Chapter 32

Just a few days before the departure of the train, there was just a hint of orange light at the end of the horizon in meiji'ong oil production area of Qiuming oilfield. Three full crude oil transport vehicles were waiting at the gate of the plant. Leonid quickly jumped from the co pilot of the leading crude oil transport vehicle, He ran to a man in an orange overalls and a hard hat, whispered a few words in the man's ear, and then put a roll of rubber strapped rubles into the man's pocket. They said goodbye to each other with a smile. Leonid got on the special vehicle for crude oil transportation, and the gate of the plant slowly opened for him. Three special vehicles for crude oil transportation left the plant and left. This scene is constantly staged in the oil producing areas of samotrol, megion and ustibarak in Qiuming oilfield. Small businesses in Qiuming have raised enough crude oil for Xie liaosha in this way.


One day before the train started, Mikhail wrapped his coat tightly and put his hands on his chest, strode into the door of the hotel, walked through the lobby of the hotel, took the elevator to the third floor, and came to the door of Xie liaosha's room“ Dong ~ ~ Dong "with the regular knock on the door, Xie liaosha opens the door, and Mikhail flashes into the room. Xie liaosha looks around, and no one is there. The door is closed immediately.

After shario finished the curtains, Mikhail took a big bag out of his arms and emptied the contents on the bed. Three black tokalev-tt33 and several bullets were scattered on the bed.

"I've tried everything, no problem." Mikhail said in a low voice. Yuri and Yakov came together, each of them mixed one and held it in their hands. The rest was Mikhail's. Three people divided the bullets, Xie liaosha hugged them one by one. Everyone's expression is a little serious. What should be done has already been done. Xie liaosha has put all his wealth on it. Once he fails, these people in Qiuming will not let them go. They don't want to return to Gorky alive, so the rest of the things can only be handed over to the emperor. The only thing Xie liaosha can do is wait for news here in Qiuming.

Mikhail, Yakov and Yuri will go to Poland with the train. Sheriosha gives Mikhail a suitcase full of bundled stacks of 100 rubles notes, which are left for them to use on the road. Sheriosha believes in the wisdom of emihail and he will handle these things well.

When a full load of crude oil transport train leaves Qiuming, it will cross the Ural Mountains, pass Gorky and Moscow, then enter the territory of Belarus, and finally enter Poland. Probably no one will believe that the crude oil of this train will be the work of smugglers. The road is still very smooth. Maybe those small businessmen in Qiuming do have their way, Several times during the journey, nothing was found out, until they entered the Polish border. Mikhail and their guns and money were useless.


In Wroclaw City, the train slowly drove into the platform. Before the train stopped, Yuri jumped on the platform. Hans onnak, who had been waiting for a long time, welcomed him slowly. He opened his arms to show that he had no malice. When he came in, he introduced himself: "welcome, guests from the Soviet Union. I'm William's man. Are you safe all the way? "

"Everything is here. I hope we can go back as soon as possible." Yuri replied.

"Don't worry, we have credibility." Hans honeck finished, and had his own staff to serve them. And Hans onak is reporting the latest trend to William peck by satellite phone“ Boss, the goods have been received, and the other party has not played tricks. "

"Good! Get the cargo back safely. Give our distinguished guests a good treat. " Finally, William pick could put his heart into his stomach. He poured himself a small glass of whisky and poured it on the sofa in the most comfortable way.

While drinking, William pike called his accountant. In the next few days, William pike sent part of the payment to the account of a young Soviet woman in the Bank of Zurich, whose name was Donia Ivanova, at the request of seryosa. The other part was converted into rubles at the underground bank and returned to seryosa. The other part was entrusted to William picker to purchase a batch of strategic reserve materials to be eliminated by the Democratic German government, mainly some frozen reserve meat and strategic reserve grain. The first thing William pike has to do is to help shagliaosha clean up the money, because only legitimate money can participate in the transaction.

"It took me a lot of work, you know." William pike kept complaining to shariosha on the phone.

"But you make a lot of money, don't you?" Xie liaosha replied.

"Well, tell me quickly, when will the next batch arrive?" William pike urges sherius.

"Don't worry, wait until my people come back safely with what we need. The faster you move, the faster I move, my dear William Xie liaoshajian abides by his principles.

Yuri they waited in Poland for a few days, and William pike finished everything, including the procedures for the goods to enter the Soviet Union. Yuri did not have the heart to stay here for one more day. Doing business with people like William pike is a worry. This is the evaluation of most customers on William pike. Half of these goods will be unloaded in Gorky city and supplied to the thirsty market of Gorky city. Yuri and Mikhail will get off in Gorky city and deal with the business there. The other half will return to Qiuming. Yakov will return to Qiuming and return these goods to the businessmen who trust him there.

A week later, the businessmen who took part in Yakov's action happily got their share. Some people were happy, others were angry, especially those who couldn't see other people making money. Romonosov was one of them. Especially when he learned that the Yakov's staff of Xie liaosha had set up these people, he was furious, He made a mess of his favorite Tatar restaurant. But he has nothing to do. Romonosov has no strength to turn against the businessmen of the whole Qiuming. He can't compare with Nikolay Popov.

After the transaction, Yakov thoroughly established his reputation in the autumn, and he became the hot potato in the eyes of those businessmen. The businessmen who participated in the transaction praised Yakov's wisdom and submitted to Yakov's means. These people spontaneously formed a circle, and Yakov became the core of the circle. Those who didn't take part in the deal wanted to meet this rising star in the industry, join Yakov's team and make a fortune with them, with the exception of romonosov.