Chapter 248 - 248

Claude transforms back and is fully clothed thanks to Cedric. "It is not that. It is because you are still human in the long run. You will always be able to understand what the humans or supernatural around us are saying but with Yuki she can talk telepathically just like we can when we are in wolf from. It makes things easier because if we are to try and talk it would all be grunts, growls, howls and barks. As far as I know Yuki and Cedric are the only ones that can do that at the moment. I am not saying that there are not others but that these two are the only ones that I have encountered."

"You are also unable to connect to those that are outside your pack. You only have a pack of three, but I think that one day it will grow bigger." Yuki looks at the two then at Lyla as she laid there swishing her tail happily.

Adam sat down and patted Lyla on the head. Lyla moved her body right next to him as if to say this one is mine. Adam chuckled. "It is not an unknown fact, but most wolves are only able to transform on the full moon, but I think with Lyla being underground that must have messed up her clock."

"That is usually true but that is not the real reason. Lyla is a rare wolf that can transform at will and Claude is the same. It has to do with him being a guardian. Since Seffie is still getting used to this then it will not affect her yet. It is convenient that the wolves that I need are able to transform at will and can save me whenever there is a need." Yuki looked at the moon and felt a bit dizzy. She grabbed Cedric and leans into him until she looses consciousness.

Cedric picks yup Yuki and kisses her on the forehead. Then takes her back to the chair up above and holds her close. And ignores the stares from those that are looking at them. Claude was staring daggers at him but not saying anything.

~Message Dream~

Yuki was laying on the black ground and slowly got up and looked around. As she looked around the blackness changed into a room. She looked at the objects around the room. She got up and touched the perfume bottle on the dresser and trailed her hand down the length of the dresser. 'I recognize this room. It's my Mother's room in the place, but I was on a ship with all my friends and Cedric.'

Luna stepped into the room and walked up to Yuki. "My dear sweet daughter. You are finally starting to remember what happened. I am grateful to Cedric and that he is following the rules." Smiling softly she walked right up to Yuki and waited to see what she wo7uld do.

"Mama, is it really you? I have to be dreaming, but you are speaking like you know what is happening." Yuki reaches out her hand and grabs Luna's arm once she feels that it is solid she throws herself into her mother's arms. "Remembering what I forgot has been hard, but I'm finding out I was loved was wonderful. I miss you, Mama. How are you here?"

Luna pulls Yuki into her embrace. "I will explain if you will listen to me. Right now Cedric is guarding your body. I have given him the instructions to keep you safe while I explain what happened." She took a step back and looked at her daughter. "Ryan will be happy when he sees you. You will get one last time with each of us as this is the last of our magic. Killing Cedric's uncle was not something that should've killed us by any means. Your father and I decided that we will do whatever it takes to protect you both. As the younger generation you two are the hope for this gloomy world." Luna touches Yuki's cheek wiping away the tears that were falling.

"I am so glad that I get to see you both at least one last time. I have so many questions, but I will let you do what explain that you can before the timing runs out." Yuki wipes her eyes then looks at Luna hopeful.

"Okay, there is a group that wants to kill the bearers of the essence of this world and there is only a few ways to do that. For the most part you are completely immortal, and you will never die. As a bearer you are to help the chosen bearer become the goddess or god to tackle over and reset the world. They are the ones that will reset the bad or good in this world. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with being the bearer. You are the earth bearer and Cedric is the wind bearer. Claude became your guardian when you were young, and we were most grateful. If you do something to anger the life bearer they will have the power to kill you. The other way to die is to pass the runes to someone else. I always knew that you were special while I was carrying you around inside my belly. Do you understand what I am saying so far?" Luna looked at Yuki slightly concerned.

"I understand what you have said so far mother. Is the life bearer in this world as of yet or is it something that is unknown, and we will not know when to expect them?" Yuki walks over to the bed and sits on the edge and waits to hear what her mother will say.

"The individual is not yet in this world. I was unable to take the time to predict when she will arrive, but you will know when the time is right. The other bearers will all be in this world before they will be born. Be careful around the bearers that you do not know personally. You never know what is going through their minds. As for how I am actually here I used the last of my powers to leave a part of my soul when the timing was right. So that I could converse with you one last time. Ryan will come to you on the next full moon. We both are unable to be here at the same time but we both left a piece of ourselves with you. You are our precious daughter. Now I am here to tell you something. " Luna smiled and hugged Yuki.