After carefully reading the pollution investigation report of the maritime country, Lu Xin understood the seriousness of the situation of the maritime country.

No wonder even people like Professor Bai are so nervous.

In the face of such serious pollution, it seems that people have no clue. Maybe only the "Heaven plan" can solve it?

Lu Xin still decided to believe Qinggang and Professor Bai's judgment...

After all, they are more professional than themselves in this kind of thing.

I'm just a security guard.



"The security work is to ensure that the progress of the first phase experiment of the Heavenly Kingdom plan will not be affected."

Han Bing gave Lu Xin the information of the first stage of the heaven plan in advance. This is the top secret of Qinggang. Ordinary people will be shot at a glance, but as the top security force of the plan, no matter who the secret is hidden from, it is impossible to hide it from Lu Xin.

Therefore, Lu Xin knew the contents of the plan before it started.

"A spiritual Lord, four assistants?"

Looking at the plan carefully, Lu Xin had a general understanding of it.

In the first phase of the experiment, we can see the rudiment of the whole plan.

During the experiment, Wawa and Professor Bai, who presided over the experiment, as well as the peripheral protection force in charge of the urban defense department, the middle protection force in charge of Chen Jing, and Lu Xin, who is in charge of the core protection force, will all go to the experimental base transformed from the giant ship of the maritime country. Around the experimental base, four signal towers are designed as field stabilizers.

At that time, the doll will be at the center of the task.

In addition, four people with ability will be selected as assistant personnel of the experiment.

"Have these four people been confirmed?"

After reading the materials, Lu Xin asks Han Bing curiously.

"Screening is already in progress."

Han Bing explained with a smile: "now we have selected a group of reliable talents from the main city and five satellite cities, and trained them. Through the training process, we have selected suitable candidates. You have seen some of them before, but they can assist the doll to carry out the first phase experiment of the heaven program, At the very least, they have to be those with stable second stage ability. "

"At that time, they will have the keys of the four signal towers, which will play a vital role in the experiment."

Han Bing said with a smile: "for such an experiment, the expert team headed by Professor Bai has already considered all aspects. We don't need to worry about the arrangement of the experiment. We just need to ensure that the whole experiment goes on as usual."

Lu Xin can't help but feel a little stunned: "then what do I do?"

Han Bing couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Since the last meeting, she seems to be more and more lively in front of Lu Xin

"How to prove that a place or project is safe?"

"That is, the security guard doesn't have to do anything..."

"So what we hope for most now is that Mr. Shan Bing won't have to do anything at that time..."


Lu Xin sighed. What Han Bing said is very reasonable.

It seems that in all the jobs, the security guard is the most unfit to compete for performance.

Although it's easy to say, Teqing Department obviously attaches great importance to this matter.

In a short period of two days, Lu Xin worked out detailed and meticulous plans one by one. As the protector of the core of the experiment, all his plans and arrangements were simply as follows: "keep the doll..."

"Tut tut..."

Lu Xin could not help sighing.

If it goes on like this, I can apply for the job of babysitter team leader.

I heard that they are well paid.

At noon the next day, someone sent a list of four helpers who had been selected.

They are: drunkard, watchdog, Rohan, and godmother.

Seeing that there was no gecko, Lu Xin was somewhat surprised and asked Han Bing once.

Han Bing was also very helpless and said: "originally, everyone had high hopes for Mr. gecko. After all, although he was glib, his task completion rate was very high and very reliable. But this time, he still failed. We wanted to take this opportunity to trick him into strengthening in the second stage, but he still refused, He had to be transferred to other projects... "

Lu Xin nodded secretly, so this is another victory between gecko and Teqing?

In addition, the reasons for several other people's failure were also clarified. Either they were not stable enough to enter the second stage after evaluation, or they were still young, such as bear child. Everyone agreed that it was better for them to go back to school.

We can get back in time and catch up with the final exam.


In the evening of the next day, Lu Xin went to the experimental base by helicopter.

The experimental base is not far away from Qinggang, about 200 kilometers, a sea area not far from the coastline.

It was Professor Bai who brought them here for the convenience of experiment.

After all, the advantage of maritime countries is that their gathering place is made up of several huge ships, which is convenient for activities.

I've heard the legend of a maritime country many times before, but when Lu Xin saw the floating country with his own eyes, he felt a little shocked. He saw that it was a maritime country built up of seven huge transformed ships and 100 small ships, which were closely intertwined. From a distance, he could see that the sea country was a sea country, It's like an island on the sea.

"This is the maritime country..."

Han Bing quietly introduced to Lu Xin: "the original maritime country has a larger area and more ships. Hundreds of thousands of people live together on the sea, and several small islands have been cleared up. It is a real maritime country. However, after Qinggang took over, we have taken over the healthy women, children, old and weak of the maritime country to the temporary No. 6 Satellite City camp, They were isolated. "

"Coupled with the special pollution of shangguo in Shanghai, a large number of people died and many useless ships were abandoned."

"So the maritime states we see now are much smaller than at first."

"There are only a few hundred thousand people who survived..."


Lu Xin listened carefully and observed carefully.

He had known for a long time that the country on the sea was seriously polluted. However, when he saw the appearance of the people on board, he could not help feeling some surprise. This country is not only seriously polluted, it can be said that it is tragic.

More than 100000 people, it's easy to say. When you think about it, what a huge number should it be?

Lu Xin quickly felt it intuitively.



As the helicopter got closer, he could see the figures like ants on the boats.

These people are all young men. They live on the sea all the year round. Their skin is tanned and their clothes are simple. Many of them are just wrapped around their bodies. There are broken wine bottles, fishing nets and so on.

Most of the boats are rusty and ragged, dirty and mottled, but extremely strong.

The men on the deck sat lazily on the deck, numb and wooden.

When the sun is burning, I don't know how to avoid it, as if I have lost the ability to perceive the outside world.

Among them, there are even a lot of dead people who are thrown away at random, like ragged pockets.

There are circling seabirds in the air, which fall down from time to time. They are eating flesh and blood on the dead bodies, and the terrible wounds are exposed to the sun. The dark and thick blood flows into one. However, the people around them seem to have been used to being associated with these rotten bodies and meat eating seabirds, I didn't even bother to reach out for a drive.

Fortunately, it's still winter, and the rot is not serious. Otherwise, the plague may have spread in a large area.

Lu Xin looked at all of them with a thrill: "how come there are so many corpses?"

Han Bing gently shook his head and said, "I'm starving."

Lu Xin was a little surprised.

Han Bing explained: "the people in these maritime countries who have been polluted will become more and more lazy, or decadent and numb. They only have that kind of song in their hearts, only look forward to the carnival when the song comes, and they lose interest in everything, not to mention fishing, and even the food is around them, and they don't bother to take it. This continues, More and more people die of starvation. "

"Just a week ago, we helped them clear a batch of dead bodies."

"What Mr. Shan Bing sees now is a group of people who have recently starved to death in this week."


Lu Xin even felt that such a situation was difficult to understand.

However, he soon saw a scene to help him better understand the matter.


When his helicopter was about to land, four or five helicopters on several ships belonging to Qinggang flew up. They crossed the sky over the maritime country, and then they dropped sealed plastic bags one by one like rain.

Looking closely, it's all food, including bread, ham, small bottles of purified water and so on.

The food fell on the deck and cabin top of the sea, and some of it fell directly on the men of the sea country, even on their arms. However, they were lazy and seemed to ignore it. After a long time, some people slowly picked it up. Tearing open the package and swallowing slowly and mechanically, you can't see any satisfied expression in this process.

I'm hungry, but I'm not interested in food. After a few mouthfuls, I put it aside.

Some people's lips are dry and peeling because of lack of water, but they are not interested in the pure water at hand.

The eyes are numb and empty, as if they have lost their soul.



Lu Xin was slightly silent.

He finally understood the seriousness of the pollution of the maritime country.

It's a dead country, and it's even beginning to rot.