Chapter 63

Frank Xtro Genovese confidently put forward his own hailuoyin business, which gusinski had long wanted to join, so he naturally supported it. When it was Boris and Mikhail's turn to make their stand, all the eyes of the audience were fixed on them. Boris didn't know what to do, so he turned his head to Mikhail.

Mikhail's indecisive expression worried Godfather frank and gusinski. The first one who couldn't help it was gusinski, who said with a bad look: "Hey! Don't be shameless, boy. " I'm going to stand up. As soon as Frank's godfather saw that things were going to get worse, he quickly grabbed gusinsky's clothes and pushed him back to the sofa. The talks fell into silence.

Mikhail took a cigarette out of his pocket and put it to his mouth. Then he took out a lighter and lit it. He seemed to suddenly realize that everyone was staring at him. He made an apologetic expression. He went to the window and opened the window to smoke quietly. Seeing this, Boris quickly followed him. Mikhail quietly grabbed Boris by the corner of his coat, gave him a cigarette as naturally as he could, and then leaned up to Boris's ear and whispered, "smoke with me here. When they can't wait, they will come." So two people stood side by side in the window, pretending to look at the scenery outside the window, while nervous smoking cigarettes. In fact, their eyes have been reflecting through the glass to observe the movements of the people behind them.

Godfather frank and gusinski look at the two people who are smoking leisurely, and look at each other suspiciously. They can't figure out what medicine Mikhail and Boris bought in the gourd. Different from the silent atmosphere in the frank Xtro Genovese suite, opposite the building, seryosha looks at Mikhail and Boris from the 14th floor and silently opens SVD dragonov's gun insurance. Sweat and awkward posture constantly interfere with Xie liaosha, Xie liaosha's previous life is not a professional sniper, so Xie liaosha is not fully sure about killing Frank Xtro Genovese and gusinski. But there is no better chance. The huge pressure makes Xie liaosha's muzzle wander within a certain range, and he can't fix it at all.

Unlike hanseliosha outside the gate, Alexander Popov, an outstanding sniper trained by the Israel Defense Forces and experienced the baptism of war, has long cultivated excellent psychological quality. At the moment, the muzzle of his gun was firmly aimed at Boris' temple, but he did not shoot. Because he's waiting for the real target, the old guy who killed his uncle. Revenge is a Jewish tradition. Whether it's the global pursuit of leftovers or the pursuit of Arab terrorists, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Mossad, as the sharp swords of the country, have carried out such tasks. The bullet has been loaded, the insurance has been opened, and the only thing missing is the time to pull the trigger.

Meanwhile, the KGB team directly opposite Mikhail and Boris is also busy at the moment. Vladimir is recording as many photos of Mikhail and Boris as possible with telephoto lens. Their photos will be analyzed in detail to find out their real identities. At the moment, members of the KGB team are excited, because in any case, the investigation of Frank Xtro geoviser has finally found a breakthrough. After a while, the opposite group scattered and brought the two smokers back to torture, we can roughly find out the purpose of Frank Xtro geoviser's visit.

Boris and Mikhail, who had no knowledge of the above, began to get more and more impatient by the window, and their cigarettes would soon be finished. It would be a bad thing if Frank Xtro Genovese didn't come over again. Just as Boris and Mikhail became more and more desperate, Mikhail suddenly blurted out, "let's do it!"

Frank Costello janoviser didn't seem to hear it. He asked again, "what are you talking about?"

"I said we did it!" Mikhail turned and leaned against the window, and said to frank Xtro Genovese with a smile.

Frank - xstro - Genovese once again through the Butler Octavio to confirm what Mikhail said, and finally have action. He came over with two glasses of wine, one for Boris and the other for Mikhail. At this time, the housekeeper gave Frank Xtro Genovese a glass of wine. Frank Xtro Genovese finally stood by the window, raised his glass and said, "for our cooperation, do..." I haven't finished. Godfather frank, standing opposite Mikhail and Boris, pounced on them. Blood and brain splashed on the windows, the walls, and Mikhail and Boris. There was an obvious bullet hole in the broken window, and Boris looked back at Frank Costello janoviser, who had fallen to the ground. His head had been broken. Boris instinctively wants to stand up and shake off his brain, but he is pulled to the ground by Mikhail who is sitting on the ground. Then a bullet hole appeared where Boris was standing.

It's also the problem with Mikhail. The direction of the shooting is from behind Frank Xtro Genovese. That's not seryosha's position. Mikhail's intelligence not only saved Boris's life, but also created opportunities for the next thing. He yelled, "someone's attacking us. It's gusinski." Francesco and Alessandro immediately understood what was going on. They take out their guns and shoot at gusinski. However, years of experience saved gusinski. He rushed to the door as early as the first shot. By the time Francesco and Alessandro drew the gun, he had already escaped from the room. Francesco and Alessandro naturally chased out, while Mikhail and Boris were not idle. They followed Francesco and Alessandro out of the room. Only the housekeeper knelt on the ground and looked after the body of Frank Xtro Genovese.

Everything happened in a flash, too fast for people to react. Who would have thought that this luxurious suite had become the place where the godfather of the Mafia generation went back to. Frank Xtro Genovese's head was like a broken watermelon, leaving only a sad old housekeeper with the godfather's body.