Among the chaotic shopping malls, Lu Xin's speed has increased to the fastest. His feet lightly stepped on the walls, railings, and slowly running escalators, and his body leaped. He rushed to the chaotic crowds in today's shopping malls. With each shot down, he hit a man or a woman's leg joints and dislocated them easily.

After dislocation, they had to climb, and some of them didn't care about anything else. They just hugged their legs and cried.

Because the force is extremely accurate, it should be easy to take it back afterwards, but it may be sour for a few days.

When meeting someone who might have been in love while shopping in the mall, and being affected at the same time, he broke his legs and looked for the shops around him. One of them was sent into the shop, then quickly pulled down the fence door, and the other was locked outside.

Seeing one of them crying outside the iron fence and the other shouting inside, Lu Xin felt that his work was very meaningful.

In this chaotic crowd, it's easy to distinguish who is affected and who is just panicking. At this time, those who are affected are frantically running to their lovers, or chasing each other, or holding each other tightly, while those who are not affected are obviously scared, or just running to find a way out, Or they're hiding.

It's crackling.

Lu Xin did not know how many legs she had broken in just a few minutes.

I don't know how many lovers I have broken up. They are embracing each other enthusiastically, sweet enough to stink.

I don't know why, when I do these rescue actions, I feel inexplicably good.

Maybe it's because I'm saving their lives

Anyway, it's definitely not because I haven't had a girlfriend since I can remember!



Under his unusual speed and precision strike, this shopping mall quickly stopped. Although there were a series of cries and cries everywhere, the running figures were suddenly invisible, reducing a lot of danger.

Lu Xin finished these, but also quickly out of the mall, looking at the four directions.

Nowadays, the whole satellite city of No.2 is shrouded in all kinds of sudden mental pollution events and is in chaos.

You can see people on the street who are on their way with fanatical expressions, and you can see people chasing or embracing around you.

Without Han Bing's reminding, he rushed up and went on with his work.

The job is to break the legs of all lovers.

During this period, there were some slight mistakes. Most of the people who had been broken by Lu Xin only lay on the ground and screamed with pain. It seemed that the sharp pain from their legs temporarily overcame their fanatical impulse to find their lover. Moreover, even if they wanted to crawl without treatment, they were slow, Second, the pain keeps them awake from time to time.

In this case, it is rare to question what Lu Xin is doing.

Only when a fat man and a fat girl were hugging and kissing, Lu Xin had broken one leg and pushed them into two shops on the roadside. Just as he was about to lock the door, he heard the fat man shouting: "what are you doing with me?"

Lu Xin was a little surprised: "are you not polluted?"

"What pollution?"

Fat man scolded: "the end of the world, my girlfriend and I last kiss in your way?"


Lu Xin didn't know how to answer, so he said seriously, "kiss, what do you want to put your hand in someone's arms?"

Said, quickly climbed up the floor to leave.

"Do you care if I reach out?"

The fat man scolded bitterly for a long time, then suddenly responded: "that man can climb the wall just now? Spider man

"Why does Spiderman use sticks?"

"Shaolin spider man?"


The scene is very chaotic. Lu Xin must be very fast.

But it doesn't wait for him to clean up this area completely to make sure that no polluters are fleeing.

He noticed that the crazy crowd around him suddenly changed a little.

Because it is a shopping mall and a densely populated residential area, there are many couples and couples here. After being affected, they have been crazily hugging each other and kissing each other with the greatest enthusiasm.

It's a very fanatical look.

But all of a sudden, their crazy action stopped.

Because there are many people, at this moment at the same time stop their fanatical action, resulting in a strange picture.

That kind of fanaticism seems to have suddenly faded from them, replaced by a strange calm.

They separated a little bit, looked at each other seriously, and then smile.

After that, they seem to see something in each other's eyes, hold hands, turn and walk.

Their movements were soft and pleasant, and their faces were very firm and happy.

Some have re entered the shopping mall, while others have entered the nearby buildings.

It looks like entering the palace of marriage.



"What's the matter?"

Lu Xin is still holding a flagpole in his hand, but in the face of this change, he doesn't know how to deal with it for a moment. Do you want to fight?

"Individual, report what you saw at the scene."

Han Bing's voice is on the channel.

Through the camera, she can observe some scenes.

But when Lu Xin moved so fast, the camera kept shaking so fast that she couldn't see clearly.

Lu Xin reacted and reported truthfully: "they seem to have suddenly become less crazy and calmed down... It's a kind of extraordinary calmness. I see that they go to different places, most of them go into high buildings, or..."

When he said that, his pupils suddenly shrank and he looked at a tall building in the northwest corner: "not good!"

Without waiting for Han Bing to ask, he rushed in that direction and said, "there are people standing on the edge of the building..."

Han Bing's voice suddenly became extremely calm. It seems that the girl is trying her best to separate her panic and consternation, so as to facilitate her calm analysis: "it's 32 minutes since the sudden pollution source incident broke out in Wanzhong shopping mall. Please confirm that these groups are trying to jump off the building, Is it a group that has been polluted twice before? "

Lu Xin rushed in that direction, but after only a few steps, he stopped.

Because he saw that the couple standing on the front edge of the building, who looked like they were in their early twenties, were sunny and handsome, while the girls were lovely. They held each other's hands, looked at each other silently and laughed, and took a step outside the building

Lu Xin could only watch them fall to the ground like kites.

He noticed that even if they fell, they still held hands.


"Individual soldiers, please confirm whether these groups who are trying to jump from the building are those who have been polluted twice before?"

Han Bing's anxious voice rang out on the channel, bringing Lu Xin back to reality.

So he could only force himself to withdraw his eyes from the corpse and quickly swept a couple who entered the high-rise building not far away. He thought that just now, they were standing on the roof of a car with passion, hugging and kissing each other

So he nodded, "yes!"

"It is reasonable to suspect that the secondary pollution group of 096 special pollution event has begun to mutate..."

Han Bing's voice clearly trembled, trying to stabilize: "there is not enough evidence to infer, but it is very likely that..."

After a pause, she whispered: "martyrdom!"

"What does that mean?"

When Lu Xin listened to her, she had already rushed into the building next to her.

He took out the flagpole, and the couple who had gone upstairs hand in hand had been dislocated.

And his voice, still as calm as possible to ask.

"It's a kind of self destruction tendency of subconscious choice after emotional distortion to the extreme..."

Han Bing's voice trembled: "we guessed right before, because the spiritual level of the core pollution source is not enough, and there is not enough time for the secondary pollution group to deeply infect and assimilate, so there is no problem of the third stage pollution transmission again..."

"But the problem will still arise, that is to create chaos through the mass death of secondary pollution groups..."


Lu Xin quietly listen, after a long time, just low scold a: "fuck!"