Think of here, I immediately excited, if you can catch behind the scenes sent by the assassin, maybe you can follow suit, catch a big fish.

I looked at my watch. It was more than three in the morning.

This point is when people are sleeping soundly. In order to catch the inside line of the team, I haven't had a good sleep for several days in a row.

&When it's over, you'll have to have a good sleep. &I muttered and got out of the car.

It's dark all around. The cold wind blows and I feel a rush to pee. I come to a dark corner. As soon as I take out the thing, I hear a crisp sound of & quot; PA & quot;, which is the sound of broken glass.

The community was very quiet, but suddenly it sounded like this. I was so scared that I almost sprayed it on my hand.

I looked up at the third floor in dismay.

Then, get back to business.

At the moment, for my friends, the big thing is not as important as water.

&It's comfortable. &

I shook my brother and murmured.

I was walking towards the car with my pants. As soon as I got to the car, I heard a & quot; Bang & quot.

The trough!

It's gunfire.

I looked up and saw the fighting and gunfire coming from the third floor window.

It's a good place to play!

I really want to go up and have a look. On second thought, forget it. It's Zhang Qing's job to protect the witness.

It's none of my business. I'm resourceful. If I go, I'll make trouble. I'd better go back to sleep. Just as I opened the car door, I suddenly saw a man coming in the distance, which immediately aroused my vigilance.

After all, it's a little bit too late. Few people walk outside.

In addition, when this person comes towards me, I have to be on guard.

As the saying goes, be careful to sail for ten thousand years. My brother's heart is shadowed by the behind the scenes.

I began to observe this man.

First of all, the light is very dark. I can't see whether this person is male or female. Let's define this person as male for the moment.

He is like a ghost in the night. If it wasn't for his constant walking, it would be hard to see him clearly. Therefore, his clothes should be black.

In addition, he did not walk at all. He walked very well, and he didn't walk very fast.

With the distance between him and me getting closer and closer, I found that he is not tall, should be shorter than me, and his figure is very thin. What makes me nervous is that his direction has never changed.

I looked back and saw that there was a wall behind me and there was no corridor!

I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart.

Bad food!

Is this man sent to kill me?

Think of here, my whole body sweat hair instantly erect, the more I think about it, the more likely it is.

My God!

You're not going to play me again, are you?

Lao Tzu's body is very weak, but he can't stand so much trouble.

I gently closed the back door and opened the front door. I made up my mind that if this man was a killer, my friend would drive away.


But when I sat in the driver's seat, I was so stupid that the car key was not there! Brother, in my heart, I immediately said hello to the driver's ancestors.

What can we do?

Sister Jinghua is upstairs. If I want to go upstairs, I have to brush past this man.

This way, it won't work.

I'm afraid this man will kill me before I go upstairs.

Think about it.

It's better to hide in the car. Brother doesn't even dare to get off the car door. He locks four doors first, and then climbs to the back seat. I stare at the man through the window.

His pace is always not urgent and slow. He is about ten meters away from me.

The sound of & quot; Bang & quot; on the third floor kept coming.

Many families were awakened by the curse from the window and the light was bright.

The lights lit up the neighborhood.

The man got closer and closer to me. By the light, I finally saw the man.

Endless fear, instantly filled in my heart, chest like a boulder, let me gasp.

Oh, my God!

Is this a man or a ghost?

I rubbed my eyes with both hands and comforted myself repeatedly: there must be an illusion.

Look again, people disappear.


Where have you been?

I look out through the windows on both sides, but I don't see him. What the hell is wrong with me?

Think of here, the whole body has goose bumps, even feel even the hair is fried up.In the past, I didn't watch ghost movies less. I remember that ghost movies said that the gate of death opened in the early morning, and around three o'clock was the time for ghost activities.

Recently, my brother is greedy for women, and he is busy. Is it because he has too much energy to drain, which is harmful to Yang Qi, that he can see ghosts?

Uncle Ying once said that whether ghosts are attached or looking for doubles, they are only for those who are weak.

Damn it!

The more I think about it, the more scared I am. If I meet a female ghost, it's better. Before I die, I can have an affair with a beautiful female ghost.

If this is a male ghost, we will die in peace!

In case of another individual demon, cough, unimaginable, I threw my head hard, trying to throw out all these negative emotions.

Maybe I'm too tired recently to have hallucinations. I comfort myself in this way in my heart, but I still can't help saying: great mercy, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Bodhi mahasa

Fortunately, I once learned scriptures from Buddhist monks for a period of time.

Such a read Dao, mind suddenly emerge a thousand hands and a thousand eyes Guanyin phase, also no longer so afraid.

I was relieved to scare myself.

Next second.

When I saw something on the glass, I looked at it curiously. Because of the cold weather, I gave a breath to the glass.

Then I raised my hand and wiped it. Now I can see clearly.

&Ah! &

I screamed with fright, and my relaxed heart suddenly came back to my throat, and my hair stood up again.

At the moment, I have no other emotion but fear.

What I see is a face, a snow-white face, without a trace of blood.


It's not a face. It's a mask.

In addition, he was wearing a black cloak, which was very large and covered his whole body, including his head.

Oh, my God!

This kind of dress up, my friends have only seen it on TV. It seems that only those especially sinister people, or evil spirits and other villains, will have this kind of dress up.

Now, I'm pretty sure.

This mysterious person, whose target is me, must be the killer sent by the behind the scenes.

Then, I heard the sound of hissing. To my surprise, the glass of the left window fell down.

This man is different from the previous killers.

The killers he met several times before are very powerful, but he is not in a hurry.

The more so, the more scared I am, because the killers sent by the behind the scenes are more and more powerful. This person is definitely much more powerful than the previous ones.

He reached into the car to open the door and didn't worry about me attacking his hand. That's self-confidence!

I am very depressed.

Every time you're in danger, remember the benefits of the stun stick.

Always forgetting to buy.

Now, it's not the time to think about it.

I've got to the right door. As long as he opens the left door, my friend will run from the right door immediately. At that time, if I don't go anywhere else, I'll go straight to the third floor.


The button on the left door bounced up.

My friend has been nervous. Just as the lock was opened, I immediately opened the right door and got out of the car.

After getting off the bus.

He was stunned.

Before the man opened the left door, I got out of the car in fear.


I'm in a bit of a hurry.

We are on both sides of the car.

I looked at his snow-white mask and swallowed my saliva in fear.

&Hi, do you have the wrong person? My name is cunt Lin. &It's a long way to learn!

Last time I met a killer of a mental patient, I said my real name and almost lost my life. This time I learned to be smart and never said my real name again. I wanted to talk about a person's name, but suddenly I remembered that Han Bing's first wife got me that nickname, so I said it out of the blue.

There was a sneer in his eyes.


I can't stand the scorn of others. My brother's strength is a little weak, but I can't be insulted!

What's more, he can't help himself when we are separated by the car.

Thinking of this, I immediately got a lot of courage and scolded him: & quot; laugh at NIMA! Don't you want to kill me! Come on, kill! You're missing one! &It was a great curse.

His eyes suddenly become very cold, I feel his eyes, can't help a shiver, this kind of fierce with murderous eyes.

It's a little familiar to me.

Last time, I felt it in the eyes of the wanted man.

The next moment.

This man's action almost made me paralyzed on the ground. He grabbed the roof of the car and jumped into the car. His eyes looked like a dead man.Now, I don't have any more leisure time.

Sayako started running.

As I ran, I yelled: & quot; Zhang Qing! help! &As soon as I yelled twice, I felt that my neck was tied by something, which made it difficult for me to breathe. I instinctively had to grab something on my neck and feel it like a rope.

But it's hard.

As soon as I was about to look down, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I almost passed out. Then my body got off the ground and fell back.

There was a dull bang.

I fell to the ground, a pain in the back of my head, my mind seems to have a & quot; Bang & quot; dull sound.

All of a sudden, the fall made me see stars.

For a few seconds.

I shook my head and opened my eyes. Subconsciously, I was about to get up and continue to run for my life.

Before he could stand up, he felt as if he had been kicked in the back, which directly pushed him forward.

I lie on the ground, nose a hot, feel something flow out, must be bleeding.

Now, it's not the time to be dazzled.

Although I can't fight, I'm not stupid. I know the other party won't let me up. Maybe the next move is to kill me.

We have to do the opposite, to his surprise.

I deliberately pretended to get up, and then I rolled to one side with a donkey. As soon as I stopped, I heard a clank, turned around and saw that a military dagger with cold light pierced the ground at an angle of 45 degrees.

Looking up, the cloak killer held the dagger in a posture of half kneeling. I guess he must have jumped forward to stab me in the back of my heart with the dagger.

But what he didn't expect was that I would roll to one side. He was stunned for a moment. Then he stood up with a saber in his hand and pushed towards me step by step. I ran back in fear.