&By the way, you can go to Huang Wei for help. She has great powers. If you know that I am in trouble, you will help me. &I said to Han Bing.

Han Bing glared at me angrily: & quot; when did you hook up with Huang Wei again? &Don't you just want me to talk to her? &That was before! &Han Bing's tone suddenly went up.

&No noise in the visiting room. &A staff member sneered.

&Sorry, sorry, she's a little excited. &I hastened to speak up to the man.

At this time, Lawyer Zhang interjected: & quot; director Han, if you really know Huang Wei, it would be great. Huang Wei's interpersonal relationship is very wide, we can make use of her relationship, because even if we find a favorable clue, we also need contacts to better achieve our goal, which will save a lot of trouble. &Do you know Huang Wei? &I look at Lawyer Zhang curiously.

Lawyer Zhang smiles: & quot; no one living in the upper class of Hong Kong city does not know Huang Wei. I just heard by chance that she is a woman with great energy. &

& quot; hum. &Han Bing is very angry.

I hold Han Bing's hand with a smile: & quot; wife, if you dare not sleep at night, let Tong Tong accompany you. &It's my sister, to be sure. &Han Bing rolled her eyes.

Soon, it's time to visit.

&Mr. Lin, I want to remind you that no matter what the authorities do, you should not plead guilty. Once you plead guilty, no one can help you, you can only serve your sentence obediently. &Before he left, Lawyer Zhang gave me a deep look and said a word to me seriously.

I nodded. I'm not stupid. I won't admit it.

But I think it's easy.

Shortly after they left, Captain Li took several people to the detention center. One of them, a tall and thin policeman, I know, is the one who arrested me in the Public Security Bureau.

They took me to an interrogation room.

&What do you think, Lin Yang? Do you plead guilty? &Captain Li asked.

&Again, I didn't kill anyone. &Let me tell you, if you don't plead guilty, it doesn't mean you're not guilty. The court will mete out punishment according to your attitude of pleading guilty, and your stubborn attitude will certainly aggravate the punishment. &Anyway, I didn't kill anyone. You put the killing on my head. Captain Li, since you arrested me, you have been asking me to plead guilty. Have you accepted money? &I was just angry with him, but I think his reaction seems to be guilty.

&You! &Captain Li pointed at me angrily, and then continued: & quot; do you think I can't help it if you don't honestly explain the crime process? &What does "quote;

& quote; mean? &Captain Li sneered and winked at the two policemen beside him.

Now in the interrogation room, only captain Li and the tall and thin policeman are left.

Tall and thin police hands together, a burp came, he came to me, very hard to hold my shoulder.

What do you want from me? &Exercise your hands and feet. &He gave a sneer.

&You, you can't beat a prisoner. &He punched me in the stomach one after another, interrupting my next words. Before, I would cry out in pain.

But this time, I clenched my teeth and didn't shout.

&Boy, I can bear it. &He played for a while and stopped.

&You just come, if I say a word, I'm not a man! &When he heard what I said, he would hit me again, which was stopped by Captain Li.

Captain Li came to me and said: & quot; I'll give you one last chance, or I'll make your life worse than death. &Are you one of them? &I fixed my eyes on captain Li.

Captain Li's eyes showed a trace of coldness. He leaned over to my ear and said in a low voice: & quot; now that you have guessed it, admit it quickly, or even if you don't admit it, we will find a way to convict you. You don't want to go out again. "When I heard captain Li's words, I trembled and asked: & quot; how much do they give you? I'll give you double the money. &Even if you give me three times the money, do you think I will promise? If I take your money, my head will have to move. &Captain Li's words are very realistic. Some of the money you don't have to take, and some of the money you take will cost you your life.

&I don't care who you are, I won't admit to killing people anyway. &I will remember Lawyer Zhang's words that once I plead guilty, it will never be retrieved.

At that time, it would be better to go straight to death than to spend more than ten years in prison.

&Then don't regret it. &Captain Li said a word and then said to the tall and thin policeman: & quot; take him to the torture room. &What are you going to do? Li, you can't extort a confession by torture! &When I heard the words "torture room", I roared with fear.

They took me to a room, which was the opposite of a small dark room.

There are four very big lights in the four corners of the room, the light is very strong, the whole room is full of dazzling light, there is no bed, no table, nothing.


The door closed.

Then there was music in the room. It was loud.

What the hell are they doing?

I'm very confused.

I don't know how long after that, I was thirsty and hungry, but I was like a forgotten person, no one gave me food, no one let me drink water.

As time goes by, I feel sleepy, but every time I close my eyes, the music wakes me up.

Now, I finally understand their intention.

They deliberately do not give me food and drink, stimulate me with lights and music, and do not let me sleep. They are trying to beat me mentally.


Li, if I can get out of danger this time, I'll be the first to kill you.

&Sun Tzu, if you can do anything, I'll be a coward if I'm soft! &I yelled at the door.

After scolding for a while, I sat on the ground, and I almost lost my strength to scold. I didn't know how many meals I had to eat, and I didn't feel hungry. I felt endless sleepiness, but I couldn't sleep.

I tore two pieces of cloth from my clothes and stuffed them into my ears. I covered them with my hands, but it didn't work.

I lay on the ground, curled up with my head in both hands. Whenever I wanted to fall asleep, my voice suddenly became loud, and my head was pricked with pain, and I felt like it was going to explode. I was about to collapse.

Brother's mood at this time is extremely bad, and despair is growing.

At this moment, life is not like death.

I look at the roof blankly, feel the room began to turn, head more and more dizzy.

At the end of the day, it's like being drunk. I feel dizzy and confused.

When I was confused, I heard someone say in my ear: & quot; Lin Yang, you went to Lianhua Mountain by car on the morning of October 9. You asked Cui Dayong to meet in Lianhua Mountain. After you met, you began to quarrel and pushed Cui Dayong down the mountain. &This person keeps talking and says it over and over again.

I woke up in a clinic.

I seem to have had a long dream. In the dream, I went to Lianhua Mountain and killed people. Everything seems to be real.

I shook my head hard. I couldn't tell reality from dream.

A doctor came to me, examined me for a while, and then began to call.

After a while, two armed policemen came.

&Get up. &I heard their voices and got up subconsciously.

They took me back to my room, and I looked at my roommate, fat man: & quot; how many days have I been away from here? &It's the seventh day since you were arrested that day. &I frowned and began to calculate that I spent no more than two days in the confinement room and no more than two days in the infirmary. In this way, I spent at least three days or more in the torture room without eating, drinking or sleeping.

The surname Li, this revenge does not revenge, Lao Tzu's name writes upside down!

When it was dark, a man in uniform came to our room.

&Which is Lin Yang? &

I hurried over and looked at the man's uniform. I felt a little nervous with a thump in my heart.

&Formally inform you that the Municipal People's Procuratorate has initiated a public prosecution against you and will hold a court session tomorrow, when you will be escorted to the Municipal People's court, this is the notice. &The staff member gave me the notice and left.I'm paralyzed on the ground. I'm going to sue so soon. Do you want to sentence me?

Wife, wife, so many days, why haven't you heard anything.

&Congratulations, we're going to change places soon. &The middle-aged man had a look of schadenfreude.

&Shut up! Don't mess with me. &I glared at him and to my surprise, he stopped talking.

At the moment, I'm not in the mood to think about this asshole's abnormality.

This night, I tossed and turned, how can not sleep.

The next morning, two staff members in formal clothes took me to the intermediate people's Court of Hong Kong City.

Eight o'clock, on time.

I was taken to the trial court with shackles and handcuffs. The police and inspectors opened the shackles of my hands and feet and let me stand in the dock.

I saw Han Bing, Feng Yao, Xia Tongtong and Xu Hui. They were very worried about me.

After a while, the judge and the jury are here.

As the chief justice's mallet struck, it began.

The prosecution began to cross examine me, and Lawyer Zhang was very calm in dealing with the prosecution.

&Chief justice, those photos are only side photos and back photos, and they are not 100% sure that they are my client, so those photos can not be used as material evidence. &Lawyer Zhang's speech is sharp and straight to the core.

&Chief judge, our technical test shows that the people in the photos, whether they are tall and thin, dressed or photographed, are consistent with the defendant, so the photos can be used as evidence. &The prosecution said.

Lawyer Zhang smiles and says: & quot; chief justice, I apply for a test. &Is the test related to the case? &Asked the judge.

&Of course. &Lawyer Zhang said.

&We object. &The prosecution stood up.

&The objection is invalid and the defense's request is accepted. &The judge nodded.

Lawyer Zhang waved to the audience. Two people came by, one of whom had a camera hanging around his neck.

The other was wearing a white sportswear and a black cap. No matter how tall or thin he was, he was almost the same as me.

Obviously, Lawyer Zhang had already agreed with them. When they came, he said to them: & quot; let's go. &Two people, one posing and the other taking photos.

After a while, they finished.

Lawyer Zhang connected the camera to the video screen and turned on the picture he had just taken.

", as like as two peas, the judges and the jury, please look at these photos. &They compared all the photos separately and then nodded their heads. The meaning was obvious.

&Judge, I don't think I need to say more? &Lawyer Zhang said with a smile.