Chapter 82

"Chief, your brother's car ~ ~" hafizola kassim Wardak was concentrating on directing the battle, when someone came up to him and said something. Hafizola kassim Wardak suddenly felt that he had lost the common sense of the whole world. If someone hadn't helped him, he would have fallen to the ground on the spot.

"Catch them, catch them at all costs, I want them to taste life is not like death!" Hafizola kassim Wardak can no longer command the battle here. He wants to avenge his brother. He wants to catch those enemies who killed his brother and torture them in the most cruel way until he sends them to hell.

Hafizola kassim Wardak turned away without saying a word. At this moment, he is no longer a calm guerrilla commander, but an angry and sad brother who wants to revenge for his brother. Hafizola kassim Wardak didn't give any explanation to his subordinates. His deputy took the initiative to stay in charge instead of him. The rest of his cronies followed him to hunt down his brother's murderer.


Grachov covered his men and retreated to the valley again. This was the third time he led his men and the rescued paratroopers to break through the encirclement. Every time grachov took the lead, but every time he was defeated by the enemy's crazy attack.

The Soviet troops who retreated to the valley were dejected. The valley was very close to the Afghan government troops in the south. However, between the besieged Soviet Red Army and the Afghan government troops who came to the rescue, it was the heavy defense line of Sheng fighters. Now Grachev thinks that breaking through the encirclement to the south is a fool's dream, that is, using his head to hit the city wall, but trying to hit the solid wall. Although the city of Kabul is just to the south, and the Afghan government forces are also to the south, it is more difficult to expect the Afghan government forces with low combat effectiveness to join their own forces through the rushing blockade.

Grachov again took out the military map he had with him, carefully observed every road, river and valley marked on it, hoping to find another way to break through. Every road to the South has been blocked. Although grachov does not give up, the fact has proved that the south is absolutely dead. Although Grachev has the help of armed helicopter, the helicopter can't fly too low. The enemy's RPG is always staring at them. Once the altitude is lowered, it is easy to be hit by rockets coming out of nowhere.

Grachov called the staff who came with him. He pointed to the map and said to him, "Comrade Ivanov, tell me, what's the possibility that we will break through the encirclement to the South and make peace with the Afghan army?"

"The possibility of breaking south is almost nonexistent. Our firepower is not equal to that of the enemy. All the roads between us and the Afghan government forces are in the valley. It's easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if all of us are dead, we can't rush through. " The chief of staff, Ivanov, once again confirmed what Grachev had already concluded from a professional point of view.

Grachov angrily took off his hat and threw it heavily on the map. He went to one side, looked at the scenery outside the valley and lit a cigarette silently. I don't know if I can leave this place alive today. It's just a few days away from the new year of 1981. Maybe

As the son of a metallurgist, Grachev, who was born in rural Tula, could not receive much good education. Even in a group of rural children who don't like learning, grachov is the one who has been working hard but can never be at the top of the list. But Grachev has never given up. If he is not as smart as others, he has to work harder. God did not let Grachev's efforts be wasted. Grachev stepped into the door of volongzhi military academy, the highest military academy of the Soviet Union. More than ten years later, when the children who were far more gifted than Grachev were gone, Grachev, who was just in his early 30s, became the famous commander of 354 regiment of 103 airborne division.

In the Military Academy of vorongze, Grachev is still not the most favored student of the professors. It's no wonder how many military talents have graduated from the vorongze military academy since it was established in 1918. Trekov, Zhukov... Which one is not famous. But Grachev still worked hard day and night, and finally graduated from this world-famous military school with excellent results. Grachov's efforts won the respect of his teachers. A professor who valued him said to him, "although you are not my most intelligent student, you are my most valued student. I have a word for you. Real genius is to discover the possibility from the impossible and see the hope from the despair."

"From the impossible to the possible, from despair to hope." This sentence came back to Grachev's mind at this time, and he was stunned until the cigarette burned to his finger.

Grachev felt as if he had grasped something. For the first time in his life, he had a sense of inspiration. He ran to the place just now and picked up the map that he had studied countless times. The southeast, northwest, and all sides were controlled by Sheng fighters' guerrillas. In the south, there were friendly Afghan government forces, but there were also many lines of defense waiting for him to hit. In addition to the cliffs in the East and West, there were heavy firepower from the enemy. In the north is the territory controlled by another tribe, and there are still Sheng fighters of the same tribe in the south. This kind of situation is so familiar that it is a copy of the situation faced by the talented Chinese militarist in 1934. It was in this situation that he brought his disabled soldiers and defeated generals to highlight the encirclement.

"Yes! It's all through! " Granchov exclaimed excitedly.

"What's going on, chief?" Staff officer Ivanov said with a puzzled face.

"I've made up my mind. I'm going to break North!" Grachev's tone was full of excitement and no doubt.

"Break north? North is a territory controlled by Tajik tribes. They are equally powerful? " Ivanov, the chief of staff, thinks that the pressure on the commander is too great, and there is something wrong with his brain.

"Just because it's the territory controlled by the Tajik tribe, I'm going to go. Although they are all armed by Sheng fighters, the Tajiks will not let the Pashtuns enter their territory, let alone shoot on their territory!"

After such an explanation by Grachev, staff officer Ivanov suddenly opened his mind. He suddenly thought of two new questions and asked, "but what about the Afghan government forces? And we have a helicopter to carry out the rescue mission. What about those comrades who were chased and killed by the guerrillas? "

"Inform the Afghan government that we will continue to break through the encirclement to the South and ask them to wait for us honestly, just to help us hold down the enemy. As for those lost comrades in arms, we'd better call the plane back. Our route is further this time. We need their escort! " When grachov said these two words, he thought of another sentence that the professor had given him: "once success is achieved, all bones will die!".