Chapter 465

In the small shop with an oil lamp like a bucket, fuber stood next to another square table, wiping the water on his hands with a towel.

Wen Yan hung the towel on his shoulder, came forward, picked up the parts next to the dish, looked carefully and pinched it with his hand.

"It's this thing. It's different in shape. It's poisonous and will die."

Fuber put down the parts, quickly wiped his hands with a towel and said:

"His father, the second donkey in our village, picked up one of this style from the mountain and took it home as a dish. Everyone said it was light and easy to use. Later, he went up the mountain and got some. They came and went. Before March, the second donkey's family had a hiccup."

Changning immediately threw down the parts, with an ignorant face and such a vicious thing.

After washing his hands several times, Changning dared to have dinner and returned to the house with several female guards. When he saw Su Lu, he was still pale.

"What happened on the way? Why did you come back later than me?"

Su Lu asked with a boiled sweet potato in his hand.

The waitresses around all looked forward to Changning, blinking and blinking, hoping that she wouldn't tell the news of eating on the way.

Changning pondered for a moment and said, "we met an acquaintance on the road. General Li Lu had a fellow uncle who opened a shop here. We went to take care of his business."

"The old man said that he had seen the part you gave me. No, it was the material for making that part."

Sulu suddenly got up and threw all the sweet potatoes in his hand.

"Have you seen the material used to make that part?"

"Guard camp, go and invite the old man."

Su Lu ordered.

Changning stopped Wang Fang, who turned to go, "I'll go, Lord. Don't scare the old man."

Su Lu nodded: "OK, Wang Fang, take some good hands and walk with Changning. You must invite the old man back."

It wasn't long before fuber was invited back.

Seeing Su Lu, Fu Bo's pale face became excited.

"Lord, Lord of county, the old man sends his regards to the Lord."

Fu Bo said and was about to kneel down for Su Lu.

Su Lu gave Changning a wink. Changning picked up Fubo, corrected him and said, "Fubo, the king is now the prince. The only prince of the Han state is not the princess."

Fu Bo's face was positive and his tone was blunt: "the will of the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, the Lord is the prince of Anguo, but I haven't heard when to make the Lord prince."

Su Lu waved his hand, stopped several bodyguards who wanted to scold Fu Bo, and asked.

"Fuber, I heard you've seen this kind of material. How many have you seen?"

Fubo nodded: "that guy, half of the cave is this thing. When his father just used it on the second day of junior high school, everyone felt strange. They all went to get some for home. It's light and easy to use."

Dani, who heard the news, asked eagerly, "are you sure it's such a material, uncle?"

Fuber's nose turned to the sky: "my old man's eyes haven't spent enough to see clearly."

Su Yun rubbed his forehead. There was a wound that hadn't scabbed yet. It was itching. Wen Yan didn't care about itching. He came over three steps and two steps and handed the parts to Fubo.

"Sir, are you sure this is it?"

Fuber snorted heavily, as if he was dissatisfied with the two people asking him again and again.

Having been confirmed, Su Yun and Dani both looked eagerly at Su Lu.



Su Lu nodded and continued to ask Fu Bo.

"Fuber, do you remember where this thing is? Can you find it if you lead the team?"

Fuber looked at Su Lu in amazement and said something strange.

"This thing can't be eaten. There's something that can't be used. What are you doing here?"

Next to Leping finally couldn't bear it and scolded.

"The Lord asked you, just answer truthfully. Why are you talking so much?"

As soon as Fubo was about to stem his neck, Su Lu stood up, patted Fubo on the shoulder and said.

"Fubo, I won't let you do it for nothing. You used to be the border army of the state of Qin. If you dare to lead the team, I'll promote you from the captain of Qipin Yihui now. If you can find this thing, I'll promote you to two levels of honor, from the vice captain of liupin Zhenwei."

Fubo's breathing became heavy and his face was a little ugly: "Wang, Lord, my old man's legs and feet are not too sharp. He hurt his feet in the battle."

Su Lu waved his hand indifferently: "after completing this task, I can transfer your two honors to your son, or to your woman if you like."

Fuber's breath became heavier, thinking about his eldest son who didn't know his life and death and his second son who had heard from him. Fuber bit his lips heavily and answered in a loud voice.

"Don't worry, the king will be devastated at the end, and we should also complete the task for the king."

Fubo was taken down to draw a topographic map of Liaoxi Prefecture.

At first, Su Yun and Dani were excited when they got the news. One was that the new birds were promising, so they didn't have to do the work of transporting soldiers in the future. The other was that with such materials, there were several places in the birds that were not resistant to wear and tear, and they could be replaced with new materials.

"Brother, you sent me. I'll bring these materials back."

Su Yun pulled Su Lu's sleeve and his cheeks glittered.

The big Ni next to her was also eager to try, but she didn't dare to come to La Sulu's sleeves.

Su Lu was about to nod when his mind suddenly flashed past lives ī l ā For the sake of resources, Murray has done a lot of shit, but people's goal is very clear, just for resources.

Why did the Taixi drive the barbarians to attack and destroy the state of Qin? There must be the purpose of the Taixi people. Crossbows, rush carts, bed crossbows and flying birds are supplied to the barbarians in large quantities. Is it just to attack and destroy the state of Qin.

There must be something worth thinking about in the state of Qin.

Combined with the first bird captured at the beginning, it was still wooden. Even the internal breathing conversion device was also wooden. However, since the last time Taixi attacked and destroyed the state of Qin, the core of Taixi's bird was metal.

It's impossible to say that the Taixi people occupied the state of Qin for this thing.

"The matter must be considered in the long run."

Su Lu sat down and said.

"The Taixi people attacked and destroyed the state of Qin because of this thing. If you want to send someone over, you have to face not only the Taixi people, but also the barbarians. After you get this thing, how to survive is the most important."

Su Yun and Dani were at a loss. Didn't fuber find this? How could it have anything to do with the tessi people.

Dong Ling, who came in from behind, said, "the mountain leader is right. The Taixi people must have destroyed the state of Qin because of this thing. If we send troops this time, we must be careful again."

Cao Rui followed, his face full of eager expressions.

"Dushuai, let me go and appoint to bring this thing back so that our birds can compete with the birds of the texi people."

Su Lu looked at the night outside and ordered:

"It doesn't matter who you send. What matters is which of you can meet the requirements of this battle."

When they heard the speech, they were stunned and went to secretly bring the things. What else do you want.

Su Lu continued: "fighting behind the enemy can't be like this. The enemy advances and I retreat. Don't work hard and recklessly..."


The land war came in with great strides from the outside. His body was covered with cold and his face was cold.

"The tessi attacked the city."

There was a smell of gunsmoke in the sound of the land war.