think from the perspective of the weak.

Hafizola looked at Jalal and said kindly, "Jalal, in our country, there is no way for Afghans to win a frontal war. In the face of the Soviet Union, we can only bleed it a little bit until it can no longer stand it. "

Hafizola picked up the telescope again to observe the enemy situation. After the last car left the cave, hafizola immediately gave the order to attack.

"Dong!" A violent explosion destroyed the front car of the convoy, followed by the explosion of the last car. The long motorcade was immediately blocked in place. The guerrillas who had been ambushing in the valley began to attack.

Hafizola concentrated all the RPGs to attack the armored personnel carriers of the convoy, and the gunfire was loud for a moment. Although it is not far from Kabul, it still takes time for Soviet troops to come to the rescue. So hafizola had to solve the battle thoroughly before the Soviets came to reinforce him. It is not the first time that his guerrillas have fought this kind of battle, and they have formed their own offensive routine.

There was no need for hafizola to worry too much. The battle was soon over, and the goods delivered to the Soviets were now the spoils of Afghans. Guerrillas rushed to the road to clean up the battlefield, hafizola also got up and left the position. Jalal is following hafizola. At the moment, his heart is full of joy. Who doesn't like the taste of victory, especially the victory he won with almost no casualties.

"Jalal, see! We are invincible in this kind of war. No matter how strong the Soviets are, they can't bear the long-term consumption. The victory must belong to us. " Hafizola said to Jalal with pride.

Just as he wanted to answer, Jalal suddenly saw a few guerrillas smoking on the roadside and walked over angrily. Hafizola found the change of Jalal and shook his head.

"How can you smoke? How can you smoke as an MSL? " Jaral severely criticized them.

"But there's never a ban on smoking in the Scriptures!" A young and vigorous guerrilla was quibbling.

"Any act that injures one's body is disrespect to the Lord!" Jaral said in a righteous way.

Just at this time, hafizola also came over and said to those smoking guys, "Why are you so idle? Hurry to move things. We need to clean up the battlefield before the Soviets come. Go

Hafizola drove away the guerrillas who smoked. He grabbed Jalal and said to him, "forget it! Don't push people too hard. Everyone lives under a barrage of bullets every day. Let them relax

"But the scriptures say

"Go back, it's not the right time!" Hafizola found an excuse to stop Jalal's long speech. On the understanding of scriptures, hafizola is not Jalal's opponent. This Jalal is good at everything, but sometimes he is too dogmatic. Although the main members of the guerrillas led by hafizola are from MSL of pagman, several leaders of the guerrillas are members of the former Afghan people's Democratic Party. They all grew up with Amin. Amin himself is a socialist atheist, so hafizola's attitude towards religion is the same thing. However, in Afghanistan, a YSL country, atheism is a big problem that goes against public order and good customs. Hafizola does not dare to disclose his true thoughts.

Hafizola looked at Jalal's leaving figure and sighed. He didn't expect that the Americans were still so devout.