Chapter 585

In the post house of Qi State in Yanjing, the courtyard is deep, the pines and cypresses are green, and the cicadas are chirping.

Qian Qianyi sat opposite Wen Jing and made a frown.

He was ordered to make the appearance that the war situation of the Han state was in a draw and the Qi State urgently needed to send troops to balance the pressure of the strong Tang Dynasty, send troops together and divide the strong Tang Dynasty.

"I don't know if I heard your coming..."

"Don't gossip. Let's get to the point."

Wen Jing looked at Qian Qianyi and said directly.

Although he didn't believe the judgment of all the adults in the imperial court, the state of Qi had Su Lu, civil and military gods and ZTE four generals. The young generation of generals emerged one after another. The state of Tang was not an opponent of the state of Han.

However, several courteous courtiers favored by the Empress Dowager obviously took the benefits of the state of Han and strongly claimed that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to defeat the state of Tang. It was a small event to take over the lost land, divide up the land of Qin and expand the territory, which was a great event to shine for the future.

He, who was familiar with the affairs of the Han Dynasty, was once the principal envoy of the Luojiang treaty and had to come.

"Your country is in a stalemate with Tang and wants to form an alliance with China to attack and attack Tang. What price can your country pay?"

Wen Jing looked at Qian Qianyi and spoke with certainty.

Qian Qianyi was stunned. It was different from what he imagined. It was not the envoys of the state of Qi who begged him to come to the alliance. It was neither humble nor arrogant. He was divided into the state of Tang. What's the matter with this grandson? He looked like a man waiting for a price.

Qi is also capable.

Qian Qianyi smiled. "Lord Wen, your empress dowager doesn't think so."

Wen Jing was stunned. His momentum dissipated instantly. He leaned weakly on the back of his chair and said in a deep voice

"Well, Lord Qian, in that case, I will no longer make false promises. This is the bottom line of Qi. If your country can accept it, we will sign an agreement and Qi will send troops on the day."

Qian Qianyi picked up the booklet handed by Wen Jing, "what if I don't agree?"

Wen Jing leaned against the back of his chair and his tone was low

"Then I turn around and go. It's not easy to seek skin from a tiger, not to mention a tiger that wants to show its teeth."

Qian Qianyi finished reading the book and suddenly opened his mouth

"This one can't do. It's impossible to divide the East Pavilion. Shangshan was originally in the bag of China's Han Dynasty. It was divided into three parts, and the Tang soil obtained by China's Han Dynasty was separated."

Wen Jing got up, walked to the door and finally stopped.

Qian Qianyi said with a smile

"Lord Wen, please. I believe Lord Wen should know what conditions your empress dowager can accept. Our Lord knows very well."

Smell the scenery and sigh

"I have another one here, but I only sign with the Lord."

Qian Qianyi smiled knowingly on his face and stroked his goatee. "What I wish, I dare not invite you."

In the hall of diligent administration, Li Qing, who had begun to be a director, sat behind the imperial case and looked at the memorial in his hand.

"Why, Wen Jing compromised?"

Qian Qianyi replied respectfully, "yes, Wen Jing compromised. He is knowledgeable. Although he has the ability, he can't give full play to his ability due to the stupidity of those in power in the state of Qi. Your majesty, Wen Jing tried to leave at that time. I almost couldn't help but want to agree to his conditions. Wen Jing is a capable minister."

Li nodded. "He wants to see the Lord, I can't promise."

Qian Qianyi was stunned. What happened? People have explained that when they see the Lord, they will sign an agreement and send troops to Dongting to attack the state of Tang. Why does your majesty disagree.

Xie Ruyu's cheek is slightly heavy. "Today, people in Qi and Tang hate the Lord's stake. The assassination of the LORD by the state of Tang almost succeeded. I'm worried that they will follow suit."

Qian Qianyi was stunned. This... Seems to have such hidden worries.

Zhou Ping, the Minister of the Ministry of war next to him, sighed, "yes, when Duke Gao Zhan died, our country lost the great master of martial arts who can defend Fang Cun."

Dong Cheng timely said, "Your Majesty's concern is very reasonable. It's better to take the wife of old general Xiao Cong and the eldest princess of Beiyang together, supplemented by Cheng Jianwei, to jointly protect the prince."

"It really hurts the face of your majesty and the Lord if you don't see foreign ministers."

Li Qing hesitated and finally nodded helplessly.

"Well, supplemented by a built-up guard, you can't smell the scenery within three feet of the Lord."


Su Lu teases Su Yi and receives Wen Jing in the imperial garden.

The freshly washed apples were placed on the stone table in the pavilion. A female official stood by the stone table and looked at the books on the table.

Su Yun looked lazily at Su Lu teasing his niece and said to Mrs. Xiao next to him

"Madam, I heard that you were a famous expert in Jianghu in your early years. Are there any hidden peerless experts in our Han country?"

Mrs. Xiao was admiringly watching Su Lu tease the princess and said casually

"Yes, there must be, but those who can break through the martial arts masters are all people with Tao in mind. It is unlikely to become an official."

"Xuanfu Zang Xuan, Shazhou Yang Congzhi, Xiting Lu Kang, and many others are experts."

"Well, here we are. I can't blame your majesty for being so careful. Your skill is not simple."

Mrs. Xiao looked at the smell of the scenery near the pavilion under the guidance of the female official.

Su Yun grew up and walked to Su Lu, who was chasing butterflies with Su Yi in his arms. Wen Jing is a master. She doesn't know how tall she is, but at least she is taller than her.

"I've seen the king."

When Wen Jing saw Su Lu, he saluted respectfully and said that before Su Yun came, he had reached Su Lu's side.

Su Yun looked motionless and stopped. He didn't dare to get close to Wen Jing again. At this distance, I was not sure to stop Wen Jing and save my brother.

Su Lu looked around and smelled the scenery.

"Why, Lord Wen wants to kill me?"

Hearing the scene, he looked solemn, his hands hung on his side, and his tone was ancient.

"The king's eyes are as sharp as a torch. Yes, Wen Jing wants to give the people of Qi a future. If you kill the king, the state of Han will be in chaos."

Su Lu shook her head, took out a candied fruit from her pocket and licked it to Su Yi. Su Yi immediately opened her mouth and looked like she still wanted candied fruit.

Su Lu stretched out his hand and cited falsely

"Lord Wen, please, let's sit down and say."

Wen Jing never left Su Lu's side and said with a smile

"OK, Lord, let's sit down and say."

When they arrived at the pavilion, Mrs. Xiao was helpless and had to stand on the stone steps of the pavilion with Su Yun. She didn't dare to get too close for fear of getting angry at the scene.

"There are civil and military gods in Han Dynasty. There are four generals of ZTE. There are countless twelve generals and sixty-four captains below. What do you think of these people?"

Hearing the scene, he looked a little sluggish, but he still said it a moment later

"They are all very good. Over time, they will certainly become an independent general."

Su Lu nodded. "Yes, I'm most gratified that Su Lu has trained so many talents. With them, I dare to sit and talk to you about master Jing. I brought them out. As long as they are here, cutting down Tang, destroying Qi and expelling Yingte, it's inevitable in the future. It won't affect me without me."

"On the contrary, it's your Qi country. If you really want to smell the scenery and kill me today, your majesty will destroy the country when you are in the country. Will the people of Qi miss you?"

"Along the way, Wen Jing, you also saw the days of the people of Han Dynasty. If the people of Qi were under my rule, they would live a healthy life and have enough food and clothing. It's better now or under my rule. Wen Jing, what do you think the people of Qi think?"

Hearing the scene, his expression changed slightly and he pondered.

Su Lu continued

"You can't even carry these clearly when you smell Jingsu coming to love the people like a son. I think you're not loving the people like a son, but fishing for fame and reputation. You want to leave the notorious pedantic wood in history books."