Chapter 46

Around 8 p.m., alexevich packed his stall and was ready to go home. Today's business is good, alexeyevich decided to reward himself, he took some cans and ham bacon into his backpack, at least not a bottle of vodka. Alexeyevich hung his bulging backpack on his motorcycle. Plug in the key, put on the helmet, with a happy mood humming ditty on the way home.

Alexeyevich lives outside the city. It's impossible for people like him to own houses in the city. The houses like matchboxes in the city are all reserved for the workers here. Alexeyevich rented a house like this in the factory, which is near the black market. Now, because of the popularity of the black market, the rents around are rising. Alexeyevich doesn't often go back to his home, but today's business is really good. He thinks he can go back and have a good rest. His wife and children haven't seen him for some days. There is a new pair of shoes for the children in the storage box of the motorcycle. It's imported. Although it's a little expensive, it's really beautiful and comfortable. For the sake of the children, aleksyevich still bought them.

Alexeyevich's motorcycle had just left the gate of Gorky automobile factory, and gusinski's people followed. They were sitting in a truck with ten thugs on board. After all, these peddlers are also on the road. They are a small Gang, but they are not safe when there are fewer people.

Now gusinski has fully realized Popov's helplessness. The Golgi gang are like turtles in the shell. You can't do anything about them. No matter how capable gusinski is, he can't rush into Golgi automobile factory with people, because it is a large state-owned enterprise with its own security department, militia, and even police.

Despite the difficulties, gusinski did not intend to give up. Now his men are not idle. Although they can't move the Gorky Gang, they can move the people who make a living with Gorky's help, such as Yuri's brothers and the peddlers.

After leaving the city, the car gradually approached aleksyevich's motorcycle. Aleksyevich didn't find anything unusual. He was thinking of having a good look at his wife and children after he went home. The light of the car in the back attracted alexeyevich's attention. He thought that the car in the back wanted to overtake, so he subconsciously leaned to the side of the road.

The car began to speed up. The front of the car gradually overtook alexeyevich's motorcycle, and then the body. Just as the whole car was about to run in front of alexeyevich's motorcycle, a man on the truck suddenly stood up, waved his stick, swung round and hit alexeyevich on the head. The sudden attack made aleksievich have no time to react. The stick hit aleksievich's helmet, and aleksievich flew straight out of the motorcycle like a stick and fell heavily on the ground. Great inertia brought aleksievich a second injury, aleksievich's body kept rolling forward. Then he hit a tree by the side of the road. Blood covered alexevich's helmet, and then slowly came out of it.

Fortunately alexevich was conscious. He felt pain all over his body. He didn't know how many bones he had broken. The blood on his helmet and mask blocked his sight. He didn't know what was going on.

The truck stopped slightly in front of aleksyevich, then it started to reverse, and finally it stopped 10 meters away from aleksyevich. All the people in the car came down one by one, and finally a man in a suit came down from the co driver's seat of the truck. The man slowly walked to aleksheyevich lying on the ground, slowly raised his mask with his toes, and the hot blood was everywhere. The blood was constantly flowing out of aleksheyevich's nostrils and mouth. He put his sole on alexeyevich's face and exerted a little force. The pain in his heart made alexeyevich unbearable. He howled desperately and begged for mercy. Fear filled his eyes.

The man in the suit said to him, "in the future, the people in the ligorgi gang will stay away. Some people don't like them. This time is a warning. Next time you won't be so lucky."

Alexeyevich nodded his head desperately, praying that this group of people would spare his life. People from the truck began to search alexeyevich's package. Someone was searching him. His wallet in his pocket was taken away, and the pure gold cross on his neck was not saved, What makes alexeyevich collapse most is that the living expenses he plans to take home to his wife are also ruthlessly robbed.

Alexeyevich's heart is bleeding, and his anger makes him forget the pain of his body temporarily. He desperately wants to stand up and stop the plunder of these people, but his badly damaged body does not support him to do so. It is alexeyevich's limit to reach these robbers. Before they left, these people also lit aleksievich's motorcycle, and aleksievich cried helplessly and angrily in the light of the fire. It wasn't until the next morning that he was found by a passing driver and then sent to the hospital, which saved his life.

This cruel atrocity happened not only to alexeyevich, but also to a black market peddler named Anatoli. At noon, a phone call found him and warned him not to do business with Golgi gang. Anatole thought that someone was jealous of him and made a fortune. He mercilessly taunted and mocked the people on the other side of the phone. When he came home, he found that his house had been set on fire and everything in the house had been burned, Fortunately, Anatole's family lived in another place and survived the disaster.

The worst is a young man named Vladimir. He is Yuri's younger brother, but he lives outside the factory. On his way home, he was tied up by a group of people. After constant beatings and torture, these people gave Vladimir a discount. Fortunately, his tormentor called the hospital, which saved Vladimir's legs and his life.

Fear is gradually spreading in the black market of Golgi automobile factory. Gusinski has already made a move. Now people will see the counterattack of Golgi gang.