Within an hour, all four had taken a bath, changed their clothes and gathered in the gecko's room.

I don't know why, this one is in a bad state.

Han Bing's face is red, and she seems to be a little embarrassed.

Gecko is scared, and his face is still a little pale. He always cares about Lu Xin's smile.

Lu Xin was thinking about what he had just sensed. He had something in mind.

Red snake is a bit suspicious, said: "just now when I took a bath, it seemed that something was walking around my room... Later, I saw something sitting on my bed, and the snacks I brought seemed to have been opened. However, I had a careful inspection, and I didn't find anything, and I didn't know if it was an illusion..."

Several people went to the red snake room and found nothing.

Maybe it's because there's too much pressure in this twisted City, so it's a little paranoid, isn't it?

It's easy to accept the answer and forget about it.

However, in this mood, or Han Bingxian proposed: "it's better to go out to eat, by the way to see the city."

All four of them agreed, so they packed up and walked down.

As they passed through the corridor, they saw that the body of the woman in the Nightgown was still lying in the corridor, as if it had been forgotten. They informed the front desk an hour ago, but they didn't know when someone would come and take her away.

They couldn't do anything about it. Gecko thought she was a little thin and stole a blanket from the next room to cover her.

When I came to the lobby, the front desk lady who was crazy wriggling with the music had disappeared.

Only the music, which is so strong and harsh, is ringing in solitude.


"After I changed my clothes just now, I have contacted the contact person designated by blackmarsh city again."

After taking a bath and changing into a new dress, Han Bing seems to be in a lot of spirit. Walking beside Lu Xin, she is a delicate and fashionable little girl. She is very bright. It seems that in order to break the embarrassment, she deliberately brings up the topic of work.

"I still didn't get in touch this time?"

Lu Xin turned his head and asked softly.

"Got in touch."

Han Bing's reply was unexpected, saying: "the other side also said that everything would come according to the original plan and wait for us in the administrative department."


Gecko and red snake, and Lu Xin, at the same time, some surprised to see.

The reason why they didn't contact the administrative department of blackmarsh city after they came here was that there was something wrong with the contact person.

Now that we have contacted

"But it is precisely because of this contact that I am more worried."

Han Bing looked up at Lu Xin and said: "the other party's performance is too normal. I asked why he didn't contact him before. He just said that there was something wrong with his work and asked for our forgiveness. I hope we can get to blackmarsh city as soon as possible to help them."

"The more normal he says, the more skeptical I am."

"Because I know that no matter what the city is like, whether the order is stable or not, and how efficient the administrative department is, they will not be too careless about special pollution, especially the information of asking for help. There is no possibility of such a thing. To say the least, even if it happens, it will become a major mistake in work, It's not going to be like this now. "


With all this said, she nodded her head and said, "so I don't recommend contacting them now."

"At least, it should be that we have made a preliminary investigation first, have a grasp of the situation, and then contact them."


There was no objection to her decision, including Lu Xin.

To some extent, they, as information specialists, have received more professional training than those with ability.

When they got out of the hotel, they walked on the street full of lights. Even though the hotel had seen the sick side of the city because of the pollution, the street still looked so lively, passionate and prosperous.

Even the excitement is a little too much.

There are a lot of people on the street, which gives people a feeling that people in the whole city are running out.

Some of them gathered in the roadside casinos, some gathered in the bars, some directly gathered in the street, hot and noisy, generally pouring wine into their mouths, or red eyes, staring at the cards in their hands, and touching the service girl's buttocks.


It was a retrograde driver, wrestling with the oncoming vehicle, and both sides honked their horns and bumped into each other's front.

Looking up at the city, Lu Xin could feel that some spiritual pressure was coming.

Lu Xin is not sure if someone has set up a field in this city, but it is obvious that people in this city are more or less polluted, and this large number of people who are polluted would have formed a similar influence to the field.

Even if it's not this kind of field, the lively atmosphere of the city itself seems to have some impact.

The temperament of the city, sometimes like pollution, affects everyone in the city.

"Let's go eat first and make a plan by the way."

At Han Bing's suggestion, they came to a hotel not far from the hotel.

The door of the hotel is full of tents, countless tables are arranged disorderly, each table is full of people, with a variety of food into their mouth, a cup of wine poured into the stomach, expression has a strange excitement, eyes red like blood.

"Most of the people here haven't slept for seven or eight days, and few of them haven't slept enough for a long time. I don't believe their chefs can make any good things, so we should try our best to buy some things in sealed packages."

Han Bing thought very carefully, so they just found a table and ordered something casually.

After waiting for half an hour, a waiter lazily brought a bucket of wine and dishes and threw them on the table.

Nothing they ordered.

But they didn't say anything. They just took out their cans and sealed sausages.

This kind of behavior is very strange on this occasion, but no one around noticed them.

Only gecko, played a glass of beer, but just a smell, threw aside.

"It's rotten. I don't know how they drink it."

"If you don't get enough sleep for too long, your taste will fade and you can't taste what you eat or drink," Han said

"Look at them eating and drinking. It's just for excitement."

"When people are too tired, there will be a different kind of excitement."


Han Bing has obviously done his homework.

Lu Xin even has a feeling that as an ordinary person, her performance is more professional than those of her own abilities.

Nodded and said to Han Bing, "since we can't directly contact their administrative department, how can we start the investigation?"

"I'm thinking about it, too."

Han Bing thought seriously and said:

"At present, the biggest problem is that we are not sure whether the source of the problem in this city is the pollution source, or some mental monsters, or the capable. But if it is the latter two, the other must have the ability to control the city."

"If it's me, if I want to control the city, the first thing I want to control is the executive department."

"That's why I don't recommend direct contact with their executive office, because that's where the risk is greatest. If there is something wrong with the other party, we may fall into the trap of the other party. Even if not, they may give us some wrong information to mislead us. Besides, I don't suggest that we expose our identity now. "

"After all, if the other party controls the executive department, it is possible to mobilize the strength of a city to fight against us."

"Of course..."

She suddenly looked at Lu Xin with a smile and said, "with Mr. Shan Bing, even if we are facing a city, we may not lose."

"But, after all, we are here to clean up the pollution, so we should try our best to reduce casualties..."


All of a sudden, several people around became very quiet.

It is clear that there are three capable people around an ordinary person, and there is a sense of seeing that there are three learning dregs around a learning bully.

"What little sister said is very reasonable..."

Gecko is the most cheeky. He chews his face and asks for advice modestly: "but if we don't get in touch with their administrative department, we are just here. We don't know our land very well. How can we investigate such a big city?"

Han Bing turned to Lu Xin and said, "Mr. Shan Bing, do you see anything?"

Lu Xin met her concerned eyes, shook his head, said: "No

After thinking for a while, he said: "I should only see the spirit body with its own will, but also not hidden in some people's bodies. However, I didn't see it, which does not mean that the pollution field does not exist. Before, all of us were in the field around happy town. At that time, I didn't see any mental monsters, but I could feel the invisible pollution everywhere... "


Han Bing's face was slightly dignified, and said to Lu Xin: "before I came here, Professor Bai specially taught me that the field type of pollution is the most terrible. According to his analysis, take the doll as an example. If she can thoroughly understand and master the power of the spiritual Lord, at the moment when her ability or spiritual pollution enters Qinggang, She will be able to detect and find them. "

"We need to make sure that it's possible for our opponents to find out now?"

He said, with a serious expression: "if it has been exposed, it is meaningless for us to hide it now."


The gecko and the red snake were slightly stunned and worried.

The moment you enter a city, you will be found?

Although they are capable people, this kind of ability that sounds a little scary is somewhat untrue.

Lu Xin also saw Han Bing's serious appearance and felt that she was cute. She shook her head with a smile

"I don't think so. I don't feel peeped at right now."

"In addition, what Professor Bai has just analyzed should be theoretically achievable, but in fact, a city is too big, there are too many people, and countless spiritual forces are intertwined. The subtle changes in the ocean of spiritual forces are already too chaotic."

"So ordinary spiritual lords can't be so meticulous..."


He said what he understood casually, which can be regarded as giving something to Han Bingke.

But did not expect, Han Bing and gecko, red snake and so on listened to this sentence, but all stupidly raised his head.

Gecko also "Gudong" a swallow saliva.

Lu Xin was a little strange by these eyes, touched his face, no smile, curious: "what's the matter?"


Gecko lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "you know so much about the spiritual Lord, don't you say..."

"... in fact, you have surpassed the spiritual Lord?"



Lu Xin was stunned and said with a smile, "what are you talking about..."

But I suddenly feel a little confused, right, how can I subconsciously tell such words

It seems that I haven't had such training before

Looking at Lu Xin's meditation, Han Bing responds and says with a smile: "that's good."

"Since we haven't been found, we can make a good investigation plan..."


There was no one at the table to speak, and everyone was waiting for Han Bing to think about a feasible plan.

The surrounding streets are still noisy, with laughter and abuse, the sound of wine cups crashing, the sound of fisting, the sound of drunk vomiting, and so on. The whole city is covered by a kind of pompous and arduous emotion, as if woven into a lively towel, covering all the secrets.

Lu Xin, who are living in this bustling city, has been slightly hooked up.

He is calm, but he is under more pressure than gecko and Han Bing.

It was a very strange feeling. He didn't like the temperament of the city very much. When he noticed that there was a power in the city that could make him feel the tremor, his perception of the city was even worse.

He even felt that the city seemed to have some kind of soul he didn't like.

In this city, he can't even breathe.

Panic, irritability, suffocation, the mind can not stretch.

Coldly, he had the impulse to go directly to the main city of blackmarsh and find out the power he didn't like.

But he held back.

Han Bing is right. He came to help clean up the pollution in this city.

Cleaning up a city's pollution does not seem to be the same thing as cleaning up all the people in the city.

Although, in essence, it seems similar


Just in this slight silence, not far away, a 14-year-old girl, holding a 5-year-old boy's hand, came over. Carrying a big wooden guitar, she was thin and timid. She came to this group of drinkers.

Carefully close to a table of guests, said: "brother, do you want a song?"

The first table guest is very impatient, red eyes roar: "get out of here."

They came to another table and whispered, "brother, do you want to order a song? Two dollars for one song. "

All the guests at this table were drunk and said with a smile, "sing and listen..."

The girl is very surprised, busy settle down, the little boy squatting around, he picked up the arms of the wooden guitar, gently stir.

The clear and melodious trills of the strings spread like flowing water, and the little girl began to sing slowly

"On the banyan tree by the pond

Cicadas are calling for summer

On the swing by the playground

Only butterflies stop on it... "



At the moment when the song started, Lu Xin suddenly woke up from the extremely boring feeling, turned his head and looked at it, slightly curious.

The girl's voice is clear and clean, which is unique to girls. It forms a strong contrast with this busy street. Even the noisy crowd around it seems to be quieter when the song is scattered, and the decibel is slightly lower.

At the end of the song, the little girl put down her guitar, bowed to the people on the table and said, "thank you, brother."

The man on the table grinned: "thank me for what?"

The little girl was slightly stunned and whispered something to the man on the table.


The people on the table immediately giggled: "who promised you what money, get out of here."

The little girl was startled, silently back two steps, behind her, a six-year-old boy, also some timid took her hand, two people quietly back a few steps, eyes timidly swept around, came to a few people in front of the shirt.

"Brother, do you want to listen to the song? Two yuan for a song... "

The little girl holding the guitar, whispered: "give money first, OK?"


A man with his back to them turned around, looked him up and down, and said with a smile, "where's your adult?"

"The little girl said:" Mom and dad did not go home, there is no food at home... "

The man admired the little girl's timid and shy appearance, took a roast sausage and handed it to the little boy.

The little boy looked up at the little girl. Although she hesitated, she didn't stop him. The little boy immediately took the sausage and ate it. The little girl bowed to the man and said, "thank you, brother. Can I sing to you?"

The man put his hand into his pocket, took out a ten yuan note and said with a smile:

"It's OK to listen to songs. It's OK to give money first. All the ten yuan are yours, but you have to sing what I like to listen to."


"Thank you brother, thank you brother..."

The girl looked at the ten yuan, with a slightly excited expression, nodded: "brother, I can sing several songs."

Then I count the songs I can sing with my fingers.

The man said with a smile: "it's boring for you to say that. It's OK to sing a Sao..."

While talking, he patted his thigh and said, "and I have to sit here and sing."

The girl was surprised, stepped back two steps, whispered: "no way."

"All the people on the street are OK. Why can't you?"

That man came to interest instead, red eye, swept a few eyes on girl body, way: "come to sing, give you 20."

The girl was a little afraid and pulled the little boy back, ready to turn and leave.


That man's temper was ignited inexplicably, so he stood up, opened his hand and grabbed it.

He grabbed the girl's braid and pulled it to his desk. The blood in his eyes was surging, and his muscles were shaking as if he had come to life. His face was fierce: "have you let go? Didn't you say you wanted to sing? I like listening to music, don't you know? "

The girl, frightened and frightened, covered her hair and yelled.


The little boy was also frightened, crying, rushed up and hugged the girl's leg.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The other people on the man's desk burst into laughter, as if they felt very funny, and even clapped their hands.

"Lao Hua, how do you like Shangqing soup without water?"

"Lao Hua, why didn't I know you liked listening to songs so much before?"


"Too impatient, too impatient..."

The man in the shirt pressed the girl on the table, turned his head and said with a smile:

"You don't know, I've been too angry recently. I can't sleep when I'm on fire..."

"I'm so tired. Women don't like it..."

There was a confused and twisted look on his face, which was painful for a moment and crazy for a moment: "so I have to vent my anger..."

"If you let off the fire and calm down, you can sleep..."

"Ha ha, this girl is good. I like her voice..."


"Let go of my sister..."

Crying, the little boy jumped on the man's leg and bit.

But Lao Hua directly kicked him to the ground, turned to pick up a glass of water, poured it on the girl's head, and laughed

"Sing or not?"

"If you don't sing, I'll let you sing another way..."