Chapter 781

In the rain, the fight between the forbidden guards and Jianghu experts has been suspended.

After killing and injuring more than a dozen experts in a row, these Jianghu sects and aristocratic families are afraid. Although we are powerful, we will change our lives. When our experts are exhausted, there are still many forbidden guards.

"I'll take the tan family first."

The master of the tan family retreated quietly. A group of masters walked away with light steps.

Spring breeze turns into rain, Wanyun mountain villa, heimu cliff, five poisons cult, and other experts have left one after another. It's meaningless to stay here and fight again.

They have many ways to kill Su Yun. They don't need to fight with the forbidden guards here.

Lin Gang waved his long knife:

"Catch up, catch up and kill them all."

"Don't chase."

Su Lu ordered:

"Gather the bodies of the dead brothers and arrange for burial."

"This revenge must be avenged, but not now. You are not their opponents. Leaving them is too expensive and not worth it."

Su Yun looked at the rebel experts in a corner and frowned. It was really annoying. He finally gathered a group of rebel experts and explained so much at once.

It seems that you should listen to the second brother and try to gather some experts for your own use.

With a long knife, Lin Gang stepped on the rain and entered the pavilion. He took off his handrail and threw it on the stone table. He wiped the rain on his face and said:

"Second brother, I feel we have miscalculated this time. We should use the long gun array. Our Han army defeated the world by the long gun array. This long knife array is not the director of our army, and there are many strangers in cooperation."

Su Lu thought that if I set up a long gun array today, unless I take back the military God cards hanging on Su Yun and Gao Dabao, otherwise if I set up a long gun array, I will be killed by these Wulin experts.

"Well, if you lose, you'll lose. Think about what you're doing there. Go back and think about it. There's no need to complain here."

The night rain gradually stopped. Lin Gang and Su Yun left. The corpses around the pavilion were cleaned up. The bodyguard came in and replaced the guard to protect the safety of Su Lu.

Su Lu waited until the last wounded forbidden army was wrapped up before he got up and went back to his bedroom.

The next day, the sun fell on the ground in front of the bed through the window lattice. When the oriole's cry sounded in the yard, Su Lu woke up from his sleep.

"What time is it?"

Su Lu asked the waitress.

The female official blessed him and said respectfully:

"It's already time."

While dressing, Su Lu ordered:

"Let's prepare breakfast. Can there be a fold in the palace these two days?"

The female officer did not move, but still maintained a respectful move:

"Two notes came to the palace about the reform of the rebel army. It seems that there is a heavy quarrel between the government and the public. The ministers scolded the princess for her ambition and conspiracy."

Su Lu got dressed, and the waitress had brought in the porridge and snacks and set them on the table.

Eating the revolt, Su Lu thought that Su Yun's action was fast. He ran directly to meet Li Qing. The claws of the six doors extended to the Ministry of punishment. There were many relationships involved and they were not straightened out. Su Yun dared to come to the stage.

How brave.

"Back to the Lord, your majesty agreed to the memorial of the long princess. He thought that the development of the rebel army itself was quite unbalanced. Coupled with Ye Qingmei's short-sightedness, the development of the rebel army in recent years had made your majesty quite dissatisfied. Your majesty thought you could try the way of the long princess."

The female officer continued.

Su Lu, who was eating a small cage bag, stared at the female officer. She didn't like the way she spoke.

"What else news?"

Sulu asked angrily.

The female officer didn't understand that she didn't say well, which made Su Lu unhappy. She couldn't help lowering her head and whispered:

"The patriarch of the Xueman family came to Beijing again yesterday to defend the coal mine vein at the frontier of the Rouran grassland. Hurhachi argued that those who occupied the coal mine were not his Xueman."

Su Lu is interested in the speech:

"He's not a snow clan. Who is that?"

The female officer lowered her head and continued:

"According to hurhachi, those people should be Slavs, Slavs in the north. Slavs are skilled in divine arts. Divine arts can play a very strong power with that special gold."

When Su Lu was about to say something, a forthright laughter and disorderly footsteps suddenly sounded in the yard.

"Sir, I heard a funny thing."

Before the four kings arrived, the voice had already arrived.

Su Lu continued to drink porridge without looking up:

"Si'er, that wind blew you, the Western army governor, so early."

Wang Si's face is full of ignorance. What's the situation? Haven't I come for a long time? Didn't I come last month. He winked at the general behind him and signaled that it was time for you to come forward.

"Lord Ming Jian, Hua Xun is greeting you.

Hua Xun saluted Su Lu respectfully.

Su Lu looked up, looked at Hua Xun, smiled and said:

"Hua crotch, why don't you visit general Kang Mazi's house? Why do you come to me?"

Hua Xun smiled and showed a row of big white teeth:

"As you know, it's been decades since our Xiting guards took part in the western expedition."

"My brothers and sisters are thinking of their hometown and want to return to their roots. I hope the king's permission."

Hua Xun bowed to the ground and said sincerely.

Su Lu nodded and ordered:

"That's it. I'll ask the Ministry of war to send a document and let those old brothers return home. I don't think well and let them suffer at the border."

Hua Xun knelt down and kowtowed to Su Lu:

"Thank you, Lord longen."

Wang Si also said:

"Look, I said it long ago. I told the Lord that it had been solved long ago."

"The imperial edict has arrived. Your majesty has an edict. Please return to the palace."

A eunuch with a male duck's voice nodded and bowed to Su Lu sitting upright in the yard.

Su Lu put down his chopsticks, nodded and said:

"All right, you two have solved your problems. Is there anything else?"

Wang Si and Hua Xun looked at each other. Finally, Wang Si asked:

"My Lord, there are rumors in the market, in the Jianghu, in the army and in the imperial court that you can't command the military array because of serious injury. Is it true or false?"

Hua Xun also added:

"I've heard many times in Xidi, especially those Jianghu people who talk the most."

Sulu shook his head:

"OK, Xueman goes to Beijing again. Your majesty urgently calls me to discuss something, so I won't tell you more."

"After you go back, control your sergeant and don't make a mess."

They agreed respectfully.

When Su Lu returned to the palace, Li Qingzheng was losing his temper.

"It's not what you snow clan did. Why do those people say what you snow clan said? The head left is also the appearance of your snow clan. It's too simple to veto the efforts of so many people in China."