Chapter 44

Alexander Popov is sitting on the sofa in the old housekeeper's living room. On the tea table in front of him, there are more than ten parts of guns, and on his left is a timer. Alexander Popov took a deep breath, pressed the timer with his left hand, quickly picked up the parts on the coffee table with both hands, and slowly assembled them. First, insert the barrel and spring on the gun rack, then install the gun from the back, then install the launching components from the bottom, and then install the butt guard. After installing the disassembly pin, continue to install the sight glass and cartridge clip, and then pull the bolt. A complete Soviet made dragonov SVD sniper rifle is held by Alexander Popov, Alexander Popov stopped the timer, 15 seconds, and the whole thing was done in one go.

Alexander Popov put his gun on his shoulder and watched the scenery through the sight glass. An old man smoking in the distance attracted him. He pointed his sight at the guy. He saw the old man smoking and walking, with a calm and happy look on his face. Alexander Popov's muzzle followed him. Just as the old man was about to disappear from his sight, Alexander Popov pulled the trigger.

There was the sound of a pin in the barrel, but the bullet didn't go out. There was no bullet in the magazine. Alexander Popov just wanted to try the gun. In the empty room came Alexander Popov's laughter. He picked up his cigarette in the ashtray and took a deep puff. Then pull out the disassembly pin, and the dragonov SVD sniper rifle becomes a part again.

Alexander was very interested in guns when he was young, but he first killed people with guns after immigrating to Israel from the Soviet Union. At that time, he was just in his early twenties. He joined a kibbutz farm established by some Soviet villagers and lived a commune style collective life. Alexandre lives in the front line of the Palestinian Israeli conflict in Gibbs, where people need to be on guard against Palestinian attacks from time to time. Young men like Alexander will naturally be the main force to defend Gibbs. Therefore, in addition to his daily farm work, Alexander also received military training from the Israel Defense Forces.

Alexander quickly showed his talent in shooting. He achieved excellent results in training. He can accurately shoot 200 yards outside the target. In a full score of 50, Alexander got 48 points in the semi-human target test. The IDF took great interest in him, and Alexander joined the army of course. After the establishment of Fatah, the Palestinian armed forces, in 1964, there were constant attacks by Fatah fighters on the Jew's kibbutz, and the security situation became tense. Alexander's first mission was to take a preemptive retaliation against a Fatah leader in a Palestinian area. This should not have been carried out by a rookie recruit, but the situation was tense at that time, so the senior management had to send out even a new recruit who had just finished training.

At that time, Alexander, wearing a black-and-white shawl and disguised as a Palestinian farmer, sneaked into an abandoned cell that had been bombed. It was a rare place to hide. According to the description of the intelligence, the target with a lot of pressure may enter a residential building opposite him to attend an important meeting. However, when the target task will come is hard to say. What Alexander can do every day is to wait patiently.

Waiting is boring, because I don't know when it will be the end. The expectation when I accepted the task has been gradually consumed by time, which is worse than imprisonment. I can only look at the same scenery every day, and even the clouds will bring him great happiness. Loneliness and loneliness tormented Alexander, and almost every day he asked himself what it meant to wait like this.

Alexander's hidden building is located at a T-junction. One of the horizontal row of houses is the place where the target will appear. The vertical road leads to a piece of ruins. It can be seen that it should have been a residential area. There are not many people on the vertical road every day, including a pair of brothers and sisters. Every afternoon, a lovely Palestinian boy would lead his sister to the ruins to take some wood home. The reason why the brothers and sisters attracted Alexander's attention was that the little girl was very much like Alexander's sister. Yes, Alexander once had a younger sister. Unfortunately, her younger sister died before she came of age. At that time, her family still lived in Harbin. Probably because of her mother's wandering when she was pregnant, her younger sister was weak and sick from childhood. Alexander still remembers his sister's appearance when she was ill. His frown and pale face were deeply imprinted in his mind.

The appearance of the brothers and sisters gave Alexander great comfort in his loneliness, and even made him feel the warmth of his family as a child. Every afternoon, the little boy would take his sister's hand and walk to the ruins, looking for wood in a pile of bricks. They don't have much strength, so they can only take small pieces of wood at a time. When we have enough wood, where will the brother and sister have a rest. Every day Alexander would turn off the safety of his guns and watch them through his sight glass.

Just when he thought that such a day would continue, things changed. It was also an afternoon when a large number of people appeared in the house where the target would appear. Alexander knew that the important moment was coming. Sure enough, at about three o'clock in the afternoon, the car of the target person came to the door of the house. The guy was dressed like the ordinary residents around him. If he didn't look at his appearance, he would not recognize him. Originally, when the target task left the car, it was the best opportunity. Unfortunately, there were too many people around him. In addition, Alexander was a rookie at that time, so he did not seize this opportunity. The guy flashed into the room.

Alexander watched the house nervously, absorbed, and the time went on and on. The brothers and sisters came here as usual to pick up wood, but now Alexander didn't care about them. At this time, there was a continuous bombardment in the distance. The people in the room probably felt that the situation was not good and began to leave one after another. The brothers and sisters also began to go back. At this critical moment, Alexander did not notice that a scorpion climbed onto his hand and gave him a bite.

The gun in Alexander's hand flashed, and the reflection of the sight just fell on the little boy's eyes. He found Alexander. The little boy took his sister and ran to the intersection shouting. The little boy obviously wanted to report. All of a sudden, Alexander was in a bit of a hurry. Fortunately, the gunfire covered up the little boy's voice, and the people who came out of the room found nothing.

Alexander was in a dilemma. He couldn't let the two children report. So he raised his gun, but he couldn't press the trigger. Just then, the target's car drove to the door and couldn't wait any longer. Alexander felt that he had difficulty breathing. Suddenly, a gun rang out. He was surprised to see the trigger he pressed. Alexander's stung hand was out of control. The little girl fell into a pool of blood, and the little boy successfully ran to the intersection. Crying, pointing to the building shouting, and then ran back to the sister there.

Alexander felt hopeless, mission failed, this is Alexander killed the first person.