Chapter 36

Leonzanov was just smoking at the door. A sound of broken glass alerted him. As romonosov's bodyguard, leonzanov should have gone into the room to see what happened. Leonzanov tried to turn the handle of the villa door. The door was unlocked, so leonzanov went into the villa.

Romonosov is usually a moody person. If everything is normal and leonzanov rashly rushes in, romonosov's character will not let him go. Similarly, if romonosov is really in danger, if leonzanov does not go in, then leonzanov will also be punished afterwards. Therefore, Liang zenov tried to keep his footsteps down, so that the people in the room would not find that someone had broken in.

A slight noise came from leonzanov's right side, then disappeared immediately, and leonzanov turned to which direction he was heading. The villa was surprisingly quiet, as if time had stopped.

There were several rooms here, and leonzanov was not sure which one, so he called softly, "Mr. romonosov, what happened?" As soon as the words were finished, a few voices came from the innermost room. Leonzanov walked quickly to the room and opened the door. He was stunned by the scene before him. Romonosov, with something in his mouth, was thrown down on the bearskin carpet. He was twisting his body back and forth, and there was a voice in his mouth.

Liang zanov was startled by everything in front of him. He quickly touched the pistol in his arms, but someone was faster than him. A sharp dagger had been attached to his throat, and almost at the same time, a pistol had been attached to his temple.

"Don't move, I don't want to get this dirty!" Xie liaosha said softly in Liang zanov's ear.

"Take your hands out of your arms slowly, or my hands will shake?" Seliosha is in charge of leonzanov. Lenzanov obediently slowly raised his hands, Yakov quickly took out a pistol from his arms, and then carefully searched his whole body.

When Yakov confirmed that there was no danger, seryosha released his dagger and kicked leonzanov onto the sofa. Boris was always aiming at leonzanov, so he was honest and didn't resist.

Leonzanov sat on the sofa and calmed down. He understood his situation. A little bit to sort out their confused thoughts, and then said: "outside are our people, you'd better let us go, or they won't let you go."

Xie liaosha looked at Liang zanov and asked, "who are you?"

"My name is leonzanov. I work for romonosov." Leonzanov said.

"Well, leonzanov, I need you to do something for me and tell your people to get out of here." Before leonzanov finished speaking, he went forward, grabbed leonzanov's collar and lifted him up from the sofa. Then he forced leonzanov to turn around. With a gun in his right hand and a collar on leonzanov's back neck in his left hand, he dragged him to the gate and said in a tone of command, "let them go, or I'll kill you."

As soon as leonzanov wanted to turn his head to look at seliosha's expression, the cold muzzle of the gun aimed at his temple, and he had to turn his head back.

"I'll just give you three seconds to think, three!" Xie liaosha threatened, his voice low and severe.

"They won't listen to me!" Leonzanov defended himself.

"Two!" Xie liaosha continued to count down.

"I'm just a nobody! Please stop, I don't want to die Leonzanov was so nervous that he begged.

"One“ With the end of seryosa's countdown, leonzanov was so scared that he could even hear the spring of the gun close to his temple slowly compressed.

"Stop, I'll tell them to leave. Stop!" Lenzanov wailed and agreed to seryosha's request. Xie liaosha didn't press the trigger after all. He moved the gun away a little, slowly opened the door and pushed Liang zanov to the door. The door only opened a small gap half a person wide. Xie liaosha hid behind the door. He shook the muzzle of the gun and motioned Liang zanov to hurry up.

"Mostov! Mr. romonosov asked you to take the men away! " Leonzanov stood at the crack of the door and yelled out.

A man outside the courtyard, opening his hands, seemed to ask "why?"

"It's Mr. romonosov's order. He will stay here tonight. Get out of here, or Mr. romonosov will be angry." Leonzanov yelled at each other sternly.

The man hesitated for a while, waved to his hands, and five cars parked outside the door drove away one after another.

Xie liaosha was relieved at last. He took leonzanov back to his room and tied him up like romonosov. After observing for a while, there was no situation outside. Xie liaosha blindfolded them. Xie liaosha and his group pressed the two guys into the car, and the car went straight to the remote part of the countryside.

About half an hour's drive, the car drove to a bush near Lake Andreev. Boris and Yakov dragged the two guys to a clearing and forced them to kneel down. Yakov removed the cloth blindfolded and stuck in their mouth for them. Romonosov and Ryazanov knelt on the ground and coughed and retched.

"Romonosov, I guess you didn't expect us to be together at all!" Seryosa said to romonosov.

"You wretched swindlers should send you to hell!" Romonosov cursed seryosha and his gang.

"Don't quibble. You are the real mean man. The man you sent almost killed us?" Boris said angrily.

"So those two idiots are dead. They're two losers. They can't do such a little thing well. And you idiot, if you didn't fake my orders, I might have caught them, you bastard, traitor Romonosov suddenly stood up and kicked over leonzanov. Boris quickly pressed romonosov to the ground again. Leonzanov's mouth was full of blood, and he glared at romonosov.

"Well, don't make any more noise." Xie Liaosha finished, and shovel out two spades from the car to Lomonosov and Ryazanov. Then he added, "dig your own grave! This is the last thing you can do for yourself. You'd better hurry up! "

"I don't want to. I'm just an innocent person. Please let me go!" Leonzanov pleaded for mercy.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. leonzanov. You were not in our plan. Who let you into this room! I apologize. We can't let outsiders who know who killed romonosov go back. " As soon as Xie liaosha finished, Boris began to force them to work quickly.

Romonosov and leonzanov dallied for a full hour. Seliosha felt that he could not wait any longer. He stopped their actions. Romonosov and leonzanov knew that the time was coming. Yakov stepped forward and was about to shoot when an amazing scene happened.

Ryazanov saw the shovel whirling round the head of Lomonosov, and white brains and red blood were flying in the air. Xie liaosha and they were all shocked.

"I killed romonosov. It has nothing to do with you. I can give you all his property. Can you let me go?" Leonzanov's face was covered with blood and gasped for his breath.

Xie liaosha calmed down and nodded. He sighed in his heart, "none of the people in this line is simple."