Chapter 154

In the yard, a group of Yamen constables are listening to Zhao Kuo blowing water.

Constable Lu Xiaosi suddenly reminded Zhao Gua:

"Hey, brother Zhao, those gangsters should be released. It's not a way to keep them locked up all the time. They didn't make a big mistake. If they go on like this, the sentence will be enough."

Zhao Kuo's old face was red, and he was annoyed to train Xiao Si: "farting, to steal a dog's dog at least must be sentenced to March. This is only three days past."

Su Lu walked into the yard and asked, "why, the last case of stealing chicken hasn't happened yet?"

A group of captains hurriedly stood up, smiled on their faces, and greeted Su Lu with all kinds of words.

"I've seen the marquis."

"Met the governor."

"I've seen Lord Fuyin."

It's a mess. You can shout anything.

Su Lu patted Zhao Kuo on the shoulder: "it's all right. I'll solve the case for you when I get to the government office later. I'm from the army. Just call me Lord Hou. Why, you're the only people in the government office?"

A group of constables, look at me and I look at you. They don't dare to speak.

Su Lu nodded: "OK, I'll ask for breakfast today. I'll have some here."

A group of constables were very excited when they heard the speech. This is a waiting residence. It covers a wide area and has several courtyards. The food will not be too bad.

When they entered the hall, they were stunned to see the little boy with puckered buttocks and fried dough sticks and spicy soup.

Sleeping trough, marquis, do you want to be so close to the market? I'm going to come in and drink spicy food with you.

Su Lu took a sip of hu la soup, then took a bite of fried dough sticks and asked everyone to eat quickly.

"I'm afraid you can't get used to it. These are all bought from outside. After spending so much money, Xiao Si'er just had a meat pain with me for a long time."

Zhao Kuo widened his eyes: "Hou ye, you are a waiting Hou. You still need this little silver?"

Sulu waved angrily: "I'm angry. I've only received two monthly salaries since I was knighted. Now I'm completely idle."

Lu Xiaosi stretched out his head and looked surprised: "Lord Hou, you are a military Marquis, a first-class founding marquis. Those grandsons of the Ministry of household dare to default on your monthly salary. They are tired of living."

After drinking the mud of hu la soup, he butted the bowl on the table and looked angry:

"A few days ago, I went to the household department. Guess what they said. I can't advance. My adults are waiting for me. Ah, no, I still wait for three when I go to advance."

A group of captains are crazy. What's the matter? The relationship is not that the Hubu owes you, but that you owe the Hubu. You have a big face.

Liang Shan, an old constable, asked tentatively, "how long have you been knighted, marquis?"

"Two months."

Su Lu said while chewing the fried dough sticks. He thought that the fried dough sticks were delicious. In the past, the food was terrible. It was not the times, but the craft was not good.

You can't let Er Niu and Su Yun take the spoon in the future. What's that? It's like feeding pigs.

After dinner, Su Lu was pushed to the government office by the mud. Su Yun arranged to spend his internal breathing:

"Don't cook in the future, ladies of the family. Learn more about piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and etiquette. Maybe you can use it in the future."

Su Yun just breathed for Su Lu. He was tired and didn't ask.

The second girl next said, "I'm ready, Hou Ye. Anyway, I like cooking. Don't let the young lady interfere."

Su Lu's face turned white and he thought it was not good. Su Yun's food can still be imported. Er Niu, what you do is pig food. The meal money is saved, but the medicine money is spent.

"No, er Niu, you have to learn from miss. We'd better buy it. The food outside is very delicious."

The mud was in a hurry and said it quickly.

Su Lu quickly made a decision: "it's such a happy decision. No one can be tired."

The two fled.

When we arrived at the government office, a group of clerks had arrived, and the government office had begun a day's work.

Zhao Kuo showed Su Lu the way and introduced the regulation of the government Yamen. When opening the Yamen on a single day, the Lord Fuyin must be promoted to court for trial, work on two days or take a rest.

Some official affairs in Yanjing must be done well as soon as possible, because in the face of the Ministry of officials, the examination and examination of the Ministry of officials is more strict. If it is slow and the evaluation is poor, it will not only have no hope of promotion, but also be reduced by the end of the year.

Su Lu casually asked the mud of the cart: "how much is my monthly salary for the official yin?"

Mud took out a booklet from his arms with one hand, turned a few pages and said: "the monthly salary of Lord Fuyin is twelve Liang. There are fire consumption and annual festival subsidies in these two months, which can give you two or three more money every month."

Liang Shan looked curiously at the pamphlet in mud's hand: "your servant has prepared the monthly salary table of officials at all levels of the imperial court. Can you lend me a look?"

Mud received the booklet in his arms and looked at Liang Shan suspiciously: "this is my adult's income booklet. The eldest lady asked me to be responsible for making records. My adult has too many jobs. In case of transfer, I have to think about going to the household department to ask for the monthly salary of those days."

"The monthly salary of the governor of the fixed army is still 21 days short, and the monthly salary of the governor of the patrol camp is still six days short. If I'm not in a hurry, the people in the household department will certainly refuse."

Liang Shan and Zhao Kuo looked confused. The young adult looked young, but the speed of promotion was unmatched by the government and the public. The most speechless thing was that people were promoted entirely by strength.

The civil official in charge of opening the Yamen came and asked Su Lu: "Sir, according to the system, we are going to be promoted to handle the case today. Do you want to be promoted now?"

Su Lu thought that there was nothing wrong anyway, so he greeted Zhao Kuo and Lao Liang: "go, you two go and have a look with me."

Zhao Kuo was embarrassed with Liang Shan: "my Lord, according to the system, we must associate with the constable at the constable level to accompany you to the hall. Our level is not enough."

Su Lu waved his big hand: "then you two will be promoted to associate constable."

Liangshan and Zhao Kuo were overjoyed, looked at each other, and followed Su Lu to the lobby.

In the lobby, Zhao Kuo and Liang Shan stood on one side and looked at Su Lu's overturned case. They stood with their chests raised and eyebrows raised. They just felt that this trip was really worth it this morning. We were the only constables in the crowd, and then we were promoted to associate constable. It's not too cool.

Chief constable Wu Tai glanced at Liang Shan and Zhao Kuo, bent slightly, saluted Su Lu, and said:

"Sir, according to the system, when there is no call, ordinary constables are not allowed to enter the main hall when they are promoted. Zhao Kuo and Liangshan are not level enough to stay here."

Su Lu was looking at the case file to be tried today and said indifferently, "I have promoted them to associate constable."

Wu Tai's face turned white and his anger rushed to his head. He thought that the two assistant constables that the government had finally vacated were occupied by Su Lu. Wu Tai could hardly help scolding.

After suppressing his anger, Wu Tai opened his mouth and said, "Sir, the assistant Constable is not ordinary. According to the system, the government needs to conduct a joint trial and select qualified candidates before submitting them to the Ministry of officials."

Su Lu raised his eyes from the file and looked at Wu Tai: "why, do you have a problem with my practice?"

Wu Tai was swept away by Su Lu's eyes. He felt a cold in his back and added a lot of fear to his heart.

Standing up straight, Wu Tai said unhappily:

"My Lord, my subordinates don't mean that. My subordinates think that if the review process is spread, it may hinder the official voice of my Lord and be unfavorable to the evaluation, my Lord should think it over carefully and convene Lord Bo, martial master and several chief constables for joint trial."


Su Lu threw the startling wood directly to Wu Tai's forehead.


Wu Tai's hair and beard are all open. He wants to be aggressive and looks like he wants to fight Su Lu.

Su Lu looked surprised, lying in the trough. The constable is so fierce. It's hard not to be beaten on my first day at work.