In retrospect, I was slowly involved in the task of exterminating Zhu after I accepted the task of exterminating Zhu in the city. Just like now, when I finished exterminating Zhu, I was already in the mire of officialdom. It was hard for me to escape. My father-in-law did me a lot of harm.

After thinking about it, it seems that it is impossible to get rid of it at this stage.

Since there is no way to get away from it, we should face it bravely, minimize the crisis and find a way out.

Thinking of this, I took out a U-disk in my pocket. This is a piece of evidence I left in the small box. The people in the evidence will surely appreciate me. It seems that I have to take time to visit him.

Time goes by slowly.

When the car drove into the villa gate, I immediately put those complicated ideas down. Looking at the familiar villa, I felt excited.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the villa. I saw Qiu shiye and them standing at the door. Then they opened the door and got off the car.

Xiao Ye ran towards me, her mouth was full of Jiao, and her face was filled with a very happy smile.

I stood there, arms outstretched, waiting for her to arrive.

, one meter away not the least trace was found. She jumped into my arms and I breathed her breath in the arms. I smelled her perfume and fragrance on her body, and her heart was instantly lost.

"Brother Pao, I miss you so much."

"Xiao Ye, I miss you too. Let's go into the house and have a simple meal on the way. Now we are a little hungry again."

I hugged her very tightly, turned around and gave her a kiss on her smooth face.

Qiu shiye whispered in my ear, "what would you like to eat?"

Darling, this words inside and outside all take to pick. Amuse.

"Brother Yang wants meat and milk."

I replied with a bad smile.

She immediately giggled, left my arms, put my arms in her hands, and went to the villa.

As we passed by Li Lei, she asked coldly, "where's my master?"

"He's on a mission."

After I finished speaking to her, I saw a trace of loss in her eyes, and then said with a smile: "when you are not very busy in the future, I will give you a day off and let him take you to play."

Li Lei's eyes flashed a glimmer of joy: "will he listen to you?"

"Of course, I'm his boss. He'll listen to what I say."

"Thank you."

"Xiaolei, I see your affection for Liu Cong in my eyes. As a woman in the new era, if you love a man, you have to pursue it bravely. Just like you always love him secretly, when can you get his heart? Not to mention his body. As the saying goes, women chase men. As long as you let go of horsepower, you can catch up with him sooner or later. "

I painstakingly advised her, in the heart of Chen Xin silently apologized.

Chen Xin is Feng Yao's little follower. She has an affair with Liu Cong. I don't know if they have any contact now.

"Can I really catch up with him?"

"There's a good song. There's a sister Lin in the sky. In fact, the world doesn't know that there's brother Lin in the sky. It's me. You can't be afraid to chase after brother Lin. you should know Liu Cong very well. If you wait for him to chase you, you won't be able to wait until the next life. So you should take the initiative. "

When I say this sentence, I have action and tone. What I say is a strong one.

"How can I go after it?"

I buy it!

This also has to ask, is it difficult that she has not been in love?

Well, it seems so.

That is to say, she is still a virgin.

Think of here, my eyes a bright, line of sight like infrared, in her body from top to bottom back scanning, this is a girl has not been developed.

Er Leng Zi is very lucky. Such a pure girl is waiting for him to sprout, but he is pretending to be there. It's so hypocritical.

As the saying goes, a friend's wife should not be cheated. We still have this principle.

I decided to help the couple who love silence.

"Xiaolei, don't be nervous, release your love like a bomb, bang! Bloom the spark of love, warm him with your blazing heart, show your love to him boldly, and let him feel all the tenderness you have for him. As long as you have perseverance, grind an iron pestle into a needle, and strive to persevere, you will one day move him and capture his heart completely. I have faith in you, come on. "

I raised my fist to make a gesture of refueling.

She gave me a confident look, said thank you, and then walked away.

"Brother gun, you are almost a love expert."

Little leaf eyes rippling with deep love, which also reveals a touch of spring.

"I said this suit is suitable for them. If it's me, brush it a few times, get it on the bed, straighten it up, and get it done."

She chuckled even more happily, raised her hand and hit me: "people like you this rough hooligan.""What kind of hooliganism? You don't have the culture to use words indiscriminately. I've never abandoned hooligans. I'm willing to work and you're willing to suffer. That's the reality. There are so many twists and turns between men and women. It's just a matter of doing, ah It's no doubt a quick shortcut. "

Speaking of the end, I can't help laughing. It seems that this is the point.

In reality, even if you love me before you get married, after marriage, it's gradually dull, except for family love.

Once, I chatted with a young woman. She told me that she was very upset recently.

Her family conditions are very good, the couple's feelings are also good, I am very curious, why she is very upset, so I asked her.

She said that before marriage, she and her husband were very affectionate, and they were very romantic when they were engaged in business. They always played in different ways. But after marriage, her husband did not pay so much attention to her, and doing business was just like dealing with business, which was less romantic.

A woman is very considerate. In order to add a bit of sentiment, she bought that kind of transparent underwear.

Before doing things, she deliberately wore it to her husband to attract his attention and arouse his passion. What bothers her is that even if she wore it transparently, it was transparent in front of him.

After listening to this young woman's talk, I suddenly understand one thing. No wonder more and more people are cheating now. We account for a large number of reasons. For example, if this young woman goes on like this, once she meets a passionate new year, her heart will be lifted away, and then she will be trapped deeper and deeper, unable to extricate herself.

Therefore, Lao Lin believes that after he marries his beloved woman, sooner or later he has to be passionate and romantic.

Especially when the woman deliberately makes some romantic things, that is to show that they are eager for this, so brothers, even if we pretend, we have to respond somewhat, because she loves you to do those things, why should we be stingy with that smile and three or two sentences.

"Hello! What do you think? Don't you hear a word when people talk to you? "

Qiu shiye's fierce voice startled me, and instantly recovered my mind. In my heart, I sighed and lost my mind.

I subconsciously raised my hand and pulled out my ears, and patted my chest: "Niang, I was almost scared to death by you."

"You don't know what you're thinking."

"I'm thinking, what can I do later?"

I gave a bad smile and turned to look at her body. She was wearing a long low cut bottomed shirt, with the bottom just covering her hips. There were fake meat bottomed silk stockings underneath, and a pair of lovely slippers on her feet.

Her orange long hair spread in the back of her head. Her beautiful face is very white and tender, and her small mouth is very red and attractive.


I swallowed saliva, crotch small two a burst of itching, hand is very dishonest pulled out, along her back, sliding to the very warped buttocks, hard grasp, and then hard clap, well, full of elasticity.

"I hate it."

She chuckled and ran up the stairs.

I watched her buttock twisting in the back. I felt a fire burning in my heart. I clenched my fist and then chased after her.

When I was about to catch up with her, she quickly quickened her pace and ran to the bedroom with a smile.

"Little boy, I'll see where you're going."

I am very excited to shout a, then chased past.


The bedroom door is closed.

Although the first floor door has been locked, but I still habitually lock the bedroom door.

Qiu shiye sat on the bed, her hands on her chin, and tightly grasped the clothes at the collar, showing a pathetic look. Her beautiful big eyes flickered and looked very lovely.

I breathe deeply. It's a tempting goblin. It's too tempting.

At this moment, I feel the whole body cells are beginning to boil, evil fire instantly filled every corner of the body, the body seems to contain an explosive force.

MC Xiaozhou said well, if you love her, you have to kill her.

I looked at her charming appearance, breathing has begun to become rapid up, also put up a big tent below.

"Brother gun, your eyes are like eating people. It's so scary."

She whispered, and there was a little trembling in her voice, as if she was really afraid.

I went to the bed.

She stepped back slowly, always in a pitiful way, which made my evil fire more prosperous.

Next second.

I jumped forward and she screamed.

At this time, I feel the sound of strange medicine in my throat.

I reached out and grabbed her slender long leg, and pulled her hard. My hands separated her legs, and I fell between her legs and pressed her soft body. My hands pressed the two groups of proud pink tenderness and kneaded them.

Then, the body forward slip a few times, panting for a few seconds to see her, and then hold the ruddy mouth, tongue Jun Zhi slip into her small world.The faint fragrance keeps getting into the nose. It seems that there is magnetism between the two lips. That kind of feeling is very wonderful.

In a few minutes.

My lips parted and I gasped at her.

Her lips are slightly open, her breath is also very short, her high chest rises and falls, very attractive, especially her big eyes are full of blurred color, as if she can speak, conveying the message of love to me.

"Little leaf, I still like you to wear white sportswear, can you show me?"

There was a trace of loss in Qiu shiye's eyes, then he nodded quickly and said very cleverly, "I'll change it."

"Well, come on."

I turned over and closed my eyes.

I knew she was changing clothes, but I didn't open my eyes because I wanted to see her after changing.

Soon, little leaf's voice came: "OK."