Chapter 41

In a cafe in Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport, Donia is chatting with her best friend, gergina, over coffee. Flight p-217 from Paris to Moscow will take off in two hours. This is a rare leisure time before they work. They are dressed as stewardesses, Almost all the male guests will look at them from time to time.

"That's a beautiful car of yours. To be honest, who gave it to you?" Jelgina said with clear knowledge.

"Who else, of course, is a boyfriend. By the way, I'll give you this first. This is your last time." Dongnia said in a low voice. She took out a heavy kraft paper bag from her pocket and handed it to her with both hands.

Jieerjinna took the kraft paper bag and put it into her handbag with a calm look.

"Don't you count?" Dongnia kindly reminded.

"No, your boyfriend always gives you a fair price." She replied with a smile.

After a series of blows from her family and her boyfriend, gergina had to go on the road of smuggling. The convenience of her work gave her such an opportunity. Although she was caught carrying goods for the first time, she was able to escape thanks to the protection of her colleagues at that time. However, three days later, we should treat each other with new eyes. Now, jieerjinna is not the rookie at the beginning. He has learned to add 500 rubles of paper money to his ID when he has passed the security inspection. This is just a drop in the bucket made by jelkina, but for those security personnel, it's almost a month's salary.

Jieerjinna's mother is still receiving expensive treatment in the hospital. At the beginning, jieerjinna scraped up the medical expenses by saving money and borrowing all her colleagues. Now, apart from providing her mother's medical expenses, she is already considering buying an independent house in the suburbs and an imported car for herself. It can be said that it was life that forced gergina to a dead end, but now gergina has opened up a new world through her own hands.

"You know what?" she whispered? The captain and vice captain of our flight, as well as some sisters, also want me to take them a few times. "

"No! The captain's salary is very high! " Donya lowered her voice and said in surprise.

"It's not like you haven't done it. How can the money they earn compare with the money they earn with goods? Every family has a difficult book to read. The captain's family has several children. The family has a heavy burden, and it's not impossible to be short of money. " Jieerjinna said disdainfully.

"Be careful! If you get caught, it's terrible! " Dongnia advised.

"Dongnia, you have paid off the debt and a boyfriend who loves you so much and has the ability. I'm different. If I don't do this, my mother will die in the hospital. If you and your boyfriend didn't help me sell things, I couldn't live my life now!" Jelgina's eyes were a little red. She then said, "don't worry, it's OK. I pay most of the salaries of the airport security inspectors." Said jelgina.

They have been chatting for a long time. The waiter comes over and refills a pot of coffee for them. Jelgina orders two more cakes. They are eating and chatting, enjoying their leisure time happily.


When flight p-217 finally landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport, the flight crew left the plane one after another. Dounia and jelgina returned to the hotel together. The hotel where the crew lived was just next to the airport. As usual, jelgina and Donia live in the same room. When they get back to the room, jelgina takes a bath and takes his clothes out of her carry on luggage. After dressing up, she was wearing a set of Chanel Beige women's suit, a pair of Hermes high-heeled shoes on her feet, an Hermes handbag on her arm, a pair of prada sunglasses pinned to her hair, as well as delicate make-up and outstanding temperament, which made her look like a rich man.

“bonjour,mylady!” Jieerjinna said hello to dongnia playfully, which made dongnia laugh.

"You look like a French nobleman!" Dounia laughed and teased her.

"Of course, or the top luxury stores wouldn't let me in." Explained delgina.

When all this was ready, jelgina left the hotel room, leaving Tonya alone to rest in the room. As soon as she got downstairs, she saw the captain, the vice captain and several sisters working together waiting for her downstairs. Everyone is wearing casual clothes, which is the special account of gergina.

Gergina led the crowd back to the airport, where there was a currency exchange office, which could exchange rubles into francs, but the amount of exchange for each passenger was limited. But it doesn't matter. If there is a market, there will be business opportunities. Some people specialize in this kind of large exchange business. They just need to hire a few guys to exchange, and then give them some benefits. Jieerjinna easily changed the ruble of that kraft paper bag into French francs, and people followed jieerjinna's example one after another.

After exchanging francs, people take two taxis to the Champs Elysees, a world-famous commercial district in the center of Paris. It is the main road across the East and west of Paris, starting from Concorde square in the East and reaching Charles de Gaulle square (also known as Star Plaza) in the West. The east section is dominated by natural scenery; On both sides are flat English lawn, quiet and peaceful; The western section is a high level business district. The world's top brands, clothing stores and perfume shops are all concentrated here. So it is called "the beautiful street in the world".

Their goal is to be located in the high-end business district in the west section of jierjina. People are strolling on the commercial street. One by one, top luxury brands come out on both sides. Besides jierjina girls, they can't stop admiring. Not only these girls, but also women all over the world take owning a product here as their dream, It's a pity that jieerjinna is no longer the little girl who didn't know the world at the beginning. She won't be crazy for the bags of a certain brand any more. The goods here are just things for her to make a living.

Jieerjinna walked into Cartier's store, her famous brand dress immediately attracted the attention of the clerk“ Is there anything I can do for you A beautiful shop assistant said to jelgina in French with a smile.

"I want to see your watches." She said to the shop assistant.

The beautiful shop assistant showed her to the watch counter and enthusiastically introduced the features of this type of watch. Another waiter handed her a cup of coffee. Sitting on the comfortable leather sofa, she tasted strong coffee and listened to the staff's endless introduction.

After about five minutes, jelgina was impatient. She politely interrupted the clerk's conversation, went straight to the counter, pointed to a row of watches and said, "please take this row out, this row and that row over there."

The shop assistants busily meet the demands of gergina and put the watches in front of her. Then she said, "please wrap it up for me. I'll take it all."

The clerk thought he had heard wrong and asked, "do you mean to buy them all?"

"Yes, buy them all. I'll pay in cash!"