Chapter 62 - A Taste? [Part 2]

Name:Silver Haired Author:Dy_zamite
I gasped when he yanked my legs apart, his orbs still on me.

"Close your eyes"

"W-Why?" I asked with a gulp.

"You're all red already when I haven't even started yet"

Was I blushing that hard? Oh, goddesses how won't I? Especially when I had no idea what he was about to do.

"Relax Wife I won't take off your towel so that we will be even"

I bit my lip, my chest rose and fell. He tilts his head to the side watching me like I was an appetizing sight he couldn't wait to have.

My body was shaken as I slowly closed my eyes, the anticipation filling my body increased as I await, I heard just the water move, he was moving, I bit my lip.

I felt my legs move upwards and straddled on his shoulder, I wanted so badly to open my eyes.

"Keep those eyes close"

I obeyed, biting my lip more, I felt his lips against my thighs, soft gentle kisses he gave, a sigh escaped my lips as I got drunk in the slow appealing feeling, I felt my toes curled, that spot was overly sensitive and it made me ache for more.

"Ce... Ah!" I gasped out loud when I felt his lips at my core, my eyes flashed open and what I saw made my heart skip a loud bit, the movement of his head between my legs, locked within, I was in awe and confusion.

"AH!", it came louder this time as my head moved backward, my breath in a rasp as Cedric devoured softly, I didn't know what was happening but I didn't want it to stop.

The feel of his tongue, the movement and sucking, a very slow and appealing action I couldn't take it, it was way further from where he used his fingers, this was staggering.

"Cedric!", one of hand found his hair, the other steadied my body, dear gods his hair felt like heaven, the moist, the silkiness, I couldn't stop running my fingers within them.

His pace increased and then I screamed, lost and drunk in pleasure, he wasn't slow anymore, he wasn't gentle he was wild and powerful, devouring me like I was the only bit of essence left, all I could do was call his name like a song, his name filled my lips the only thing I could think of, my brain was shut off other thoughts, all I saw was ecstasy and the feel of his mouth and tongue within me.

My breath got raspier and wild, the only sound that filled the bathhouse, along with me moaning his name, a pent up pleasure built within me, arising, his pace got crazier and more wicked the feeling within increasing by tenfold more than I could contain, he continued that same pace as I lost it.

I screamed ever so loudly as the release washed upon me like a wave, I was so loud but I didn't care who heard nor cared at this point, the release didn't stop because Cedric didn't come to a halt either as I endlessly went over it, over and over again, he gave me pleasure nonstop and more than my body could bear or contain, I was exhausted and my waist was tingling with the aftereffect of all the release.

Dear goddess, he didn't stop yet, his wild actions continued and then I screamed once again with the last release and my body gave out, not able to take anymore.


Cedric caught her before she fell off the platform, her body was exhausted, her harsh breath didn't reduce, her body was covered in sweat. Maybe he might have gone too far, her body couldn't take it all at once, he haven't had it yet because the moment he tasted her he was drunk in her essence unable to contain the wildness within him, he wanted to be gentle and loving with her but he couldn't control himself as he ravished her like a mad man, this silver-haired will surely be the death of him, he needed to figure out a way to control himself, aside for his beastly hunger, he carved this woman damn too much that he couldn't oversee it.

He should remember she was fragile and he have to be easy with her in time to come, let him see how it goes.

He couldn't take his eyes off her as she tried to catch her breath, even covered in sweat and her silver hair in a bun all messy, she was still a shimmering beauty, he watch as the pace slowed coming back to normal but he could still tell how exhausted she was. Her eyes slowly opened, she blushed so hard as she met his gaze, ever so shy even after they have broken more than one boundary.

He couldn't help a faint smile that crossed his lips, she truly was a sweet creature.

She shift uncomfortably in pain, the realization struck him, her ankle must still hurt after all the movement, fuck! he forgot about that, seems like the pain just increased for she had been ignoring it in their sessions.

"Cramp!" she exclaimed.

She must have tried to stiffen the leg when it pained her and got cramp as a result.

She winced in pain, he didn't like when she was in pain.

"Let me," Cedric said softly, taking her leg in his hand, thankfully the bathwater remained warm.

His full concentration was on it as he dip her ankle within, messaging it gently.

He still made sure he held her steady, for she was still exhausted, her body still haven't recovered from what happened.

"Better?" he asked turning his gaze at her.

She held a look of confusion and awe, it got him curious, she quickly pushed it aside with a nod, but Cedric knew something was still lingering, she always thinks too much, he pondered what always went on in that little head of hers.

She groaned slightly but in relief, the cramp must have released.

"T-Thank you," she said shyly not meeting his gaze.

"Is there something you want to ask?" he knew something ate her up, he wanted to know what bothered her, what made her uncomfortable so that he can eliminate them all.