Chapter 460

Changning sat in the account of the Chinese army and looked at Dong Ling and Su Lu, who discussed the problem after the Shuai case. He was a little upset for no reason.

I was ordered to take care of the Lord and forbid him to fight in the battlefield. Although there are some effects these days, Dr. Xia Taiyi said that the Lord's health is still not good. He worries too much and becomes ill from overwork.

Dong Ling is also. Originally, his majesty accepted Li Ling's suggestion and transferred several excellent martial arts school students to Dingxiang Wei. Dong Ling is one of them. Seeing that Dong Ling's performance is excellent, he wanted to bring her here. He didn't think it was a pit for himself.

Dong Ling is smart and has gained a lot from the battle. You can discuss with your generals. Now, judging from her level, she can discuss the war situation with the Lord without losing the wind.

The girl also likes to discuss the war situation with the Lord and give advice on whether she has made any mistakes.

Distraught, Changning told the Marines that he was out of the Chinese army and strolled around the square city with some small soldiers to see the city transformed by the Lord.

"Green vegetables, green vegetables and rabbit meat are cheap"

A Hawking voice attracted Changning. She walked slowly and saw several small stalls behind the corner at the gate of the camp. Several old men with rough cloth and short dozen were looking at their stalls listlessly.

Changning breathed a sigh in his heart. Great. Has someone started doing small business? The Lord finally saw a little achievement in the heart of the other city. With vendors, the square city will be better and better.

Thinking like this, Changning squatted down in front of the Hawking stall, picked up the vegetables on the stall and asked the wrinkled stall owner.

"Uncle, where did you get this green vegetable? It won't be unclean?"

Fuber was so happy to see a customer come to the door that he repeatedly waved his hands and said, "no, absolutely not. I collected it in the forest and specially found a place where no one passed by to ensure that it would not be contaminated with anything unclean."

Changning ordered his bodyguard to take the copper money and prepare to buy it. The prince is worried about the layout of the next war these days. He has a bad appetite. If he continues like this, he may hurt his body.

Fuber wiped his hands on his clothes, took the copper money handed over by the bodyguard and said again and again, "there's more than enough. It can't use so much. Just ten big money."

Simple words and dark face full of wind and frost brought Changning back to his childhood. At that time, for the livelihood of his family, his father also ran around, doing farming, walking through the countryside and lanes as wheat customers, setting up stalls to sell the green vegetables growing in the field.

"Take it, uncle. Why are you selling vegetables here? Are you from Fangcheng?"

Changning blinked and blinked, slightly lowered his head, prevented others from seeing the tears in his eyes, and said casually.

Fubo was a little worried. How could he receive hundreds of big money with a little green vegetables? He pushed the big money in his hand several times, but he still didn't push it out. Fubo had no choice but to take out the rabbit.

"This is the rabbit I caught. Go back and kill it. You can stew and drink. Even if I give it to you, it's not enough for the big money you give me."

"I'm not from Fangcheng. I'm from Liaoxi. My family was hit by a disaster. My legs and feet were still sharp, so I escaped with my fellow villagers. Now I see that the Lord has overcome Fangcheng and wonder if I can go home."

Changning held back her tears and looked up with a choking voice.

"Uncle, you'd better not think about going home. First stay in the square city for a few days. When the army is pulled out, you can follow. The cities in front are occupied by barbarians. They eat people."

Fu Bo laughed and sold the vegetables and rabbit meat. He was rich and had a lot of courage.

"Well, yes, the barbarians are ferocious. Along the way, many of my fellow villagers fell behind and were eaten."

"My old bone can still run. My two sons have not been married, but they can't die now. I have to save money to marry them."

Fuber's face was filled with longing for life. When he mentioned his son, he was full of smiles.

Changning felt a faint pain in his heart. Since he left his hometown, how long has he not gone home? At first, he said he would go home after making money, but today, the money he made has long been enough to support that family.

"Then your son is really happy."

Changning smiled and said, with some helplessness on her pale cheeks.

After a few words with Fu Bo, Changning returned to the camp with green vegetables. The old man is so old and still working hard for his son's marriage. His father should also be busy at home. Now this season, he should help the government transport luggage.

It's also for his sons and his brothers.

Li Lu looked at it from a distance. He didn't dare to come until Changning left.

"Fuber, what did the female general who just left tell you?"

Fubo smiled and counted the big money and said casually, "nothing, that is to say, some family members are short. She also advised me not to go now, little general, when can we go?"

Li Lu patted Fu Bo on the shoulder: "Fu Bo, don't worry. It's urgent, but it's fast. General Dong Ling's training of our battalion has been completed for most of the time. Some of the brothers have been trained into various armies, served as lieutenant at all levels, and began to lead the new army."

"Before March, the prince will set up an army to overcome the old land and expel the barbarians."

Fu Bo's face was full of excitement: "that's great. Three months is not long. I'll wait. I can still earn some money these days so that I can save it for Ada's second daughter-in-law."

Li Lu's face was a little ugly, but he still said it.

"That's a good feeling. Ah da'er must have saved money. You don't have to be so tired."

Rubbing his face, Li Lu said in a stuffy voice: "Fubo, I heard the news of ah er from a paoze of the Anzhou army. When the barbarians broke western Liaoning, ah Er followed general Chong to patrol the outer city and dredge his temperament. He will not rush in. Knowing that the city is broken, there must be a way to get rid of it."

Fuber's voice trembled and grabbed Li Lu's hand, ignoring the copper coins scattered on the ground.

"Little general, ah Er, ah Er, is he still alive?"

Li Lu nodded: "general Xiang Chong is a general supported by the Lord. He has a good command of the battle array. In this way, you see, in our army, general Hua Xun, general Cao Hua and General Wang Si are all powerful. They are all generals brought out by the Lord."

Fubo loosened Li Lu's hand and said in a trembling voice: "yes, yes, yes, I heard Xiang Chong's name when I was in western Liaoning. It must be very powerful to unify the army with general Xiang. If you say so, my ah Er is still fine."

"Well, I'll save more money until ah da'er comes home so that I can marry them a good woman."

With a happy smile on his face, fuber squatted down and began to pick up the copper coins that fell on the ground. His black and red cheeks were full of longing for the future.