Chapter 54

Gusinski has been very unhappy recently, very unhappy. Those people of Gorky Gang didn't obey the rules of the underworld and started a fire with the police to deal with him. From the beginning when the police raided the Gorky automobile factory, gusinski felt something was wrong. When did the police in Gorky become so diligent. Several of gusinski's men's strongholds were taken away by the police during the subsequent gun crackdown. If gusinski didn't know who was the culprit, his years of life would be in vain.

Gusinski wanted to break his head and couldn't understand how the Gorky gang got together with the police. Originally, gusinski thought that it was a safe thing to put his hand in the Italian hailuoyin business, and it was only a matter of passing on his hand to clean up a small Golgi gang. Now, not only is it a long way to get involved in the hailuoyin business of Italians, but the Gorky Gang seems to be a hard nut to crack. Gusinski also has to spend a lot of money to find a way to get out of his subordinates. How could this happen?

Gusinski is very angry when he sees the two Italians. But for the temptation of hailuoyin's business, he would have killed the two Italians.

The janovice brothers seem to understand this. They don't know Russian, but they know what's going on around them. Things have been moving in a bad direction, this empty handed set of white wolf's good play is about to blow. Francesco now regrets that he took Alessandro's advice and lied to Frank Costello Genovese, the godfather of the family. If you let gusinski see that his brothers have been playing with him, I'm afraid they will be torn up by gusinski and fed to the tiger.

Shrewd Alessandro now also completely no curse, Gorky help behind the police actually stand. How could the police be willing to work for them, even if the Genovese family couldn't do it in Palermo. They can only threaten and bribe the police, but they can't direct their actions. It's not that Alessandro's plan is bad, it's really the Gorky Gang's unexpected toughness.

In desperation, Francisco and Alessandro had to turn to their uncle, Frank Xtro Genovese, the most influential Mafia godfather in Italy. Even if we have to bear the family punishment, there is no way. Many people in the world also rely on luck. It's obvious that God doesn't favor the janovise brothers this time.

After negotiations between the brothers, Francisco dials his uncle's phone with trembling fingers. Alessandro also put his ear next to the receiver. This old dial phone has no hands-free function. In the process of waiting, the whole room was quiet. Alessandro even felt that he could hear his heart beat, and time seemed to stop.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the phone finally got through. The one who answered the phone was Octavio, Uncle Frank's housekeeper. Although Octavio does not have the geneviese family name and blood relationship, he is the most trusted person of Uncle Frank. Therefore, people in the family usually respect the people around the godfather. Francesco said respectfully to the housekeeper, "Uncle Octavio, we are Francesco and Alessandro. We have something to report to Uncle Frank. Is he at home?"

"Please wait for two young masters. I'm going to ask the master to answer the phone." Octavio put the receiver gently on the table and turned away.

Soon Uncle Frank's voice came from the other end of the phone“ How about the Soviet Union? When will you be back? "

"Uncle Frank, something happened. We need to report it to you," said Francesco Francesco's hands were sweating. He felt the phone was slippery. He put his hand on his clothes and rubbed it twice.

"So you can't make it, can you?" Uncle Frank's voice immediately changed. He then said, "who was the one who wanted to go to the Soviet Union and promised to fix it“ There was anger and discontent in Uncle Frank's voice.

”I'm sorry, uncle. We didn't expect that the Gorky Gang could command the police here“ Francisco tried to explain to Uncle Frank.

”Go on“ Uncle Frank suddenly calmed down, which Francisco did not expect.

”Besides, gusinski wanted to join our hailuoyin business, and we promised him without telling you“ Francisco chose to confess all because he knew that if Uncle Frank didn't do it, the two brothers would never leave Golgi.

”You two waste people dare to make an agreement with others without telling me. The last one who dared to do so, his body has already become a fat flower. Now what do you want? Let me do it“ There was no attitude in Uncle Frank's tone. Francisco didn't know how to reply. He could only keep apologizing: "I'm sorry, uncle! We are willing to take all the punishment! We only implore you to see in the family's sake, do not let us die in a foreign land“

There was a moment's silence on the other side of the phone, and Uncle Frank said gently, "this is not for you, but for the dignity of the whole Genovese family."

Francesco was stunned for a moment before he realized that Uncle Frank had agreed to help them, and his heart was relieved. "Thank you, uncle," he said! Thank you for forgiving us! "

"Wait there honestly! I'll go to Gorky myself Frank finished and hung up. He reached for the microphone and handed it to Octavio, the housekeeper. Then he said to Octavio, "help me book some tickets to the Soviet Union as soon as possible. I'll go and solve this matter as soon as possible. When I come back from the Soviet Union, you'll find an opportunity to send their two brothers to God."

"Yes, sir!" Octavio replied without expression. Out of years of loyalty, Octavio kindly reminded: "Sir, Gorky is in danger now! You'd better think about it! "

"No, Octavio. There is an opportunity waiting for us there. An opportunity to extend the Genovese family's tentacles into this red country. As long as I can successfully mediate the conflicts between gusinski and Gorky, I can control them for my use. " Frank said confidently.