Before gecko analysis, if these people dare to hide here, they may collude with the armed forces in this town.

Therefore, although the safest way now is to catch people with their cooperation after communicating with the sheriff in this town, it would be better to catch them before the sheriff comes to prevent them from secretly protecting those people.

"Hey, the other party may have three capable people..."

Gecko listen to Lu Xin's words, can't help but a little flustered, quickly called out.

But before his voice came down, Lu Xin, like a civet cat, chased out of the window where the man in the red suit ran away. He was so angry that the gecko shook his head: "Alas, the team leader is in the state too soon..."

He pointed to the other people in the room and cried, "don't move, I'll kill you again!"

"Brother, do you think I can still have the courage to move now?"

No one answered him, the rough man was almost scared to pee, and the two bunnies were full of rain.

"That's right..."

Gecko responded and put away the pistol with a smile.

Righting a chair and sitting down, he looked at the slim bunny on the right and said with a smile, "how old are you?"

Then he looked at the plump bunny on the left and said with a bad smile, "you are not small..."


There was a rush of footsteps outside, and a group of people rushed in with guns.

"Ha ha, don't get excited. I don't want to kill you..."

Gecko quickly raised his hand, let them look at their hands of the gun and dagger, a face of amiable smile.



Lu Xin rushed out of the window and immediately looked around.

In a twinkling of an eye, I saw the outside of the window, inclined to the west, the man in the red suit, was quickly turning a intersection. He immediately looked up to the side, and saw that his mother was carrying a small satchel, gently standing beside a small yard, smiling. Just her eyes, looking at is not that intersection, but another alley.

Lu Xin nodded his head, took his sister's hand, and got rid of gravity. He climbed up the wall of the alley with his hands and feet, and quickly drove forward. After passing the narrow alley, he saw a warehouse with an open door.

It took Lu Xin only a second or two to rush to the warehouse 20 meters away.

Mother was outside the warehouse, smiling at Lu Xin: "be careful!"

Lu Xin nodded and rushed into the warehouse.


Just as he rushed into the warehouse, he suddenly heard the sound of the iron pipe turning.

Immediately, there are four places, there are intense flashing red light.

Countless bullets shot out at the door of the warehouse where Lu Xin was.

With the flashing red light, you can even see that on the second floor of the warehouse, there are three burly men squatting in different positions, pulling the trigger with no expression on their faces. Behind them, the man who has taken off his red suit has put on his helmet, riding on a tall and heavy motorcycle, and is exerting the accelerator

Obviously, although Lu Xin came very quickly and abruptly, he was well prepared.

After Lu Xin chases out of the window, he arranges another person to mislead Lu Xin and lead him in the wrong direction.

After catching up with the warehouse, he also arranged for three shooters to snipe Lu Xin, while he ran away by bike.

Originally, Lu Xin and gecko speculated that the spiritual reformers around him had consumed almost all of them. But now, there are at least six or seven spiritual reformers around him. I don't know how he made them in such a short time.

Three multi barrel rotary machine guns aimed at Lu Xin in three positions, and the bullets interweaved into a fan.

The sudden shooting submerged Lu Xin in an instant.

It seems that the scene at the intersection of Jiujiang in Satellite City No.2 reappears.



Crackle, crackle

The roaring bullet, with a pungent smell of gunpowder, hit the ground where Lu Xin was standing.

The cement land was uncovered piece by piece, tearing a big hole in an instant.

But Lu Xin didn't show up where the bullets landed. As early as when the other side shot, Lu Xin jumped up and climbed forward on the ceiling with both hands and feet. When the three shooters responded, Lu Xin had already climbed half way.

If they aim their guns at Lu Xin on the ceiling again, it will take at least more than a second.

And this time is enough for Lu Xin to rush behind them.



Lu Xin had suffered a loss before and was pointed at by five multi barrel rotary machine guns.

That time, he was saved by his mother's protection.

This time, he was reminded by his mother that he was twice as careful.

Spiders are not likely to be forced into a dead corner as long as they are prepared in advance.



"Spider line..."

When Lu Xin climbed up to the ceiling, the man in red suit, who was already on the motorcycle and was ready to start, narrowed his eyes. He instantly estimated the time when Lu Xin came to him and knew that he could not escape easily.

So he suddenly turned his head, staring at Lu Xin who was climbing from the ceiling, and made an action.

He raised his left hand and grabbed his throat.

With the fire from the muzzle of the multi barrel rotary machine gun, we can see that Lu Xin's movements on the ceiling suddenly become strange. He used to climb here with his hands and feet, but suddenly raised his left hand and pinched his throat.



"The second ability of puppetry: forced imitation!"

In involuntarily raised the left hand to grip own throat, Lu Xin in the mind then already flashed this idea.

That's one of the abilities of the puppet system described in the materials.

Puppets can't control normal people freely, but when they concentrate, they can force each other to imitate one of their own movements. The scope of influence should be between five and ten meters, and the number of people affected can reach up to three.

A case is also recorded in the data.

Once there was a puppet capable person, holding an empty gun, pointing at his temple and shooting.

As a result, three opponents shot themselves at the same time.

Anxiously, Lu Xin would not strangle himself with his left hand.

But now he's climbing on the ceiling, and after that, he's going down.

Below him, however, were the bullets of the multi barrel machine gun, which were interwoven into a torrent.




If the gecko is really coming, there may be no way to resist it at this time.

But Lu Xin is not. He has a sister.

As he sank down, he had already whispered.

In the roar of bullets, his voice was so low that most people couldn't hear him, but my sister could hear it naturally. So she turned over happily, stretched out a small hand, held Lu Xin, who was jumping down, and swung forward with her strength.

Lu Xin, who had fallen into the air, threw himself directly towards the other end of the warehouse, looking like he was flying.


In the light of the gunfire, Lu Xin falls behind one of the shooters.

His body is strange and sharp. In a moment, he has grasped the shoulder of the person on the far left. Then the body of this spiritual transformation person is obviously twisted like burnt plastic. Both the arms and the body become crooked and twisted, and the skewness of the body affects his movements. The machine gun in his arms points to his companion in a strange posture.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa

A burst of gunfire rang, and the two spiritual reformers were beaten in a mess.

Lu Xin turned his head and looked at the side door of the warehouse.

The man in the red suit, riding on the motorcycle, looked at him in horror.

Lu Xin slowly let go of his spiritual reformer, slowly straightened up and showed him a brilliant smile.

"You can't aim your gun at me every time..."