Chapter 94

Outside a cave in the pagman mountains, hafizola kassim waldak is having a leisurely tea with his American guest, Grover Cleveland. Grover Cleveland is now the CIA's point of contact with the forces led by hafizola. Provide arms and intelligence services to hafizola Qasim Wardak.

Grover knows how to be a guest very well. He never comes empty handed. He brings not only weapons but also money. Of course, there are volunteers who come from all over the world to fight. Hafizola felt that the volunteers were the most valuable gifts from Grover.

Grover and hafizola exchanged a few words and began to get to the point. Grover took out a thick stack of information from his briefcase, put it on the table, slowly pushed it to hafizola's eyes, and then said, "general, this is the latest trend of the Soviet Army around us, the deployment of troops, and some other things. I hope it can help you."

"Thank you. Your information is too detailed!" Hafizola said as he put the information aside, not in a hurry to check. Grover noticed hafizola's action. He gave hafizola a smile, took out a kraft paper bag from his file bag, put it on the table, slowly pushed it to hafizola, and then said, "here are the information of several people in the photo you entrusted us to investigate!"

Hafizola did not push the information aside this time. He opened the kraft paper bag directly. There are only a few thin sheets of paper in it. It didn't take hafizola long to see all of them. It contains the number, name, age, time of enlistment and other basic information of their troops. Although it is simple, it is enough for hafizola.

Grover's heart has always been concerned about hafizola's action just now. According to the CIA's information, although hafizola graduated from the Kabul military academy, he has no overseas study experience, so in some aspects he is even inferior to some graduates of European and American military academies. It is said that hafizola himself can't understand the information given to him by the CIA. He needs someone with military education background to translate and explain it to him. Grover has now begun to believe that the rumor is true.

"Would you like to visit the volunteers before you leave?" Just when Ferguson was evaluating hafizola's ability in his heart, hafizola suddenly offered an invitation.

"Of course, I also want to see them live and train with you. There are many people all over the world supporting you. In the future, more and more volunteers will join your team!" Although Ferguson feels that hafizola's level is average in his heart, he never dares to show it. He doesn't dare to offend hafizola easily, because there are too many places in the CIA that need hafizola's help.

In the past, Afghanistan was ruled by a pro Soviet government for a long time, and the CIA could not set foot in this country at all. Later, the Soviets themselves messed up and turned an armed intervention into an all-round aggression. The power of the CIA is just beginning to enter the country. Many of the so-called volunteers from all over the world are from the CIA. The CIA hopes to foster some pro american forces in this war-torn country, as a partner of the United States in this country and a defender of American interests. At present, among these Sheng fighters, hafizola is a good choice. Hafizola is an enlightened secular musilin who has received higher education, although the higher education in Afghanistan is really ordinary. But such a person is obviously the first choice in the minds of the top of the CIA.

Soon Grover, accompanied by hafizola, arrived at the camp of the foreign volunteers. As soon as their car stopped, a young man came to meet them. Hafizola warmly pulled the young man to his side and introduced him to Grover: "look at this young man. He is my good helper now. He is also an American like you. He went to your military academy!"

"Hello, my name is Gamal Abdel Jalal, an Arab American." The young man, jaral, warmly extended his hand to Grover.

"Which military academy is it?" Grover asked casually.

"It's just a military high school, not worth mentioning!" Jalal said modestly.

Grover looked at the young man's sunny smile and felt very sorry. Is it really good for such a good young man to come to Afghanistan and work hard? Young Americans of his age are in love, reading and traveling in China. Instead, he abandoned his peaceful life at home and came to this war-torn country, sleeping in caves and tents and eating local people's coarse food. Why?

Jaral and Grover said hello and then consciously stood behind hafizola, who handed him the things on his hand. Grover could see that hafizola trusted this Jalal.

"What are you training for today?" Hafizola, who had just stepped into the camp, asked Jalal behind him.

Jaral replied, "Bomb training. I've been throwing training bullets a few days ago. Today, I'm going to practice for the first time. "

"Not bad! Then we're going to have a look! " Said hafizola with great interest. After that, everyone walked forward together, and the training ground was not far away. We didn't take a few steps to get there, and Grover saw a lot of young people in camouflage.

As soon as hafizola appeared, there was a line of welcome. Grover deliberately lagged behind hafizola by a few steps. After all, he was a guest, so he would not steal hafizola's limelight.

Jalal gave the order to the new volunteers, who immediately photographed the neat line. Jalal turned to hafizola and saluted. Hafizola nodded slightly. Jalal immediately gave the order to start.

The recruits in the first row stepped forward and each took a grenade out of the ammunition box. Grover could see that these people were very nervous. Jalal once again explained the main points of the action in front of him, and demonstrated it by himself. Grover is not a layman, we can see that jaral's action is very standard.



Grover gave the order to drop the grenade. The recruits nervously opened the safety ring and strode forward to throw the grenade forward.

"Poop Suddenly, a student who is closest to hafizola and Grover falls to the ground, and the grenade also falls to the ground, slowly rolling to hafizola and Grover.

Hafizola and Grover are scared to step back. Hafizola falls to the ground in panic, and Grover is also dragged. They are about to be killed on the spot. At this time, Jalal rushes over and rolls on the ground, and the grenade is in his hands. As soon as he got up, Jalal was already half kneeling on the ground. He used his waist strength to throw the grenade out.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the grenade exploded in the air. Jalal pounced on hafizola and blocked him with his body.

People around him were still in shock. Grover soon recovered his mind. He thought of the thrilling scene just now and couldn't help looking at Jalal again. Is the American youth so powerful? no I'm afraid only the seal troops have this level just now. It's really not simple!