Needless to say, the base was greatly renovated the next day... According to a contractor, the interior of the base was quite chaotic, there were traces of lightning everywhere, and basically there was no intact item.

Everyone wondered if there was another alien invasion and had a fight with Thor.

Especially when sol left the next day, he was accidentally photographed by reporters with his blue and red face swollen, this inference became more and more true.

A few days later, Hao Yun stayed at the base bored and did not dare to go out, let alone go to school.

These days, instead of reducing the heat of light notes, they are becoming more and more famous. Turn on the TV, and all the news channels are reporting their views on the light note. Interview passers-by, interview stars, interview celebrities... Anyway, the light note has become a national idol for countless people to revel.

Of course, Tony didn't foolishly watch his reputation earned by others. He quickly launched a new ark reactor in the name of light note, completely replacing electricity and becoming the world's largest energy supply group~

Sitting on the sofa, Hao Yun watched the interview on TV... Indeed, it had a great change from the plot he knew in his previous life.

"Although the incident just confirmed as an alien invasion has caused huge losses, this group of non-governmental organizations regarded as superheroes have brought comfort..."

"It's good to have them. You know, it's a very happy thing that someone can protect us..."

"I love you, sol! ~"

"Shave me an iron man's beard..."

On TV, there are all hymns praising the light note... All over the world, there are all kinds of children who want to be superheroes.

But the most important thing is that no one, no politician, is shouting that superheroes should be responsible for the city.

It can be said that Tony's policy of dividing superheroes into non-governmental organizations without special invitation has won the hearts of many people.

The strong guard, the strong do not trample on the weak at will, and do not participate in any war, which itself is a very perfect thing.

Tony has prepared for the super British act in advance, even more stringent than the requirements of the super British act. This is also the biggest reason why countries did not pursue Avengers after the war.

Hao Yun touched his chin. Well, I feel very good now. World peace is not dangerous.

Except for the Hydra hidden in the s.h.i.e.l.d., there should be no super villains in the world for the time being without any action of the hydra.

Well, Gu Yi is still leading his Kama Taj mages against Outland demons. The temple in New York has not been opened for a long time. So, since I have nothing to do and can't go to school, why don't I consider traveling to other planets or other worlds?

When he opened the mall, Hao Yun was pleased to find that the world he needed finally appeared in the world refreshed today~

"System mall refreshes the world: Naruto, covering the sky! ~"

Don't think about it. I dare not go to cover the sky. I pull the coffin in Kowloon and fight against the way of heaven. The cheapest items in it cost tens of thousands of points... I can't afford it and dare not go.

Well, I'm still young. Next time, next time

Naruto, this is the most suitable world to explore if you want to improve your strength. There are strange ninja skills, powerful wooden Dun, and various bloodstain limits... Even if you don't use them, it's good to take them back and give them to others~

Think about it. Iron man must be able to put a threat on his armor; Hawk is worthy of immortality; Natasha opened her mouth and spit out a fireball; Captain Lei Dun protects himself and travels thousands of miles... Coupled with Tony's extraordinary mind to speed up chakra's storage, taking it back can definitely bring great changes to the MCU world~

At that time, even if mieba leads the army to fight, it can't compete with a group of xuneng, can it?

"System, how can I go to the fire shadow world?"

"The world's top materials and blood of Huoying are not tradable. If the host wants to get them, he needs to go through the world of Huoying to complete the task of providing materials and blood.

Does the host have anything to buy? "

"Er... I want Mu Dun Ninja! ~"

"Mu Dun Ninja is provided by the master of thousand hands. The master's task is to save Zi Lai and catch the behind the scenes of the fire shadow world in advance~

After the task is completed, the host can automatically obtain the inheritance of wooden Dun ninja and 10000 check-in points.

"Accept task?"

"System, I ask you, can I bring back the items I obtained in the mission world?"

"You can't bring it back, but the purchase points of items in the fire shadow world will be reduced to one tenth of the original points."

"One tenth..."

Hao yunba smashes his tongue and looks at the items in the fire shadow world... The most expensive item is San gouyu's wheel eye, 1000 points, with the ability of independent evolution... 100 points for one tenth?

No matter how expensive the kaleidoscope is, it can't be more than 10000? So, you can basically buy all the items you want to buy with 10000 points for completing the task?

So you should make a lot of money? After all, items purchased from the system can conform to the world rules and will not cause damage.

Otherwise, what if, what if a chakra tree is planted in MCU?

Tony's little uncle doesn't have a criminal record. The boy did it~

"System, time ratio?"

"The ratio of task time to real time is 10:1, but the body age will increase as the body grows up."

"10 to 1? It seems that I really can't stay in the fire shadow world for too long! ~ but it's okay. I know everything in the fire shadow world is dirty. Nothing is easier than making trouble with the Yellow Dragon! ~"

But apparently Hao Yun forgot that his current strength is not the strongest in the fire shadow world~ At most, it's just shadow power.

(PS: the world power of fire and shadow is divided into lower forbearance, middle forbearance, especially upper forbearance, upper forbearance, elite upper forbearance, shadow level, Super Shadow level and six levels. The six levels basically reach the strength of MCU heavenly Father level! ~)

Hao Yun, who had made up his mind, went out and told his little uncle Tony to tell his mother angel that he was going to an alien wave. Before Tony came, he locked the fire shadow world and actively contacted the system to accept the task.

"System, accept the task! ~"

"Mission accepted successfully, open the heaven portal! ~"

Deep in his consciousness, a dark door slowly opened... In reality, Hao Yun's body flashed and completely disappeared from the room.

At the moment, Huoying world, Muye village... Just finished the graduation examination, sitting on the swing and worrying about how he failed to pass the exam, a man suddenly appeared in front of Naruto.