Chapter 491

Tongcheng, Chengtou.

Li Kun, dressed in armor and sharp, stood at the head of the city and looked at the continuous barracks under the city. His face was a little ugly.

The wounded soldiers sat full of the city wall, with their backs against the city wall, sitting together in twos and threes, eating sweet potatoes. The military doctor took the young boy to shuttle among the wounded soldiers, and the robe almost turned blood.

Rhoda limped up the city wall and reported behind Li Kun: "governor Li, the last general under his command was seriously injured. General Han Chong was seriously injured and just died. If we fight again, we will all fold here."

Li Kun ignored Rhoda and his heart was full of contempt. Your grandson's command suffered heavy damage. Would it be better for me to command him? I looked at the river and brought 20000 soldiers. Now there are less than 10000 left. Basically all the people alive are injured. You're okay to tell me that the damage was heavy. “

Li Weiyuan came over from the wall on the other side. His robe was full of blood and his face was also full of sadness

"Governor Li, we have too many wounded soldiers. All your Sergeants are wounded. If we continue to fight like this, everyone will have no way to live. We must change our strategy."

Li Weiyuan's beard was warped. His face was full of fatigue. Only his eyes were shining and looked at Li Kun.

Li Kun doesn't want to talk to him and change his strategy. Doesn't Lao Tzu want to change his strategy, but how?

The British besieged the city. I can't even send out letters now. What can I do to change my military strategy? If I hadn't had foresight, I was afraid you two wouldn't help, and kept most of the food and grass in Tongcheng, the soldiers would be hungry now.

Li Weiyuan saw that Li Kun didn't speak. He knew that he was angry in his heart. Rhoda really didn't work. He lost too fast. It was only a day's effort. Before Li Kun came to Tongcheng, his defeated army caught up with Li Kun's rear army. If Li Kun hadn't been capable and stabilized the formation, Tongcheng would have been the territory of the British.

"General Li Kun, it's not a way to go on like this. Our death is small, but we lose our land. We'll be ashamed of our ancestors and ancestors. Governor Li, if you can't find a way, don't blame Li for not being considerate and telling you under your majesty."

Li Kun threw the long Qi in his hand ā Ng, sneered: "OK, you go to complain and see if you can get out of Tongcheng alive?"

"Your Majesty must have known our situation. Besides, pingqi is not a fool. If we fight like this, he will decide that pingqi should lose his head if he doesn't know what to do."

Nearby, Rhoda said angrily.

When Luojiang mansion was broken, pingqi refused to go with him at all. The grandson was very evil. He led a group of Dingxiang guards. He didn't know where to go, and he didn't know to take me. It's really not a thing.

Li Kun took the sweet potato handed over by his own soldiers and chewed it. It was sweet and relieved the fatigue of fighting all night. Leaning against the wall, Li Kun asked:

"How was the battle loss last night, and how was the battle loss of the British?"

The soldiers were wrapped in gauze and had a hoarse voice: "our army killed 528 people last night, and the deaths and injuries of the British were even more serious, more than 2000 people. “

Li Kun nodded, ordered and said, "seriously injured soldiers are carried down to rest. This whole city may be our bone burial place."

The soldier's face remained unchanged, chewed a sweet potato, scolded and said, "grandchildren are really not things that hinder our hands and feet. It's really waste that we met such a situation when the prince was in charge of the army."


Hargay, governor's office.

Su Lu suddenly asked Dong Ling nearby, "how's the war in Liangjiang area? Can there be a military newspaper?"

Dong Lingtou, who was handling the military affairs booklet, didn't look up. "No, there hasn't been a military newspaper from Li Kun and Rhoda in January."

"Something happened."

Su Lu leaned against the back of his chair and said in a calm voice. There was no military newspaper for one month. There could only be one reason. Li Kun and Rhoda were surrounded, or both of them were defeated and died.

Dong Ling raised his head and looked at Su Lu: "then, do you want to send reinforcements?"

Su Lu shook his head: "it's too late. We're too far from Liangjiang area. It's too late to send reinforcements. Where is Su Ping now?"

Dong Ling went to the defense map and pointed on it.

"Here, there are signs of instability in the mountain area. Your majesty sent Su Ping to guard it. At the same time, divide the mountain people and train them into an army."

Su Lu nodded: "the bird sent a letter to Su Ping, ordering him to start the army and rush to the two rivers. How to fight, he can act easily without reporting to me."

Dong Ling promised and hurried out of the camp.

Su Lu continued to look at the defense map, and his face became more and more ugly. Although he now occupied most of the Qin land, before it was completely digested, it was only a burden to the Han state, and could not provide any nutrients.

Now we must hurry to end this battle, so that we can have time to digest the land of Qin and recuperate.

Turning around, he said to the nearby suger, "gather generals and raise money."

The city of hargay must be stabilized. If you send a general to defend, you can lead the army to the West and compete with barbarians and Taixi people in western Liaoning. As long as you win western Liaoning, Jiameng pass is easy to get. If you win Jiameng pass, the Han army can really advance and retreat.

They took the two cities with lightning speed, and the Taixi people had no time to take out their Maces.

The generals entered the governor's house and sat down on both sides of the festival hall.

Su Lu ordered and said, "I want to keep a general to guard halgai against the threat of the Qin army from Shule. Who is willing to stay and guard here?"

The generals looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't speak.

Now we're going to hit western Liaoning, break western Liaoning and take Jiameng pass. The war will be over. It's a pity to stay and garrison hargay at this time.

"I'd like to stay."

Cao Hua got up and said.

"Halgai is located in an important place. Even if our army conquers Jiameng pass, this place is also an important place. It will be the governor of halgai who will guard Qin at that time."

Qian Buzhou took his eyes and looked hard at hargai city. After thinking for a moment, he said, "it's impossible. We broke Jiameng pass. Even if we don't go forward, it's mainly the main general guarding Jiameng pass. Of course, the main general of Xianyang is in this inner place. General Cao, you're not right."

Cao Hua smiled and did not refute him.

Su Lu ordered and said, "well, Cao Hua, stay and guard hargay. I promise you the right to act conveniently. If the Qin army moves, you can decide whether to fight or retreat."

"The generals will listen to the order, complete the army, leave the army in three days, go straight to Gangcha County, choose a day and break western Liaoning."

Three days later, the whole army started.

After crossing the original city, the army turned west and went straight to Gangcha.

Sure enough, there were many mountain bandits along the way, but the army passed by. There were defections everywhere. They wanted to join the army to fight barbarians and avenge the dead villagers.

After screening, strong men and smart women were selected, and the rest were sent back to their hometown.

Rao is so. When Su Lu arrives at Gangcha, the number of the whole army will also expand to 100000, and the military capacity will be prosperous.

The barbarians, the Western Thai coalition army and the Han army all gathered in western Liaoning.

Generals card system