Chapter 60

"Well, I'll repeat our plan. Boris and Mikhail are going to meet Frank Xtro geoviser. Once the gunfire starts, we'll find a way out of this room. Then run to the fire escape. Yuri will meet you in the corridor. Do you understand? " He said, looking back at Boris and Mikhail in the car. This time, Boris and Mikhail are responsible for the negotiation with gusinski. This is an action that can not be missed. Therefore, shariosha has to repeat everyone's task again and again.

"Yuri, you are responsible for the reception outside the room. Once Boris and Mikhail escape from the room, you have to use fire to suppress each other. If I fail, you'll be responsible for mending the guns for Frank Xtro janovise and gusinski. Try to kill these two goals while ensuring your own safety. " Xie liaosha told Yuri that Yuri nodded silently.

Xie liaosha turned to look at Yakov and said solemnly, "Yakov, you are waiting in the car downstairs. The car must be on fire ahead of time. It's up to you if Yuri can escape. You must take them away before the police arrive. Do you know the truth?" After getting Yakov's confirmation, seryosha said goodbye to the brothers one by one, then left the car with a luggage bag and walked into the building opposite the hotel where Frank Xtro Genovese lived.

This plan was made by Xie liaosha after careful consideration. Among them, who has the best shooting skill should count Xie liaosha. After all, Xie liaosha was a soldier in his previous life and dealt with guns every day. Xie liaosha used the Soviet made SVD dragonov semi-automatic sniper rifle this time. This kind of gun is no stranger to Xie liaosha, because Xie liaosha used an imitation version of this kind of gun in his previous life. The building that seryosha walked into was very close to the hotel where Frank Xtro Genovese lived. He rented a room here with his fake ID. on the opposite side, you can see the room where Frank Xtro Genovese lived. However, the angle was not very good. Because seryosha's room was slanting above the target, seryosha could not guarantee that he could kill him with one hit, He needs Boris to help him lure gusinski and frank Xtro Genovese to the window so that he can kill them.

The gun has been disassembled into parts and put into the luggage bag. Xie liaosha wants to enter the room ahead of time to load the gun. But also to find a good angle, patiently waiting for the target to appear. The elevator slowly ascended to the 14th floor. Xie liaosha walked through the corridor covered with thick carpet and came to room 1411. He took out the key to open the door, entered the room and quickly closed the door. He left his luggage bag on the bed, went to the bedside, opened a corner of the curtain and observed the situation outside. There were not many vehicles in the street. At a glance, Xie liaosha saw Yakov's car, which was parked on the side of the road at the gate of the hotel, with the front of the car outward and the rear of the car inward. Xie liaosha nodded appreciatively. It seems that Yakov is really careful, so that the car can go at any time.

Xie liaosha took everything out of the luggage bag. Besides a sniper rifle, there was also a telescope. Xie liaosha didn't rush to install the gun. Instead, he put up the single telescope first. The telescope has a pair of tripods, so that after adjusting the angle, you don't have to worry about it. The lens is hidden through the curtain seam. Xie liaosha takes a look at the target room at a slant below, and the angle is really bad. Only one corner of the room by the window can be seen.

Xie liaosha takes off the gloves of both hands. The gloves are worn in order not to leave fingerprints, but wearing gloves can't put the gun on. The gun can't be taken away after it's finished. So in order not to leave fingerprints, Xie liaosha also brings a bottle of glue. He spreads the glue on his hands, then opens his hands and slowly waits for the glue to dry. This kind of glue is very sticky and can stick wood together, so as long as the glue is dry, there will be a thick protective shell on the finger, so there is no need to worry about the fingerprint problem.

All kinds of parts are packed together one by one. When he wants to shoot, Xie liaosha's shooting angle is slanting down, which is very awkward. But what can he do? The room with the best shooting angle downstairs has been rented out. But what seryosa probably never dreamed of was that, downstairs in seryosa's room opposite Frank Xtro janovice's house, a group of people were monitoring Frank Xtro janovice with another purpose. They were Vladimir vladimirovic's team, He's in charge of monitoring Frank Xtro Genovese's every move in Gorky.

Most of the members of this group are members of the operation Department of Leningrad sub Bureau. He is not a member of the operation Department. He belongs to the confidential department, and would not have been allowed to participate in this operation if he had not been good at collecting intelligence. One of the reasons why the KGB is so aggressive in its investigation of Frank Xtro Genovese is that the Olympic Games will soon be held. Frank Xtro Genovese, as the leader of the Mafia, came to the Soviet Union at this sensitive time, so the KGB had to guard against it. Another reason is that there is evidence that Frank Xtro Genovese did not come to the Soviet Union suddenly. His men had entered the Soviet Union a few months ago. Besides, Frank Xtro Genovese is a big man who can call the wind and rain in Italy. The KGB can't make such a man disappear suddenly, arrest him secretly and torture him at will, Because once something happens to such a person in the Soviet Union, it will cause diplomatic disturbance. Therefore, the KGB has to protect the security of Frank Xtro janovice to a certain extent.

In addition to this group of people on the side of * *, there is a group of people downstairs of the hotel where Frank Xtro Genovese is. They are carrying the latest equipment and can hear most of the sounds in Frank Xtro Genovese's room. These people are responsible for investigating the real purpose of Frank Xtro Genovese's coming to the Soviet Union, We don't have any valuable information yet. But today is a little different. Frank Xtro Genovese seems to be in a very good mood. At about nine o'clock in the morning, two Italians suddenly came to the suite. The people in the project team were very excited. About twenty minutes later, several more Russians came into the suite. One of them seems to be gusinski, Some useful information came from the room. I heard the word hailuoyin vaguely. It was obvious that something big was going to happen.