Chapter 287

In the big tent, Su Ping casually overturned his views, spoke proudly, and was complacent that he had a new idea.

"Now the mountain people have broken through the two counties of mountain and Guangshan. They have divided their troops into one to be stationed in Shuangta mountain, and most of them are stationed in their own mountains. They ordered that the first and second guard camps set out today to garrison Shuangta mountain, blocking the main roads and encircling but not attacking."

"Dingwei camp and Bingwei camp, led by themselves, stationed troops on the mountain Zipo and beat down the reinforcements of the mountains one after another."

"Let's go"

Su Ping spoke arbitrarily. Without even asking the generals, he gave orders.

The guards began to pull out, pack up and prepare to go.

Zhou Yuan looked at the guards who gathered their tents and carried them to the car. His face was full of doubts: "Governor Su, there is a shadow of Qi behind the mountain people. You can't see your plan."

Su Ping sat on the horse and smiled at Wen Yan. She only felt that her mind was more sensitive than ever before. Zhou Yuan's question just poked her excitement.

Li Kunzhong's eyes swept over, Su Ping complacent asked: "do you also have such an idea, I plan this woodlouse is very easy to be seen through the same people?"

Li Kun hummed, "you know woodlouse. If I were a gentleman, I wouldn't let the mountain people take your place."

Su Ping said with a smile: "the mountain people are violent, brave and easy to kill. After you arrive at Shuangta mountain, Li Kun, just block the main road at the foot of the mountain and cut off his water and food. The mountain people will attack naturally. There are 5000 mountain people in Shuangta mountain. I'll give you two guard camps. You won't lose it?"

Su Ping looked at Li Kun carefully.

Li Kun's eyes turned, "you don't have to excite me. It's just five thousand mountains. Give me a guard camp and I can break them down. I can destroy them all."

Su Ping patted his thigh: "yes, you can kill. The mountain people of Shuangta mountain will naturally ask the headquarters for help. I don't believe it. The patriarch of the mountain people will sit idly by."

"He dares to come. The mountain slope is the place where his mountain family army is buried."

"If he doesn't come, the mountain people will push him."

"No matter whether he can see through my plan or not, he has to come and fight with me on the battlefield I have chosen. Although Su Ping didn't get the true biography of my second brother, I wouldn't be afraid of the mountains of the mob in the field on the plain."

In the camp, the guards have packed up and are ready to go.

Su Ping waved his arm: "let's go"

The guard brigade started slowly, and then the baggage camp continued to move forward.

Su Ping looked at Zhou Yuan: "Lord Zhou, before I came, my second brother told me that if I don't decide on a small matter, I can ask Zhou Yuan. Lord Zhou, after I divide my troops this time, I need you to send grain and grass to the two places respectively. I hope Lord Zhou must do a good job in logistics."

Zhou Yuan saluted Su Ping with a fist: "don't worry, Governor Su, you're here to fight Anton's rebellion. I'll guarantee that Zhou Yuan will deliver the food and grass on time."

Su Ping saluted with fists, turned his horse's head and led the troops south.

A day later, Su Lu received the 800 Li expedited military newspaper from Zhou Yuan.

Looking at the content in the military newspaper, Su Lu's mouth can't help but raise. This level 1 master card is still very useful. At least he only knows that reckless Su Ping knows how to surround and help.

Unfortunately, the division of troops was not thorough enough. First, they surrounded the mountains of Shuangta mountain, defeated 5000 mountains in World War I, and then divided three battalions to ambush on the mountain slope. This is a lot more confident.

There are more than 200000 people in the mountain headquarters, and the troops gathered are at least more than 15000. There are almost 10000, 2000 to 10000 who can be deployed. This battle is still a little difficult to fight.

When Su Ping was under his command, he was almost invincible in the field battle on the plain. Even the Tule army could not beat him. I'm afraid Su Ping also had the illusion that my second brother could do it, and I could do it.

The boy doesn't know. I can do it because I have cards.

He ordered the mud nearby and said, "go and call Cao Hua."

Cao Hua, who wore a green robe in the lake, soon arrived and looked at Su Lu with a smile: "master, your injury is very good? I met Dr. Wen just now. He pestered me to ask if I had your authentic work in hand."

Su Lu smiled and said, "what did you say?"

With a smile on his cheeks, Cao Hua leaned on the side of Su's road bed and said proudly, "people, of course, don't promise. There are authentic works, of course."

Su Lu smiled. As an apprentice, he was trembling under the oppression of life before joining the army. Later, he was also cautious when joining the army. When he was promoted to accompany Rong and became his disciple, he became strange again. Doctor Wen must have been teased again.

Cao Hua smiled cunningly and beat Su Lu's legs gently. "Of course, there are master's authentic works. Master used to write military affairs folds and hit me in the head with waste paper balls. Many of them were left by me."

Su Lu suddenly understood that Cao Hua did have his own authentic work.

Cao Hua said proudly, "master, you weren't there at that time. Dr. Wen's nose was almost crooked and left. I think he looks like I'm not your disciple. Maybe I'll be killed."

Su Lu shook his head. Doctor Wen was too greedy. He had promised to write an authentic work to him. He hesitated. He didn't know what to do with the poem. Unexpectedly, he still wanted to search for his authentic work from his hands, and even used the method of fooling the little girl.

Su Lu patted Cao Hua on the arm, arranged and said, "your second uncle led the army alone. The military newspaper sent a new arrangement. After I read it, I was a little worried.

You run for me to host the first and second guard camps, encircle and suppress the mountains in the first part of Shuangta mountain. After defeating Shuangta mountain, you immediately raise your troops and rush to lingzipo to join forces with your second uncle. "

Cao Hua immediately stood up straight and threw his hands at his chest: "yes."

Looking at Cao Hua's back, Su Lu was worried. He had a soldier card array card in his hand, but he couldn't hang it on them.

Only one level 1 master card has been issued. Normally speaking, I am now the governor of Xiting, and the governor's office governs six governors. If according to the normal establishment, I should be able to issue six level 1 master cards.

Thinking so, Su Lu tried to summon the level 1 master card.

A brand-new level 1 master card appeared in front of Su Lu, standing side by side with the master card with Su Ping's name on it, emitting a brilliant luster.

Select the action object, Cao Hua.

At the door, Cao Hua, who had just stepped out of the threshold, seemed to feel that there were more strange things.

The brain seems to have been washed again. It becomes transparent and refreshing. It is like the paste that has been deposited for many years. It is swept away and becomes transparent and bright again.

Well, there seem to be many ways to go to Anton unified army this time.

Thinking like this, Cao Hua went out of the gate, greeted his own soldiers and climbed the mountain.

I am a disciple of Shifu. Shifu is invincible. I can't lose face. I must kill clean and beautiful when I command two guard camps and fight against the mob of mountains this time.

Well, how about that?

It's not good to have too many methods. I'm worried about people!