Chapter 1425

Name:Soaring the Heavens Author:跃千愁
The six remaining evils can be based here, of course, is inseparable from him. Both sides have always maintained a kind of relationship, let alone that he dare not reveal this relationship to let the heaven know, and the other side of the six channels also dare not let the news spread in the six channels. The reason is very simple. The decline of liudao has something to do with Xiahou's family. What would happen if the people under liudao knew that the senior officials were keeping in touch with their enemies?

However, in addition to the men and horses who escaped to purgatory, if liudao remnant wants to stand on the outside world, it can not do without the care of the Xiahou family's underground forces, and the Xiahou family also wants to take liudao as a card in their hands, in case the green Lord and the Buddha Lord turn over. The Xiahou family has done this kind of thing very smoothly, from the demon monk Nanbo to the three great masters, to the six saints, to the present green Lord and the Buddha master. Now, the six remaining evils are treated in the same way.

Since some things can't be solved, only compromise is needed. In order to keep the family alive, we must leave more opportunities for the family. When the family is strong enough to solve all the problems, everything will be solved naturally.

Therefore, he would not be unaware of the relationship between Castle Peak Tower and Wuliang road. He just couldn't figure out why Wuliang Dao sent someone to kill a little Niu Youde. Although Niu Youde has a good reputation, it is not worth getting involved in such a thing. With the care of the six remaining evils, it is impossible to commit a crime against the wind at the gate where the trap was just set up in Tianting. Is that the trap set by Tianting before Are there any people in Wuliang who have been caught?

If this is the reason, then how can we know that Niu Youde is an attractive bait?

In a flash, many thoughts flashed through his mind.

The old man in Tsing Yi looked at the tortured and withered assassin. He turned around and summoned someone to come in and take the assassin away. Fang replied: "the assassin doesn't know what kind of resentment there is between the Castle Peak Tower and Niu Youde. He only knows that the shopkeeper told him that Niu Youde offended others when he went to qingshanlou to have a good time. It seems that he didn't know about the Castle Peak Tower Tao. "

Cao man ha ha a smile, "so it is, I say it, otherwise it can't be explained."

The old man in green noticed his reaction, his eyes flickered slightly, and tried to remind him, "this assassin only has the cultivation of seven grades of Jinlian."

“……” Cao man was stunned. He seemed to think of something. His face became more and more dignified. He turned his head slowly and asked, "is there any powerful magic weapon in this assassin?"

The old man in green shook his head, "I've searched, there's no magic weapon."

"That's strange." Cao man looked up at the roof, narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile: "Niu Youde, one of the millions of soldiers, has killed three in and three out. He is brave and brave. I'm afraid there are few enemies in the Golden Lotus realm, but he is very good at fighting. I heard that the cultivation has reached the ninth grade of Jinlian. Even if the Castle Peak doesn't know the details of Niu Youde, he doesn't know the target is Niu Youde, so he sends a bad man to fight But it's not easy for the assassin to escape from Niu Youde's hand. What's more, Niu Youde has two subordinates around him, and none of them can solve one of them? There's something strange about it

The old man in green nodded: "it's a little strange."

Cao man raised his eyebrows and said, "it seems that there is an indistinct relationship between Wuliang Dao and Niu Youde. Hum, there are six remaining evils on one side and a rookie in the green Lord's guards on the other. It's interesting By the way, does the Castle Peak Tower know that their people have fallen into our hands? "

Old man in Qingyi: "as soon as a person escapes, we will be arrested by the people who are arranged outside. We should not know that the person has fallen into our hands, otherwise we will not keep in touch with him. After the person falls into our hands, his hands and the star bell contacted by the Castle Peak Tower have many reactions. If you know that the person has been arrested, there is no need to contact again."

Cao man: "then there is no need for this person to stay. You can solve it directly. If you die, you will feel at ease in the Castle Peak Tower. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will always be doubts."

Old man in green: "do you want to use him to try the relationship between Wuliang Dao and Niu Youde?"

Cao man said with a faint smile: "it's better not to pierce some things. Just pretend that we don't know anything. It's very simple to know whether there is a relationship between them. If you look back and see if there are six kinds of people in the trap set by the heaven, it is clear at a glance that there is no need to beat around the bush. Lao Qi, if you pretend to be confused about some things, you can catch more horses. If you make people carefully block the loopholes, the people we watch on the edge are tired, don't you think? "

The old man in green suddenly realized: "I understand. I'll do it now."

"Yes Cao man raised his hand and said, "all the things related to cattle virtue and purgatory over there should be sorted out and shown to me. Maybe there are traces to follow."

"Yes The old seven in Qingyi left.

all the eyes of the new court sent to the ghost market were all exposed. All the strongholds in the ghost market were all pulled out. But the meaning expressed by the broken bow at the Xinyi pavilion over there is obvious. We are not interested in the broken bow. You want to check the whereabouts of the bow as you like, but don't touch the bottom line. Xinyi pavilion has made it clear that as long as the Tianting is not disorderly, they will not be disorderly. Naturally, the court will set up a stronghold in ghost city on that day.

This matter still needs to be done by Gao Guan. Before, although the Qing Lord scolded Gao Guan, he was angry. In fact, he also understood that it was not Gao Guan's incompetence, but the Xia Hou family itself was not simple.In the star hall, Gao Guan stated to the Qing master the plan of setting up a new stronghold in ghost city, and then put forward a request for another group of close guard soldiers to enter the ghost market.

In fact, there are many things that Gao Guan didn't expect, especially Zhan Ruyi's joining. He proposed the big plan to the young master, but when he carried out the plan, he made a lot of changes, which made Gao Guan unable to understand his intention in some places.

However, this time, all the requirements of the young master were approved.

And Gao Guan took the opportunity to ask again, "your majesty! I want to send Niu Youde to ghost market again. "

After sitting back at the back of the long case, the young master heard Yan Ning Mu and said slowly, "Niu Youde has been exposed. Is it improper to send him to ghost market again?"

"Didn't your majesty say that he had made great achievements and would be promoted directly to the head of the town? I think it's a little reluctant to be the chief town of the left governor with Niu Youde's qualifications and accomplishments. It's better to send him directly to the ghost city to be the general town! "

"Ghost town" The young master was a little surprised and leaned forward and asked, "you seem to be very interested in sending him to ghost market! I think the high right emissary has some good ideas. I want to hear them. "

Gao Guan said: "at present, the general town of ghost city is just a decoration, and it can't play a role at all. Of course, there is the reason of Xinyi Pavilion, but it has something to do with the long-term concession of Tianting. Every time, the people sent are mediocre and mediocre. I think something should be changed and someone with ability should be sent. This time, Niu Youde's adaptability is appreciated. It is precisely because he has changed the situation that was totally unfavorable to the court of heaven at the time of the incident. In fact, I have always appreciated him. He did not let me down this time. So I put great hopes on him, hoping to let him go to the ghost market and not ask him to be in the Xinyi Pavilion What can be done under the skin? But we should also give him some pressure to find a new way to provide some protection for the Tianting stronghold over there, so as not to be destroyed by Xinyi Pavilion in case of any accident! Another reason for him to go is very simple. Ordinary people may not dare to play tricks under the eyes of Xinyi Pavilion. When Niu Youde sits on Tianjie street, he dares to fight against the officials of Manchu Dynasty. Therefore, there is no more suitable person to send Niu Youde to the general town of ghost market. "

The young master nodded his head slightly, tapped his five fingers on the table, thought for a while, and said, "high right envoy is right. It's really a good choice to send the monkey cub to the ghost market. It's just that his cultivation is too difficult in ghost market. Ghost market is not as good as other places. The monkey boy went to the left guard for a few years, and then he was repeatedly ordered to go out of the task. As soon as it stops, you have to point him to work. If you want the horse to run fast and the horse doesn't eat grass, sooner or later, he will be destroyed. He needs time to sharpen his knife. In a word, I promise the high right envoy that when he reaches the realm of Cailian and has a little more self-protection ability, I will give priority to his request. "

As soon as he said this, Shangguan Qing, who was standing beside him with his hands tied, looked at the green Lord in surprise. His majesty, this is the intention to cultivate the virtue of cattle!

Some things he did not participate in earlier, so he did not know, but as a close Minister of the youth Lord, this matter he put in mind.

Gao Guan was silent and said, "does your majesty have a free place to arrange for him?"

The young master chuckled and said, "it's true that he is a monkey cub..." I didn't finish.

Gao Guan and Shangguan Qing are inexplicable. They don't know what they mean.

After a long journey, Miao Yi finally returned to the base of the black tiger flag.

Zhan Ruyi, who came back first, didn't expect Miao Yi to come back after him. However, she also knew what had happened from the mouth of the people in the ghost market. As a matter of fact, as soon as she came back here, she had such a long time to make a transition. It is well known that Tianting made such a big noise in the ghost market. The black dragon company is also spreading this matter, but most people do not know that someone in our company has participated in such a big thing. After all, the task is secret, and it is well done.

Zhan Ruyi has already brought people to wait in the black tiger flag, ready to take back his men and horses.

Here, Miao Yi returns the man and horse of the blue tiger flag to her as soon as she lands. After secretly informing her of the reason for the damage, Zhan Ruyi doesn't say much. He is about to take someone to leave. However, they almost receive a message from the black dragon company and order them to report to the black dragon Department immediately.

Miao Yi was going to report to the black dragon division. It saved him a lot of trouble when he heard the news.

When they arrived at the conference hall of the black dragon division, they found that there were other big commanders of the tiger flag coming in succession. Only then did they know that they were not only summoned.

Seeing that the master of the town hasn't appeared yet, he Zhi, the general leader of the land tiger flag, comes up to the deputy general manager Zhen boyue and asks with a smile, "deputy general manager, I heard that Dutong is here by law. What's the matter?"

Boyo's face was dignified. He shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know. It seems that there is a personnel change in our black dragon Department." , the fastest update of the webnovel!