"Doctor, I'm not lying. I'm going crazy..."

On an old building, in a narrow office hung with "psychological counseling", Li Mengmeng looked at the psychiatrist in a white coat and a pair of glasses across the desk, trembling nervously: "from that day on, I never dare to see my best friend again. I'm real. I feel like I've been targeted by something, that person, He... "

"It's terrible, really, it's terrible."


"Ha ha, don't be nervous. You are in a very common situation."

The psychologist pushed his glasses with a smile, looked at the document in front of him and said, "are you going to graduate soon?"

Li Mengmeng nodded: "yes, but..."

"This is it..."

The psychologist said with a smile: "it's normal for you to have a job and a family when you just graduate. But you don't have to worry about it. There are still a lot of jobs now. You should pay attention to your emotions and don't put so much pressure on yourself..."

"No, really not..."

Li Mengmeng interrupted the psychiatrist and bit his lips.

She couldn't help thinking of all kinds of strange things that had happened in the past two days.

When that night, she ran out of her best friend's house all night, she never dared to see her again.

But the next day, my best friend called me as if nothing had happened and asked me what's wrong. She also came to see herself.

Scared to hang up the phone, my best friend called her parents again, still a little angry.

That kind of nightmare like scene, let her have no spirit all day.

At dinner in the evening, I still have no appetite. My father bought a stew of spareribs for himself, but I can't eat it.

"Oh, it's normal for good sisters to quarrel. They always have to eat..."

Dad filled her with a bowl and insisted on handing it to her.

"I really don't want to eat it. You can eat it..."

Li Mengmeng said, planning to go back to the room to lie for a while.


Before she could react, suddenly the bowl hit the table heavily, and the soup and ribs splashed all over her body.

Li Mengmeng looked up in horror and saw his father, who was usually kind and smiling, looking at himself with a gloomy face and saying coldly:

"Refuse me, the consequence is very serious..."


Li Mengmeng was scared to sweat and fell down.

She had a high fever. She was weak and weak. She slept all day and woke up several times. She didn't even dare to see her father. Fortunately, there is a mother to take care of themselves, while using a wet towel to cool themselves, while scolding his father temper, but also cooking porridge for themselves to drink.

"How does it smell so bad?"

When feeding porridge, my mother suddenly smelled it and said with a smile, "haven't you changed your clothes for several days?"

Li Mengmeng remembered that he had not changed clothes for two days.

She blushed and asked her mother to bring her underwear to her.

My mother found her underwear in the cupboard, holding it with both hands and laughing to change it for herself.

"You go out first. I'll change it myself."

Li Mengmeng begged her mother, but her mother said with a smile: "what's embarrassing in front of her mother, I'm going to take it off..."

The more he said that, the more embarrassed Li Mengmeng was. He pushed his mother out quickly.

But in her sazhe Jiao, but did not notice that her mother's face, I do not know when the low down.


She suddenly threw her underwear on Li Mengmeng's body, and then grabbed her hair, close to her face. Her eyes were red and full of blood. It was impossible to describe the greed, anger and cat catching mouse like banter in her eyes.

"Do you know..."

Her voice with a kind of gloomy smile: "refuse me, the consequences are very serious..."

At that moment, Li Mengmeng's brain was blank and his heart almost stopped beating.

Looking at her mother's gloomy face, she suddenly remembered the man she had rejected in the coffee shop.

Finally, there was a scream that could not be controlled.

Dad broke into the house and saw the overturned bowl, as well as the mother at a loss.



"Doctor, please help me. Now my family almost feel that I am insane..."

"But, but I really saw it..."


The more Li Mengmeng thought about it, the more nervous he became, and subconsciously grasped the sleeve of the psychologist.

"Oh, don't be nervous..."

The psychiatrist looked down at Li Mengmeng's hand and said with a smile, "I've told you that now you are under too much psychological pressure and your mental weakness is too serious. It's just that you need professional people to help you with psychological counseling, ok..."

His eyes with gold glasses fell on Li Mengmeng.

He slowly swam down and swept Li Mengmeng's figure, with a slight smile on his face

"In the evening, I'll treat you to dinner first, and then..."



Li Mengmeng was so scared that he shivered all over and pulled back his palm.

She looked at the psychiatrist with some surprise. She had a bad feeling in her heart, but she was not sure.


The psychiatrist sorted out his white coat and looked at Li Mengmeng slowly: "are you sure?"

"If you refuse me, the consequences will be very serious..."



Li Mengmeng made a scream full of panic and despair.

She quickly rushed down the stairs, two hands hard to cover the ears, feel the whole world has been crazy.

She rushed to the street, the most crowded place, tears can not control the flow down.

She didn't dare to go home or get in touch with her best friend.

She was full of panic, but she didn't know where to go.

In the vision blurred by tears, she saw one pedestrian after another around her, which was like looking at a madman.


There is a voice behind, but it is a kind little girl, looking at her with concern.

Li Mengmeng was full of gratitude. Suddenly, the little girl changed her smile and looked at her with some gloomy eyes

"Now, do you know the consequences of rejecting me?"


"Ah... Don't come here..."

Li Mengmeng screamed again and kept retreating.

At this time, the people who pass by suddenly have some strange movements.

Most of them are still indifferent, quickly around the past, but from time to time someone fiercely close to themselves, whispering:

"Refuse me, the consequence is very serious..."

After saying this, they have already gone away, but another person, unexpectedly, comes near again

"Do you understand the consequences of rejecting me?"


Li Mengmeng screamed and looked at the different faces, but the same expression appeared.

They borrow by different mouth, Yin ruthless say to her: "bitch, still don't understand?"

"You can't refuse me. You've been mine since I started staring at you..."

"I want you to submit to me..."

"I want you to put away that disgusting expression and kneel down to beg me..."


"Who are you..."

"Please let me go..."

Li Mengmeng's voice has been hoarse, covered by a dense fear.

Her hair was messy and her body was soft. She squatted on the street and cried desperately, crying and crying.

If reason is like a thread, then the thread is constantly being impacted, and it has reached the time of extreme vulnerability. She will not even say anything else. She just squats on the ground and cries, shouting: "please forgive me, please forgive me..."

All the pedestrians around looked at her from a distance and did not dare to approach her.

Only in the crowd, occasionally there will be a cold face appeared, and then quickly disappeared.

Li Mengmeng's cry became weak, and the collapse may only be in the next second.

But also at this time, a hand on Li Mengmeng's shoulder.

Li Mengmeng screamed in fright and sat down on the ground, crawling backward and looking at the people in front of him.

It was a young man sitting on a motorcycle with one leg on the ground. He looked ordinary, just like the office workers everywhere in the satellite city. He looked at himself quietly, holding a tissue in his hand and handed it to him.

Li Mengmeng was afraid of everyone and didn't dare to get close to him.

But a smile appeared on the young man's face. He stepped off the bracket of the motorcycle, leaned over and handed the paper towel to Li Mengmeng.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you!"

His smile was warm and he said softly, "it's going to be ok now."