Chapter 633

Chu people ask us for help?

Dani read the secret letter carefully again. Yes, it was the help letter from the Chu people. Instead of asking for help from the neighboring Tang state, she asked us for help.

Su Lu went to the door and said:

"Develop new birds well. Whether we can defeat Taixi or not depends on whether your ordnance mansion can build powerful birds."

Dani stood upright with a pleasant voice:

"Don't worry, Lord. Dani promises to complete the task."

Sue got into the carriage on the road and went to the palace.

Dani looked at the back of the carriage. Her cheeks were full of hesitation and her eyes were full of attachment. After a long time, she turned and entered the ordnance mansion.

Facing the ugly breeze, Dani lowered her tone and said:

"Qingfeng, I think your mind is unstable. Don't come back to the flying bird company these days. First go to Jingying for a year and a half."

With that, Dani told the imperial commander of the ordnance mansion next to her, "you can arrange the Qingfeng thing and let him try not to touch the production of important weapons. Let's hang it for a few days first."

Qingfeng almost broke his teeth.

It's too indifferent to people. They arranged my whereabouts and said in front of me that they would hang me for a few days.

Clay figurines still have three points of anger. I quit.

"If you don't make arrangements, I'll quit."

Qingfeng took off his robe, fell to the ground and stepped out of the ordnance mansion.

Walking out of the gate of the ordnance mansion, Qingfeng only felt that his heart was full of relief. He didn't have to suffer from this kind of pickling gas anymore, but the words behind made him almost run away.

"If Qingfeng doesn't work, then send an order to go on, saying that Qingfeng abandons his official and can't enter the ordnance mansion again."

Qingfeng almost turned around and scolded, but he thought it was the Ordnance Department. He was heavily guarded, bit his teeth and turned away.

When Su Lu returned to the palace, he was invited to the imperial study by the bodyguard and met a group of Ministers who were discussing the matter.

"For today's plan, we must help the Chu people. To help them is to help ourselves."

This is Qian Qianyi's voice.

Su Lu is a little strange. When did Qian Qianyi become so impassioned? Helping Chu people is helping ourselves. It's quite novel.

Dong Ling interrupted Qian Qianyi and said:

"Chu Di is thousands of miles away from me. I don't know how Qian Shangshu sees that helping Chu people is helping ourselves."

Zhou Ping also said:

"Lao Qian, this is nonsense. What do I have to do with the collapse of the state of Chu?"

Qian Qianyi was a little angry:

"Sitting and watching the collapse of the state of Chu, the state of Tang is below, and then the state of Han is below."

"The so-called lips die and teeth are cold, the skin does not exist, and the hair will be attached. China's Han, Chu and Tang are interdependent..."

"Qian Shangshu, I remember your family is a big family in Chu. Why are you homesick?"

Pingqi sat aside, smiling and squinting.

Qian qianyiteng stood up, his face flushed and pointed to pingqi:

"Your Majesty, pingqi humiliates people too much. His ministers are at odds with him."

"Sit down"

Li Qing got angry and slapped him on the table.

"This is the place to discuss military aircraft affairs, not the food market where you quarrel. Sit down."

Qian Qianyi snorted and sat down.

Dong Cheng said:

"Your Majesty, when the Lord arrives, we might as well listen to the Lord's ideas. Saving Chu or not has certain interests in China's Han Dynasty. We are certainly not as transparent as the Lord."

Su Lu casually chose a chair to sit down and said with a smile:

"Lao Dong, you think highly of me. I don't see farther than you. At most, there is no interest entanglement. If you don't care, it's just chaos."

Li Qing asked:

"In that case, shall we save Chu or not?"

"Why should we save Chu?"

Su Lu asked, glancing at the crowd and stopping Qian Qianyi who wanted to stand up and speak.

Qian Qianyi sighed and sat down helplessly.

Forced by Qian Qianyi's eyes, Yu stood up helplessly:

"Lord, just now Qian Shangshu said that the state of Chu and the state of Han are like lips and teeth. If the state of Chu dies, the state of Han will lose its dependence..."

I shook my hand in annoyance:

"According to the minister, it doesn't matter whether it's saved or not. It depends on whether the interests are sufficient. If the interests are sufficient, don't say to save Chu. Even if it's out of agility, we will do it."

Zhou Yuan said:

"What Yu Shangshu said is very true. Saving Chu uses the lives of our Han children. If we don't have enough interests and sacrifice our Han children's lives in vain, this is the dereliction of duty of our officials and the expectation of the people."

"To save Chu, the state of Chu naturally gives up its interests..."

For a time, the imperial study became a vegetable market again.

Li Qing held his forehead and sighed.

Su Lu glanced at Gao Dabao at the door. Gao Dabao waved his hand. Two guards came in dexterously, one left and one right, and set up Qian Qianyi.

"Let go of me, I have something to say."

"I'm loyal and frank for the Han country. You can't do this."

"Gao Dabao, you are not a son of man."

Qian Qianyi was taken out and shouted all the way.

Upon leaving the imperial study, Gao Dabao saluted Qian Qianyi:

"Qian Shangshu, forgive me. I'm your duty. Please forgive me for offending."

Qian Qianyi stroked his beard and his face was full of a light smile.

"Where is the duty of a college captain? What is the crime if he scrupulously abides by his duty."

"It's me. Just now, I'm not fair in my words. If I offend you, I hope the school captain won't blame me."

With that, the old man walked out quietly without any intention of returning to the imperial study, leaving Gao Dabao and a group of bodyguards behind.

Gao Dabao shouted from a distance:

"Qian Shangshu, don't you speak up for the state of Chu?"

Qian Qianyi waved his hand and hurried away.

In the imperial study, Su Lu ordered:

"The state of Chu asks for help. Now there is no old money to disturb the situation. You all say what to do about it."

"Nature is not saved."

Dong Ling was the first to stand up and say:

"As Lord Qian said, the lips die and the teeth are cold. The state of Chu is not a barrier for the state of Han. It doesn't matter whether it is saved or not."

Cao Hua also said:

"If we can flatten the state of Tang and turn the land of Tang into the land of Han, we naturally want to save Chu. Now, it's not necessary."

"On the contrary, it is the state of Tang. We can encourage Tang to send troops to fight against sharp edges, lips and teeth, and consume Tang's strength."

Zhou Ping said nearby:

"The two generals are right. I'm powerless to save Chu. They say to move Tang out of the army, which has great potential in China's Han Dynasty."

Li Qing set his eyes on Su Lu.

Su Lu nodded:

"OK, then Chen Bing Tuojiang and make a gesture to save Chu. I believe Gao Lan will understand whether to save Chu or let China's Han country save Chu."

"When I sent a letter to the envoy of Chu, I said that China's Han Dynasty wanted to send troops to save Chu. I needed to pretend to tell the state of Tang and ask them to help lobby the court of the state of Tang and let the army of China pass."