Chapter 600

The snowflakes were falling in the air, and everything around the fields, barracks and guards on duty at the door was shrouded in the snowflakes.

Wearing a cloak, Su Lu entered Beidaying in the capital and saw a new bird covered with large snowflakes.

Dani and Zhenyuan Lao Dao, more than a dozen officials from the ordnance mansion greeted them, their faces were red with excitement, and the white breath seemed to bring a trace of happiness.

"Yes, the new bird is."

Dani looked at Su Lu and said happily. Her cheeks were full of joy.

On the school field, the birds after the test flight stood quietly in the open space, which had been covered with a light layer of snow. The big wings on the top of the bird disappeared and were replaced by crossed wood leaves.

"The method you proposed is indeed feasible. This new type of flying bird is several feet faster than the original one."

Old Taoist Zhenyuan said with a smile and couldn't close his mouth happily.

Qingfeng rubbed his hands beside him, and his tone was full of pride:

"Our flying birds are very tight. One can deal with the original five or six flying birds. My Lord, whether we go to fight the Tibetans or kill the English people, we should make them look good this time."

Su Lu patted the shell of the bird. The knowledge of the previous life is not completely useless. At least the change of the driving mode of the bird can still be used.

Unfortunately, gunpowder has no original power, otherwise why fear the powerful crossbow of the texi people.

But success is good. Su Lu told Dani:

"From now on, we have to carry out many test flights, accumulate experience, make an all-round comparison with the original birds, and update the model after locking the model."

"In addition, the improvement of the strong crossbow and the crossbow gun should also be carried out simultaneously. Birds are only vehicles. The real winner still depends on the crossbow and arrow. If our strong crossbow is not good, the Taixi people will dare to kill the fish and catch the net."

Dani nodded. "Don't worry, Lord. The improvement of the strong crossbow has been going on all the time. The strong crossbow of the Intel people is worse than that of the tessi people. Our imitation is not as powerful as that of the Intel people. Naturally, we can't relax."

Su Lu nodded. Accompanied by Dani, he checked the improvement of the crossbow and put forward his own opinions on the possible change direction of the crossbow. After all, this is a sharp weapon of war for a long time in the future. Whether the Han country can block the siege of Intel and tessi is very important.

The improvement of Conventional Ordnance was also under way, but Su Lu knew little about it and didn't put forward improvement suggestions indiscriminately, which disappointed the expectant Ordnance Department officials and craftsmen.

Dani led a group of people out of the camp around Su Lu. Su Lu encouraged her a few more words. Then she turned and got into the carriage and went back to the city.

The curtain of the carriage was lowered, isolating the inner and outer worlds. Su Lu told Lin Gang nearby:

"The Ordnance Department is an important weapon of the national Dynasty. I think most of the clothes on some craftsmen are worn, and the regular robes on the guards on duty are also worn. It is a special reward. The chief of the Ordnance Department will give ten sets of cotton clothes to set their own size."

"The guards of the Ordnance Department on duty will receive the same reward and be awarded a first-class medal."

Lin Gang wrote it down quickly, with some doubts on his face. He glanced at Su Lu and stopped talking.

Su Lu leaned back against the carriage and looked at Lin Gang:

"Ask, if you have anything you want to ask."

Lin Gang's face turned red. After a long time, he said:

"Second brother, improving birds and making ordnance is the duty of the Ordnance Department. If they do well, they should. Their salary is enough to eat the salary of the king and be loyal to the king. Will it be too heavy to reward ten sets of cotton padded clothes at a time?"

Su Lu pondered for a while before he said:

"Being mean and ungrateful is a big taboo for superiors."

"Looking at the history books, the reason why all dynasties died was because the people in power were mean and ungrateful, resulting in boiling resentment. Heroes all over the world rose up and overthrew the mean and ungrateful rulers."

"Lin Gang, you should remember that greed is human nature. If you can't restrain this nature, people themselves will perish. If the rulers of a dynasty can't restrain their greed, the Dynasty will perish."

Lin Gang looked ignorant. Looking at Su Lu, he was a little confused. I was talking about the excessive reward. How did it become the cause of the demise of previous dynasties, but it seemed that he had learned a lot. It was good to follow the Lord.

The carriage drove into the palace and stopped in front of the bedroom.

Su Lu got out of the car and heard Su Yun scolding Da Ya before he entered the courtyard of the dormitory.

"Come back quickly. If the princess wants to see the snow, you can take her. What if she gets cold?"

When Su Lu entered the yard, he saw Su Yun standing at the gate of the hall and scolding Da Ya in the crowd of palace maids.

Daya was also surrounded by a group of maids, holding Su Yi standing in the snow to see the snow. Xiao Su Yi, who saw the snow for the first time, was very happy and giggled.

Seeing Su Lu entering the yard, a group of maids knelt down one after another.

Su Lu waved his hand, "it's still snowing, so you don't have to kneel."

"Da Ya, why do you come into the palace when you have time? You're married. It's like there's no trace."

"And Erya, married, as if you were no longer in the palace."

Daya bowed her head and lowered her voice:

"As the Lord knows, Daya doesn't want to go into the palace to meet the Lord and the princess. She is really married from her husband. My master has served as a state shepherd and was transferred back to the capital three days ago. As soon as she settled down, she came to see the princess and the Lord."

Su Yun came and grabbed Su Yi and said angrily:

"Hum, how did you know that you didn't want to run for your master, so you came back to see the Lord and me."

As soon as Daya's face changed, she didn't dare to speak.

Sulu sighed and ordered:

"Well, now that you're here, Su Yun, you should treat Daya and Changning well and take the little princess to have a rest. Children need to sleep more when their brain is developing, otherwise they will be a fool when they grow up."

Daya looked at Su Lu in surprise and kept these words in mind.

Su Lu ordered Gao dabaola to come to a recliner, wrapped in a cotton padded robe, watching the snow at the gate of the hall, thinking about the current situation.

Cao Huatong's army attacked the Tang Dynasty and has successively broken Shangshan Jiedu mansion, Sanchong Jiedu mansion and Dongting Jiedu mansion, which are not far from the Tang Dynasty.

As the war went on, the surroundings gradually became unstable.

Jiameng pass in the West was originally only a sporadic shadow of the Thai West army. With the progress of the war, more and more Thai West sergeants began to appear, including birds, crossbows and even strong crossbows.

The tessi are determined to intervene in the war.

In the East, Su Ping reported that the large ships of the British had appeared in the sea off Wangjiang river for one month in a row. If the crossbow on the top of the East pole mountain of the port was not powerful, I'm afraid these large ships would not have to go under Su Ping's nose.

However, there was no way. The Han state had no navy to surrender Wenjiang river. It only had the navy power on the inland river, which was far from the battle ship of the British.

Although the craftsmen of the Lu family had built their own fighting ships, it was a pity that the naval forces before the Han Dynasty lacked too much power, and there was no fleet that could go to sea, so they could only let the British people show off at sea.

"Dumplings will be made at sea."

Sulu sighed.