Chapter 193

It was already dark after sending the last pension.

Su Lu rode on his horse and didn't rush the horse. He let the horse move forward slowly.

Most of the shops on both sides of the road were closed, the surrounding streets were dark, and only the torches held by the front and rear guards lit up an inch of land.

"Noodle soup, stewed."

There was a faint cry ahead.

A small stall with lanterns appeared by the roadside. The owner of the stall was a wrinkled middle-aged man, powerlessly Hawking.

The guards in front of them immediately focused their attention on the mounds and mud. They have been tired all day and haven't got a bite to eat yet.

Su Lu turned over and dismounted: "dismount and take a bite."

Su Lu ordered.

The mud was sharp, threw the reins to a guard, quickly moved the stool, wiped it clean and let Su Lu sit down.

The stall owner came to greet Su Lu: "what do the guests want to eat? I have stewed noodles, noodle soup, wonton and noodles."

Su Lu sat down at the small black table and looked at the steaming pot on the stall:

"Let's have a bowl of stew and another cake. They want what they eat."

The stall owner smiled, wiped his hands with his waist tied apron and shouted:

"Stew a bowl and a big cake. Several military masters, what do you want to eat? The general said, let you order yourself."

The originally deserted stall became lively, and all kinds of food were brought out by the stall owner.

It was the stall owner's daughter who served the bowl. Her yellow hair was wrapped in a scarf and her fingers were thick black. She put the bowl full of stewed rice on the small square table in front of Su Lu.

"Guest, please eat."

Su Lu took a bite of the cake and asked the shopkeeper:

"Elder brother, how come I only see your stall along the way? Why don't everyone go out to make a living now?"

The stall owner who is washing dishes has a depressed expression on his face: "Hey, it's not a good time now. Guests, when the Tule soldiers arrive, they don't know whether they can live. Who is willing to come out to make money if there is food at home."

Zhang Lu was eating stewed food nearby, and his face was intoxicated: "this food is really delicious, Hou ye, how do you know that the food in this stall is so delicious."

The mound next to him looked disgusted: "governor Zhang, we haven't even opened a restaurant all the way. We can only eat here if it's delicious."

Su Lu asked the stall owner, "everyone doesn't go out. Why does your family go out? You're not afraid of Tule's army attacking the city and losing your life?"

The stall owner smiled and said to himself, "what are you afraid of? My life is cheap. If I die, I will die."

The mud nearby drank noodles and said vaguely:

"Don't be afraid, uncle. Our Marquis has come and has beaten away the Tule people. In a few days, we will fight to Beizheng, Suozi castle, and then seize the Gongqian pass. You can live and work in peace and contentment."

The middle-aged stall owner obviously didn't believe it: "you little soldier, just pull it. If Tule people are so easy to fight, we can fight like this. We lost all the way from gongqianguan to here, and the Maya mountain pass was lost. We can't hold on to Beiyang."

Su Lu finished the stewed bread and ordered, "mud, give me the money, let's go."

Su Lu turned over and got on his horse. Looking at the mud and giving money, the guards turned over and got on their horse one after another and said two words to the happy stall owner who squinted to count the money:

"Uncle, do your snack stand well. We promise you'll be fine."

"Our marquis is an ever victorious general. Those bastards in the camp can compare with the marquis."

"Set up a good stall, brother. Let's eat next time."

Su Lu and his party left. The stall owner looked at the back of the party and said hesitantly, "the man riding the horse is a, marquis?"

The eldest daughter, who was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks in the back, looked disgusted: "Dad, you just reacted. I thought when you had the courage to talk and laugh with the Lord."

The stall owner flopped and knelt down: "Oh, my God, Lord..."


Su Lu rode on his horse and thought about his left army. According to the camp strategy, the left army should set out in five days at the fastest. It is possible to practice the army formation these days.

However, I don't have a battle array card suitable for cavalry except the level 3 light soldier night attack card.

The word long snake array can only March, but it is not suitable for the decisive battle between the adjacent enemy. Most of the other military arrays are exclusive array cards of the infantry.

Looks like we're going to build a new army array card.

Su Lu thought like this, thinking of the cavalry array card that once appeared in history.

The most common is cone array, sharp vector array and square array.

The problem is that Tule's strength is to ride the army. For these conventional battle arrays, even if there is a battle array card bonus, it is just a draw with Tule, or even worse than Tule's army array.

If you want to defeat tulle, you can only rely on the famous battle field.

In history, the most famous cavalry array should be the Han Army's car hanging array. The battle of Huo Qubing broke the Hun cavalry.

Su Lu thought like this, and there began to be blank level 1 car suspension cards in front of him.

According to the memory, Su Lu began to allocate the distribution of sergeants on the array card.

"Hou ye, general Dong Cheng has been waiting for you in the house all day."

Su Lu found that he had reached the door of the house. Su Ge, who held the horse, said with a narrow smile on his face.

Dong Cheng?

Su Lu was stunned. He remembered that Dong Cheng asked himself to go to him when he met the general a few days ago. Later, he forgot about it.

It's so special. I'm a little embarrassed.

Su Lu looked up at the sky. It's almost midnight. Dong Cheng's grandson is too patient to wait. It's hard not to come true. What's the big deal.

"Hou ye, it seems that it has something to do with Miss Dong Ling?"

Su Ge smiled and said, his cheeks full of cramps.

Su Yun came out of the house, asked Su Lu and said, "brother, did you promise to marry Dong Ling?"

Su Lumeng was forced. When did I promise.

Su Yun looked strange: "what did general Dong Cheng say that you must marry Dong Ling today? You must have promised someone else's girl something?"

Su Lu thought for a moment and simply stopped getting off his horse: "I think of a military array. I'm going to try it in the camp. I'll send troops to Beizheng in a few days. I won't sleep at home today."

"Mud, take off your clothes, hurry, go, go to the barracks."

Yawning Zhang Lu looked confused and forced: "governor, I still want to make do with you for the night. How can the camp compare with your family and test the military array? There's no need to be so anxious."

Su Lu looked annoyed: "whether the military array can be trained well or not is related to the lives of the officers and soldiers. How can it not be urgent! You governor, if you are unqualified, is your comfortable sleep important or the lives of the officers and soldiers important?"

Zhang Lu didn't dare to move halfway through his yawn. It's so special. His hat is too big for me to pick it up.

Su Lu gave orders and said, "don't hurry."

Su Yun looked at Su Lu's back and wondered, "did your brother really promise someone else's girl? You should make good preparations when you go back. You can't ignore it."

Su Lu blushed and hurriedly said, "no, don't say you don't promise. Even if you really promise, it won't work."

Su Yun looked at Su Ge with surprise. Do you want to marry my brothe